Humble enough to cast your cares on God

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If you have a Bible open up to 1st Peter chapter 5.

My original aim was to get into talking about what Peter does on the devil though. I realize this is going to be a three maybe four parts teaching in that area and I quite frankly don't have the time to take us through that because I'm taking off for Disneyland in like 45 minutes. So yeah, amen. So so we're going to do this morning is as I was reading through the section of scripture and was spending time. We're going to look at the Devil and all that and a couple of weeks and be fantastic. It's going to be great. I'm really looking forward to it being all together the time the attention and the care that it needs have been prepping for those sermons that are coming down the pipe for us, but I didn't want to give you guys a two-week break or you went G, that's great, but you're not going to land This Plane for like a month and a half now, so we're in trouble so I didn't want to leave you there. However, we're going to be looking at is still coming out of 1st Peter and I just want to review guys from Verse 5 chapter 5 likewise you who are younger be subject to the elders. We spent two weeks talking about Elders here. Just these last two weeks clothe yourselves all of you with humility toward one another clothe yourselves with humility toward one another then cheater goes on and says for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. You know, when God is your enemy keep roses the proud gives grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God the first humble yourselves towards one another second. He says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you passing all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. Spell quick. Thank you for your word. Thank you for the hope that is placed in this scripture that we have God that is not distant. And we have a God who doesn't turn his eyes away from us with a god that actually hears our cries and is back in Des called us to cast your cares on you. I asked if we would allow that reality to resent itself in our hearts today. Never been humble ourselves to a degree that we can actually come before you and truly do that. Or working after the scripture in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. This morning when I open up with a very important question. in life Do you expect turmoil and conflict?

In life, do you expect turmoil and conflict? Because if you do not you're going to have a hard time participating in this life in any capacity. You can have a hard time in any relationship that you enter into a hard time being and family a hard time. If you're married being married a hard time with friends a hard time at work and even a hard time in your church. You're going to have a hard time personally because troubles trials and conflict are part of this present life. If you don't expect conflict in when you run into conflict guess what happens it catches You by surprise. Why did this happen? How could they do that to me? And then how are you going to person to respond to that? However, if you expect conflict in this life, it doesn't mean problems are all of a sudden Pleasant. we're act differently it shifts from How could you to Wow you went this long without doing that to me? And it changes something with anise you expect turmoil and trouble and problems in Conflict to come. It's going to change how you respond CS Lewis says expectations are everything it before I lead you into a room in this is his example, I say that before we get into this room. Let me just tell you about this room. It's the honeymoon suite. What did I just do I set up an expectation for you. If you walk into a room that are described as the honeymoon suite you're definitely not expecting a single bed. I got to be far more plush and luxurious. How do you say okay, let me see this and you walk into this room and it's not what you expect. You would look at it and go this place is a dump. But if I said about that same room this isn't a honeymoon suite but I want you to realize this is a jail cell you walk in with a different expectation. You look at the room you say that's a pretty nice place expectations are the filter through what you're reading and see what happens here. You probably all had expectations of a situation a person or a circumstance and it's done Matt. However, if you hadn't had that expectation, there's a chance you would respond differently and I would say a very high chance if you didn't hold that expectation coming into the situation into this passage particularly and what's going to unfold over the next several weeks. There's some things that you if you're a follower of Jesus need to know. There be Christians who are cast down. They're many Christians who lose their peace. Lose hope because they don't expect the attacks to come on their hope and their Choi. Attacks that are inevitable but we don't know how to respond to them because we're thinking that shouldn't have happened to me. If God is for me who can be against me. How could he actually allow something to against me and stand in my way shouldn't be far easier in this life and we get anxious and stressed out and enjoying that we'll find ourselves isolated isolation the tactic of the devil the devil our adversary is real. LG thinq. Oh my goodness for so far much more modern and advanced. How could you dare believe in a devil? I just want to say you are in the vast minority of not show me history. But even of culture today the vast majority of the world believes in a spiritual Realm. Anderson it may be skewed on how they believe what they believe in a wickedness. That is actually even not just personify but is a is a wicked entity behind horrible things that happen. They also believe in different kinds of spiritual Goods. We leaving and being followers of Jesus believing in God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit and angels and all the rest is also demons and the devil and if this morning you say no it's just too outdated for me you are in the minority. And so I would invite you into this conversation. Just listen to spend some time in this one in over the next few weeks as we do end up talking about the devil, but we have a real enemy. It's not just the devil. There's also the way of the world and the Flash And the moment you became a Christian. You have more enemies than when you were a non-Christian that minute that you make peace with God instantly all of the enemies of God declare war on your life and levitation mean they're not nice enemies before you were Christian. You had one main enemy and it was a good guy. So to speak it is God you are against him whether you fully understood and knew that or not. We live our lives in such a way that we rebelled against God's and I don't need you. I don't love you there for God and myself are at odds. But he's a good enemy because he cares for you.

Also that's in Romans that while we were yet sinners that is against him Christ died for us when you became a Christian all your enemies now. Are there out to get you there out there hurt out to harm you if you don't have that expectation, you're going to get mauled in this life. You just are. Do you need to understand? If you are a Christian that you're not destroy yourself Asian the not going to pluck you out of the father's hands Jesus Christ said my own know me. I have them no one can take them out of my hand.

I'll see what they can do. They can make you totally ineffective and miserable by destroying your peace and joy and replacing it with worry and anxiety.

Heart worse worry and anxiety. Here's what we're going to look at this morning in this section of scripture. They're out there to depress you. It's you great sorrow upon sorrow

and we live in a culture today that is highly isolated highly independent and highly anxious. You probably all have a friend or two that struggle and wrestle in this area for things that go along with anxiety that we're going to actually look at this morning. First of all, we can be an anxious people anxious person because it's an actual spiritual attack. And in that Satan is lying to Seton convince you that his way is better than your way that in fact, if you go as we talked about many times of the last several weeks around God to get what you think is going to satisfy you it will indeed you just that however in doing that so you don't got I don't need you. I don't want you there's a better way to get the things. I think I need in my life is going to create an anxiety in your life and often that can be a spiritual attack. How do I know that think of Genesis chapter 3 what was the whole intent of the serpent there in the garden Eve is alone. She's isolated. And what does the serpent say? Oh God is lying to you take hold and grab because this will satisfy you. When is it that Jesus is tempted. It's when he's isolated. It's out in the wilderness. And what does the enemy say to him if he really is your father? Now after having been baptized that booming voice comes down that says this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased the enemy gets Jesus alone. And what is your question? If you're my he's your father if he's really good you could jump off a building and the angels would save you I'll give you the kingdoms of the world through and cross idea that if I can just isolate she would get you in this place the devil can spiritually attack us. And if you're a follower of Jesus to make you in effective to cause a worry to cause anxiety anxiety as well because of sin in our lives when we're not doing or going with the grain of God's good way would get off track it can cause all sorts of problems in our lives. It doesn't mean that we're less love or not forgiven or can't walk and who God has called us to walk in and to be but it will cause disruptive Ripple effects in our lives. If there is a dress these in further detail in the weeks to come. We can have anxiety. Just because of sin. Not just because of spiritual attack because of trauma that happened in our lives. If I were a lot of people set some massive events. Some huge break up a splinter of relationship. Getting fired losing a child losing a sibling losing a parent watching something horrific happen. These things can cause anxiety in our lives. We can also have anxiety because of health issues diet sleep basic nutrition. And so when we look at this idea of anxiety here this morning and worried. I want us to understand that we are a whole bean and it can't always just be one little thing in here. It can be multiple things that are taking place or it could be because you have anxiety and you're stressed out because you go to bed at 2 and get up at 6 and you eat Big Macs at lunch. And so the answer to that problem is not getting on your knees and praying but it's changing. How you sleep and how you eat, right? Same thing here with if there's been some kind of trauma what we're going to ask God to move in and intervene there probably needs to be some solutions of talking with somebody having and help you work through issues. And if you're being attacked spiritually it's going to look different how you handle those problems. And sometimes it's just a big combination of all of these different things. And what I want us to see her this morning is really essential. I'm not able to diagnose. I'm not a therapist but I do see that scripture is constantly talking about this idea of worry and anxiety Jesus. Peter mentions it Paula mansion and what I want us to see here this morning is humility is essential for dealing with her anxiety the connection between humility and not being an anxious person is presented here in this passage. And what I want to do this morning is lead us down a road that sees Jesus as our that she's Jesus as really were these roads of counseling of advice-giving of seeking Hamp. Take us to are you humble enough this morning cast your cares on God. I won't attempt to remedy anybody's problems this morning with a few verses and apathy statements. There's nothing worse than that. It's reading the Bible as an encyclopedia. When you yourself are in a place of deep anxiety and deep worry and somebody goes for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication getting our father you like gee, thanks, but I am fascinated right now. I can't even move because I'm in a panic attack great verse friend. That's not actually taking me where I need to go.

Don't scripture though does talked about anxiety and how we should handle it? Probably just reading the words. Don't worry just be happy when you're a person that struggles with anxiety is really not the kind of solution that we're looking for here this morning. Is really an anxious person that I know that says she have really like this feeling right now. I really like losing all control of my feelings and thoughts and emotions. I really like this feeling of not having any capacity to choose what I want to be doing that. I'm just completely taken over by this anxiousness that's in my body. As I said, this goes beyond my expertise. At the same time the scripture deals with it spiritually and I think that we need to also look at this problem of anxiety and anxiousness in our culture and in ourselves through a spiritual lens. If this morning is not going to be just nice technique really need counseling advice would see God Seated on the throne and we're humble enough to come to him. Is there's a problem and here's why this gets into the spiritual. When I feel anxious. And I have worry. And maybe this is just me or leaving. This is going to relate to you all but I certainly just want to shut down and close the world out. I want to do everything I can to control my environment to control my schedule to tighten the reins on anything going on in my life Weatherby through diet and food. where to get obsessive about some activity I can get uptight about how much free time is spent and it's all about control and ultimately about isolation. Anxiousness worry leads to isolation isolation is a terribly dangerous place to live in this world isolation is a place that opens ourselves up to all kinds of evil. This morning. I just want to share a brief story with you guys cuz I don't speak from a place of no worries and no problems about 5 months ago. I started having these moments. I was waking up in the middle of the night and I felt like my heart was just stopping in a gasp for breath and I'm a proud individualistic man. Who told no one anything. I just began to happen over and over and over again that I'd come to study scripture and I have these moments in begin to happen during my study time and trying to get things done. I remember some meeting before I met with my friend Scott over here and I'd come to him and say bro. I just had this like like anxiety and anxiousness and I said I like meeting with you. So it's not it's not you and I don't know what is going on cuz he shared some things with me and I was like, okay, I'm going to try to apply some this to my life and I got to the point to where one morning I gotten done with equip and staff meeting with a couple of guys that I am meet with and I got in my car. and I thought Oh, man, I got to go get my oil changed. I got one more thing I got to do when I left James's house. I felt my fingers and my toes begin to go numb and my face go ghostly white. I've passed out several times. I don't do well with needles and shots and things like that. So I know that feeling that's coming on me and I begin to think something is terribly wrong with me. I have never felt this before and I got past James's house and I got to where you see the highway and you have Home Depot there and my heart felt like it was not bleeding anymore. So I went to call my wife and I accidentally FaceTime to her. So she's getting a full visual everything going on. And I said honey. I think I'm having a heart attack and I'm dying. And I drive myself to the hospital about three miles and I throw myself on the hospital floor, and I said I'm having a heart attack. I'm dying. And they look at me and they go get up. If you go I cannot get up right now. They said sir. It is dangerous. Get up. I said I get up. I'm going to fall over and crack my head. My doctor told me keep my knees up and my body down and I'm not going to pass out, sir. Get up the bring a wheelchair over and they put me in it and I'm like half and half out and they take my blood pressure and is 60 / 30. Yeah, that's what they said and she goes you drove yourself here. Yeah, how dare you do that? Start getting I'm getting just chided for like driving myself to the ER and they placed me in this hospital bed and I start to come too. And if this point I am extremely embarrassed because I realize what just happened. I'm not having a heart attack. I just slowly said yes to too many things in my life is out of control and I am anxious not because of just work or just family or just whatever else it was. Just too much. A share with you guys today on this area of anxiety. I may not struggle to the level of everybody else in here are some of you may but I can certainly tell you I get it. I get worried I get anxiety I get panic attacks. I remember after that happened just the afternoon off and I was hanging out and then a couple of weeks later right before a Sunday night is Saturday at about midnight and I woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep till about 3 a.m. Trying to catch my breath. Get it. Get what I'm seeing in the scripture is also the need the humbly enter into Community until now people into our lives about these things. I want to isolate. When is the men's prayer service Philip Lipton what happened start praying for me him and his wife. They got me this amazing sleepy tea at stuff is awesome. I sleep like a baby now. Alright begin to share with some of our elders and an elders meeting and they said, how can we help what's on your plate we had

One of them just begin to share some of their own experiences with me in that area. And you know what I said, I'm not alone. I'm not alone. I didn't feel isolated. I didn't feel lonely in it, and I didn't feel embarrassed by it. myself I want you to hear this morning because we can be anxious for a lot of reasons spiritual attacks then going on our lives. It could be because of trauma because we just say yes to too many things slowly over time and our schedules become out of whack and out of control and we need to get things back in order. Without getting takes the humility to say I'm not God and I'm not Superman and I have limitations and we needed then be wise and get people in our allies. You can speak wisdom into say you need to slow down you're trying to do it all at once. We need to go more slowly about this. Community is amazing, but you got to enter into it and humility. Peter says clothe yourself in humility toward each other then he says towards God. Yeah, this would have been some very hard advice for these early Christians. So you think about their circumstances they had every reason to be anxious didn't just have busy schedules. Everybody has busy schedules been just have stress at work. Everybody has stress at work didn't just have marital problems. Everybody run into marital problems. Everybody runs into kid problems everybody. Everybody has issues. They also had a government that was breathing down on them. And there are people in that government who are persecuting and wanting to kill them and take their land Jesus Through Peter is recognizing but to be a Christian was the very threat to your existence to say yes to Jesus to be a follower of Christ that you had people who wanted to hurt and harm you. That is stressful, right then Peter goes on and says oh by the way, you also have an enemy. He's the devil and he's the real deal. And he wants to seek Those whom he can devour. That is the right environment for anxiety to be birthed the right mixture of potential problems will call that worried here this morning for tension problems as well as actual problems that's called stress that can paralyze anybody and what does Peter say this is his wisdom humble yourselves before God's Mighty hand that he may lift you up. You go through this process of here is what you do here is what God does so this true statement works like this humble yourselves under God and he will lift you up then what once again here is what you do here is what God does cast your cares on him. Because he cares for you. We humble ourselves by throwing ourselves into his hands and spite of our circumstances. We humble ourselves by realizing our own deficiencies and his capabilities. We humble ourselves by giving our cares because he cares for us. A lot of worry in our lives comes from wondering if God has any good.

Is there has to be moment? I know in your lives. This was a moment in my life where there has been tragedy and hardship and heartache and all I want to say is if you were good God you would not let this happen. I want you just like he's I want you just like Satan coming to tempt Jesus so he didn't fail in that moment question. If God is good. Why does this actually happen if he really cares can I actually trust him because certainly if he was good, I wouldn't be experiencing these kinds of problems in my life. And what we've done in that moment is bought into some sort of Prosperity Gospel. Oh not the one that Osteen preaches and others like him Creflo Dollar and the rest. Not even just simply the get Shield Prosperity kind of gospel that some guys. But we believe in this more subversive because I'm a Christian bad things shouldn't happen to me. Therefore we come into Christianity with the wrong expectations than when bad things happen. We get all out of control and get so angry and frustrated with God and his community because I'm living through a hardship. You're saying here. Bad things are going to happen. You have a real enemy.

This is portrayed throughout scripture that Real Enemy first pops up in Genesis 3 then in Genesis 4. What does God say to Kane Kane? Be careful? Sin is crouching at your door. No longer. Is it just this spiritual enemy? But there's an enemy Within you the Flesh and there's a world around you that you are going to want us to come to Watch out because it's out to get you and make you miserable and it causes to say God if you are good this wouldn't happen. But the devil the world the flash they're going to try to bring him. Xiety and worry. Discontentment and confusion and what they're going to do with your Christian is say God does not satisfy. God is not good for certain if he was good. This would not be happening to you. They're going to bring misinformation campaign in order to bring confusion and Division in your life. That is the number one tactic of the devil misinformation campaigns. It's not him to sort of like poking you and being awnry like a little brother. Sitting there on your shoulder, but it's misinformation campaigns off. If God was good. This would not happen there for God is not good and you cannot trust him you need to take life into your own hands which then produces worry and anxiety in our lives. We're trying to live our life apart from God. It's only going to take us down a downward spiral of miserableness and self-loathing. That's what happens when we gets outside of God in that perspective. We move away from him. The aim is to convince us that God is Not There. What happened? If you want to even turn over to Philippians, I think Britain has this scripture is going to put it up there. You guys all know this scripture probably very very very well. There's something they often missing its let me start in first 5 let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. We love verse 6, look don't be anxious and prayer and supplication and Thanksgiving Mitch requests known unto God the catch what verse 5 says let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand. Where is he? Is at hand she's closed. He's near not Piers nearby is not far from you anxiety. Is a lonely experience. I've never had a panic attack. You know what I'm talking about? No, one can talk you out of that moment. Once you're in it any advice to just get out of it. You're going G. Thanks. I'm trying cuz this is fun. This is awesome. Xiety the lonely experience. But if you're not alone, it changes the experience.

Not alone. It changes the experience. How do we go about this? Humility and Community because change happens in community. Our redeemers I've preached well over three hundred sermons. You know when the most change happens? A community where you going to talk with one another about what God is speaking in our lives when the rubber hits the road and community group. We say we're struggling and somebody's able to bring the light into our perspective because what happens if we just go buy our own understanding we enter situations like this and this is all we can see him and get so mad and so angry and so frustrated and what community does is somebody takes her hand begins to move them away so we can see another perspective that we could not see because I've been blinded by our own thoughts or attitudes and our own actions is incredibly important because it brings accountability. The lies that we believe are believing can be exposed. Should I can be encouragement that reminded that even though we believe lies has been deceived but God still loves us cares for us. And if I did humility means I don't know everything. I wish I did but I don't and I'm okay saying that humility means I go to scripture admit. I need the Bible to speak into my life. I don't get to reside over it. Humility is coming before God and weakness and recognizing God is with you and trusting in God's strength in his way humility. Excuse me, humble people are grateful people because they realize all about God's grace. Am I humble before God?

Sure. Y'all want to know this morning because he says if you're not you have an enemy. It's God. How do I know if I'm humble before God you're humble before people? the connections right there in 1st Peter Are you humble before people? Are you willing to admit when you talk to people that you don't know everything. Are you willing to admit that maybe sometimes we do try to preside or sit above scripture and do things our way and somebody comes and brings a gentle kind truthful review. Can we say you know what? I do need to come under scripture. Are we willing to say we are weak and we are not strong. Are you grateful? Are you grateful? If you want to know if your humble look to the relationships are actually around you those will tell you real fast. And what Peter is doing. This is an island in this false dichotomy between humility before God. Which doesn't produce real humility before people you are not humble before God. Did you not come before people? It's really easy to come in here and play humble and corporate worship. So easy to make a spectacle of ourselves to even have these emotions and to praise God and let their hands are fully encouraged and want us to be in that way lifting our voices lifting our hearts unto God, but then it's really easy to walk out these doors and boss around the waitress at the restaurant you go to after church.

Humility and what you didn't church was disgusting then? Jimmy run a pretend want to play church and dress up and act like were so humble before God when we're monks the body, but let me get into the community and get around people and we show no areas of humility around them. This is a window into your heart this morning. Be humble before other people. Do you always have to be right? You always have to have it down. Do you always have to defend yourself? The dangerous place to be in your constantly judging others and blaming others. You've never being able to admit that you're wrong. You can't accept responsibility action for yourself if you're greedy in about yourself. Are you humble or Umble really humbleness manifest itself in Brokenness eagerness and teachability. So what do we do? I quickly walk through this and get us out of here. I want to work backwards on these verses. First of all, we're told in 1st Peter 5 he cares for you.

Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Mccaster drilled that into me over and over and over again and is truthful. The people I received best from are the people who actually know care for me. And I'll respond to them. Well, we'll check this out God cares for you. So what can you do cast your cares on him? What'll he do he exalts you. It may not be in the moment. It may take some time and may not be on your timeline, but he will lift you up and that should excite your heart and it ought to be able to draw us out of some of those deep depths that we let ourselves sink into emotionally feeling just as awful pulled downward and got to say I will lift you up. So therefore humble yourself before him cuz you know, he cares you'll want to humble yourself before him or cast your cares on him. That means you submit yourself under God's.

I cares for you. God loves you. You submit yourself under his way already. Try to do life on your own terms. That is pride. Not humility, there's a path of destruction and lastly this morning. I want to take this from Psalm 55. This is David before God and I want to show you a strategy what this looks like from scripture. David cries out. We're going to read 1 through 15, then we'll take a pause say law as it says in Psalms and think about this give ear to my prayer. Oh God how I not yourself for my plea for Mercy attend to me and answer me. I am restless. I am anxious. I am stressed sure that in the stalinist voice. Something is burning him. Something is weighing heavy on him. So he's coming to God in real anguish. Can you say attend to me in my complaint? And I moan because of the noise of the enemy because of the oppression of the wicked for they drop trouble upon me in an anger. They bear a grudge against me. My heart is in anguish within me the Terrors of death have fallen upon me this dudes in the bad place. He is down low through the floor depressed as you're reading him fear and trembling come upon me and horror overwhelms me this certainly describe what it feels like to be in a place of worry and anxiousness. And I say oh that I had wings like a dove I would fly away and be at rest. This is the heart's cry. If somebody who's feeling anxious. I just want to get out of this situation. I just want to be done with this. Yes, I would wander far away. I would Lodge in the wilderness. I would hurry to find a shelter for their wage raging wind and Tempest destroy or divide their tongues for I see violence and strife in the city day and night. They go around it on its walls and iniquity in trouble or within it ruin, isn't it? Submit oppression and fraud not depart from its Marketplace Ford is not an enemy who taunts me then I can bear it is not an adversary who deals cancel it with me, then I can hide from it. But it is you a man my equal my companion my familiar friend. He's got some relational things. You should take to take sweet counsel together with in God's house. We walked in the throng. Let dad still over them. Let them go down to Shay all alive for evil and their dwelling place and in their hearts. If it doesn't pretend like it's not bad. nationality we're really good at pretending redeemers really good at acting like we have it all together and David makes the cry and says I got some relational issues things are broken. And it's causing this distress and arrest on my life and all my heart. I can't even sleep. Check this out. This is the shift the transition the call to God in verse 16, but I called to God and the Lord will save me got issues. He's got problems. Highly anxious returns to God evening and morning and at noon I order my complaint and moan and he hears my voice. He redeems my soul and safety from the battle that I wage for many are rate against me. God will give ear and humble them. He he was in thrown from old because they do not change and do not fear my companion stretched out his hand against his friend as violent Covenant. His speech was smooth as butter that war was in his heart. His words were softer than oil if they were drawn swords. Now look at verse 22 cast your burdens on the Lord and He will sustain you and you will never permit the righteous to be moved. That is the Central Command in the scripture. He turns to God and then he says Now cast your cares on him. Why because you have no business carrying about whatever this weighty thing in your life that you're carrying about. You don't have to go It Alone. Phone and try to do it on your own we get to take the sorrow the pain the shame the guilt the Brokenness whatever is it is burning you this morning and you can actually cast upon God put the first thing you need to do is being a place of humbleness readmit. I can't do it. I can no longer carry this and then God says to bring it to him and humbly get into Community with other people let them speak encouragement and love into your life. Let them rebuke you where you're not seeing clearly why in order to submit yourself under God's Authority in the way in which she is ordained and designed it to actually be he says get under me is you have no business carrying these load that your care. Trust me. The gospel is not work for God and then God will work for you. It's because God have worked and is working for you you can now rest. You can rest and join him my posture of gratitude and peace.

Those of us who carry High loads of anxiety. We got no business carrying that. I know and understand when trama happened how I can trigger things in us. Let's not make that the lifestyle that we walk in. Let it this sermon this teaching God's word pushes down. This path is seeing God in the midst. What are you going to do with these realities this morning? You're going to be proud and arrogant and power through it. I tried that for five months. I ended up in the ER was awful. Are you humble enough to live worry-free? What do I do? What do I do though when it comes on me? You preach the gospel to yourself. Alyssa Sapp listen Your heart's going to talk to you. And the heart is what deceitfully Wicked or you're going to speak to your heart. I come back here a lot. But in Psalm 42 when David has another moment of just being bummed out. He says why are you cast down? Oh my soul. It doesn't end there. He says I will hope in the Lord. You are depressed. You are anxious. I don't want to take away from some of the other things that can be causing this and happening and I want to share with you. It's okay to go get help from a counselor. It's okay to listen to whatever the sharing with you and I advised that but when we get really anxious as often as isolated and our hearts talking to us, what do you need to do? You need to talk to your heart. You need to preach the gospel to yourself. His burden is easy. His burden is light. I don't have to carry this. He has covered me and he loves me.

We're in this together redeemers of preach the gospel to ourselves. I feel anxious that's being community and receive from one another. Let's pray God. Thank you this morning for your word. And you this morning for the help that we have in Jesus Christ? How's this morning that do you take out the heart for anybody who's anxious today that they can lay that down at your feet and they can talk with others.

There are issues and problems are not going to push people away, but there's going to be a deeper love care and concern for one another. If we get over ourselves today and be humble before the mighty hand of God, Amen.

Earn an accredited degree from Redemption Seminary with Logos.