Wealth & Worries
Luke 12:13-34
“Wealth & Worries”
Small Group Study Questions
*Start your small group time off with prayer and then read the passage of Scripture in its entirety before getting into the questions.
1. Why do you think the love of money/riches is such an easy sin for us to fall into, even as Christians?
2. What made the rich man in the parable, verses 13-21, a fool? What was wrong with his heart?
3. Why is not worrying about our needs so difficult not to do? What are the reasons Jesus gives to us not to worry about our needs?
4. Why does worry do nothing for us? How does it only add to the stresses in our lives?
5. What does Jesus recommend we do instead of worrying about our needs? How does being focused on the Kingdom of God help us not to worry?
6. What does it look like practically, in your opinion, to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else”? What does this look like in how you use your time and money?
7. Jesus tells us in verse 34 that “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Do you agree with that? Where do you think the desires of your heart lie, on earth or in heaven?
Closing Prayer: Pray that the desires of your heart would be for God and the furtherance of his Kingdom. Ask God to reveal to you ways in which you can use the time and money he has given you to further his Kingdom. Ask God to remind you that he loves you, knows your needs and that you can trust him to provide you with all that you need. Pray for the peace of Christ to calm all your worries as you trust in God.