Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Moving into the middle of the Sermon on The Mount
Notice that Narrative moves quick but preaching moves slow
Let’s look at what Jesus has done so far in this sermon
Defined true righteousness
Defined (exposed) true sin
Set the bar impossibly high for sinners to reach - leading us to the realization of the need of a Savior
But what about the righteousness of the Pharisees - Everyone thought that if anyone was making it to heaven- it was the religious guys.
After all they memorized the Scripture, fasted twice a week, prayed almost non-stop, tithed on everything.
- Surely they were good enough
This is human philosophy - It is the theology of works
It is the same theology that says - Go to church, give some money, go to heaven
This is not the gospel
Illuss.: What do you think of me? - Most Christians look at pastors and elevate them - They look at the sacrifices, study, knowledge - But God sees me as I am am - A wretch in need of grace - And the closer I get to Jesus, I see myself the same way
Everyone saw the pharisees as the best when they were actually the worse - why the were judging based upon man centered gospel
To understand the begining of Chp. 6, we must go back and read verse 5:20
6 is going to two things:
Knock out the righteousness of the pharisees
But also instruct us as to how we live out our own walk with Christ
Jesus is preaching and these are commands
Chp.6 - Purpose of Righteousness
What is the biggest difference between a Christian and a Pharisee?
The object is which they worship - Christians worship Christ, Pharisees worship themselves
This is the underlining issue of Chp.6
In Giving - 1-4
Warning - use discernment
Ask yourself - Why am I do this?
Love of God and others, or love of myself
In Prayer - 5-15
What is the purpose of prayer - to commune with God or to communicate with others that you are speaking with God
v7 - Guidelines that speak to the heart of prayer
Illuss.: My kids and I have a game we play everyday.
Doing good?
What did you do today?
Did you learn anything?
v9-15 -Principles of Prayer
Prayer is relational - “Father”
Prayer is worshipful - “hallowed . . . in heaven”
Prayer is focused upon God’s will
Prayer calls upon God’s gace - in daily life - in spiritual life
Prayer calls out hypocrisy
Prayer seeks spiritual protection and protection from God
In Fasting (16-18)
Assumes fasting
FAST - Is a four letter word to most Christians
Why fast?
Sometimes associated with mourning (Matt.
Prayer ()
Charity ()
Seeking God’s Will (; )
Fasting is intentionally placing the spiritual over the physical
There are proven physical benefits to fasting
Illuss.: Autopsies of those would died in concentration camps
There is a theme in these things: In giving, prayer, and fasting - Christ is the object of worship on our lives
For the pharisees - They carried out these activites for themselves to be seen -
The most common form of idolatry is self worship
The question we have to ask ourselves is simply this - what is my motivation for ________________?
What is Jesus not saying here, this important?
Let’s go back and read 5:14-16
How do we reconcile these?
Easy - It is our works and the effects of our works that people should see - Not us
Application - That is why if I can do anything under the umbrella of the church - I try to
Illuss.: Ed and a van to Haiti
Be careful that you are not using works to exalt yourself
Good works are meant to exalt God
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9