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Paul has been a little testy with the folks he is writing to—these Galatians, and for good reason. He is obviously frustrated, he can’t believe what he is hearing about the road they are going down and he just wants to make sure they understand how he is feeling and that they would understand the truth.
Paul has been a little bit rough with the speech that he has been using and now Paul’s true feelings come out for the church in Galatia. His pastors heart shows up and he talks about their history together, Paul is reminiscing with them.
Galatians 4:12–20 ESV
12 Brothers, I entreat you, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You did me no wrong. 13 You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first, 14 and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. 15 What then has become of your blessedness? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me. 16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? 17 They make much of you, but for no good purpose. They want to shut you out, that you may make much of them. 18 It is always good to be made much of for a good purpose, and not only when I am present with you, 19 my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you! 20 I wish I could be present with you now and change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.
It’s interesting. Scholars don’t believe that Paul’s destination was supposed to be Galatia. It is thought that Paul came to Galatia because of an ailment that he suffering from.
No one really knows what the ailment was because he doesn’t actually say but there are some educated guesses that we can take from his writings.
He says in verse 13 “you know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first.
And so he is in a place that he didn’t plan to go, because of a sickness he didn’t want.(remember that our plans aren’t always God’s plans)
The detour that Paul had to take ended up being a divine appointment. Paul may have never gone to Galatia and started these churches without this detour. And it was all because of a physical ailment.
Sometimes the difficulties you and I go through are actually designed by God to bless us, or bless someone else, or more importantly, to glorify God.
So Paul’s ailment.. It wasn’t fun, it wasn’t good. Paul will talk about how bad it was when he recalls praying to God three times to remove the thorn in the flesh that he had and remember God’s answer, My Grace is Sufficient for you.
Its a pretty famous fact. It wasn’t fun, it wasn’t good. Paul will talk about how bad it was when he recalls praying to God three times to remove the thorn in the flesh that he had and remember God’s answer, My Grace is Sufficient for you.
Some people think that Paul had Malaria which was a problem in that area and the highlands of Galatia was a way to escape that. Apparently you get very bad headaches from it that can even hurt your eyes. Others think that Paul had epilepsy.
They think this because of verse 14 that says even though my condition was a trial to you you did not scorn or despise me. The Greek means literally, you did not spit on me.
In ancient times, if someone had epilepsy or a seizure they concluded that it was a demonic spirit attacking and the way to protect yourself would be to spit at that person because that is how the spirit would enter, through the mouth.
Probably the most famous explanation of Paul’s ailment is that he had an eye disease. Some think that the vision he had of Christ on the road to damascus had permanently affected his eyes for the rest of his life, even causing them to continually ooze, which would have made him a disgrace to those whom he would encounter.
But the point is that besides all that, these Galtians treated him with love. When they could have culturally condemned him, they loved him and accepted him. They were loving, and they loved Paul, why would they now in verse 16 call him their enemy?
I want to back up just a little bit and talk about the main point of this whole section of Scripture. With all of that background information Paul begins this by saying in verse 12
12 Paul says become as I am. He is saying IMITATE ME, be like me!
Paul’s main goal as a preacher/as a discipler is to make people like he is, as he imitates Jesus. That is what disciple making is all about. He says, “Become as I am.
Become as I am.
Galatians 4:12 ESV
Brothers, I entreat you, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You did me no wrong.
This is a theme for Paul’s writings, He says it also in 1 cor 11 1
1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
1 Cor
Then again in Acts
Acts 26:29 ESV
And Paul said, “Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I am—except for these chains.”
This is the goal or should be the goal of the whole Christian church. In our church, we say Be Disciples, Make Disciples. But that isn’t unique to this church at all, that is what every church, every Christian has been called to.
So Paul has a desire for people to be like he is. What does he mean?
So who was Paul? What are people to become if they are to become as he is? Paul is a preacher, and a pastor. And what that might sound like to you is that Paul is over people, above people, Like there is some sort of hierarchy that Paul has.
In one sense yes, but really, Paul just loves people. He has the heart of a pastor.
So when Paul says he has a desire for people to be like he is, it is not because of an ego, or an accomplishment, no—Paul just loves people and all the assurance and all of the intimacy of a relationship that Paul enjoys with Jesus, he wishes on those to whom he ministers to.
That is what a discipler is. Let’s get really basic.
When Paul says become as I am… What is Paul?
Paul is first and foremost a disciple of Jesus Christ. Paul recognizes that Jesus is the son of God, that faith through Jesus and only through Jesus can we have salvation.
Paul is all over this in this letter because the Galatians are tempted to think that Grace is not enough for their salvation. In the case of the Galatians they were being told that they needed to be circumcised in order to be on God’s right side. Paul says they should know better.
So Paul wants them to become as he is and wants them to be disciples of Jesus.
He is first and foremost a disciple of Jesus. Then what is Paul?
Paul is A discipler of other people. He disciples others. He shows other people Jesus.
What else is Paul? Not only is Paul a disciple of Jesus Christ, but Paul is
A discipler of other people. He disciples others. He shows other people Jesus.
Pauls message is important but not only important but
Paul has a pastor’s heart. What that means is that he loves people.
And this is How a pastor feels about His message and the people he encounters. The people in his care.
I am actually speaking more about what it means to be a disicipler.
I think this is really important because I think that this is one of the main reasons why Christianity may be on the decline.
And Christianity is on the decline. I spent an hour this week looking at different articles and different surveys that talk about the numbers and why people are leaving the church. And they are, they are leaving.
People are moving away from God. Particularly young people. I read one survey that said that 90% of students who grow up going to church will leave the church by the time they are a sophomore in college. That’s heartbreaking! And that hits close to home for me.
I know about this first hand because I was a youth pastor at one time. And I see and hear about the students who’s lives I was part of and now as those students have become adults I see the path that, yes, most of them have taken, and it’s not in the right direction as far as Christ is concerned.
Most of them aren’t walking with the Lord. It truly breaks my heart because I would have never guessed that would be the case. I would have told you—knowing this kid and that kid that they were going to be a mighty force for God, but they walked away. They just leave.
I know adults who used to be connected in the body of Christ who now never show their faces in church. It breaks my heart.
Some may want to say. The enemy has done this. You may want to believe that it is because of the enemy that Christians are leaving and aren’t having the deep relationship with God that they want to have. And that could be a part of it. He hates those who are effective for Christ.
But I don’t know if I can totally blame the enemy for this.
e you listen to the enemy the further you get away from God. We saw that start in the Garden of Eden. The enemy came and the more Eve listened, the closer she got to sin. Satan has power to try to get us to take our eyes off of the Lord
So we cannot totally blame Satan for this
Some may want to say. The enemy has done this. You may want to believe that it is because of the enemy that Christians are leaving and aren’t having the deep relationship with God that they want to have. And that could be a part of it. He has an agenda to destroy us, the Christians. He hates those who are effective for Christ.
But we cannot totally blame Satan for this.
I know about this because I was a youth pastor at one time. And I see and hear about the students who’s lives I was part of and now as an adult I see the path that, yes, most of them have taken, and it’s not in the right direction. Most of them aren’t walking with the Lord. It truly breaks my heart because I would have never guessed that would be the case. I would have told you—knowing this kid and that kid that they were going to be a mighty force for God, but they walk away.
I know adults who used to be connected in the body of Christ who now never show their faces in church. It breaks my heart. But I don’t know if I can totally blame the enemy for this. The enemy comes to lie steal and kill. But
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
I don’t think we can totally blame the enemy.
That doesn’t make sense if you think about it. If the world is moving away from God, and you want to blame the enemy for all of it then maybe you forget just who God is... that God is all powerful Omnipotent and all knowing (omniscient) and in all places at once. (omnipresent).
If what we know to be true about God what we know, that He is All Powerful then we cannot blame the enemy, the devil for the fact that the world is drifting away from God.
I think that many Christians become disengaged, get walking down the wrong path because they try to do it on their own. They try to live their Christian lives isolated.
We need people in our lives to point us in the right direction. We need people in our lives to help us up. We need people in our lives who love us and that we can trust who tell us the truth even when it hurts. That is what Paul the discipler is doing here. And that is what every Christian in the world needs to have for themselves, and to be for another.
If we want to see the world living for Christ, then discipleship needs to be a main focus for every christian.
We have to Be Disciples of Christ but don’t forget that we need to Make Disciples for Christ.
And a lot of us don’t really want to hear that. Sorry.
disciples make disciples
I don’t want to make my comfortable, introverted, isolated, insecure in their faith friends feel bad. But the purpose for every Christian is to be a disciple and a disciple maker. Francis Chan has a phrase that says Disciples make Disciples.
I know that we all struggle with this idea of sharing our faith. A couple of years ago we spent a month of Friday night home groups going through how to share a salvation message with someone. Showing the verses, even trying to practice on one another. Maybe we should do that again.
It should be one of the main reasons we exist. And Paul is saying, become like I am.
Paul uses an interesting word here in verse 12 when he says, brothers I entreat you. He uses the word deomai. It means I urge you, another definition is that I BEG you.
Do you get the sense Paul cares? He really cares that these guys get it right. Because he knows it is the truth. That is what he says up there in 16, I am telling you the truth. Enemy’s tell you what you want to hear. Those who truly love you tell you the truth.
By his encouragement
and that is Paul’s motivation. Love Listen to how he ends this.
By his actions
Paul ends this section by becoming very tender. His love really pours out here. Listen...
Galatians 4:19 ESV
19 my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!
By his exhortations
Galatians 4:19–20 ESV
19 my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you! 20 I wish I could be present with you now and change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.
Paul tells them that they are his children and he is responsible for them. He is in anguish for them because he CARES so much about them.
Enemy’s tell you what you want to hear. Those who truly love you tell you the truth.
Physical ailment that was apparently offensive (could have been eye, could have been epilepsy)
Enemy’s tell you what you want to hear. Those who truly love you tell you the truth.
paul tells them that they are his children and he is responsible for them. He is in anguish for them because he CARES so much about them.
This is the hear of a discipler. Again, it is the call of all of us.

Discipleship, Need for

One weekend, three young fellows decided to take a bicycle trip into the countryside. Although inexperienced, they covered forty miles in three and a half hours and congratulated themselves on their good time. The next morning, as they prepared to head back to their starting point, they were met by a good friend, who had just cycled the forty-mile trip that morning and was ready to head back. He was an excellent cyclist, and with him pacing the young cyclists back to town, they made the return trip in just two and a half hours.

In the same way, young Christians need the “pacing” of older believers as they take their first “rides” in Christ if they are to progress as far in the Christian life as they should and as quickly as they can.344

How a pastor feels about His message and His people.
Now I want to talk about being a pastor here. And when I say Pastor what I want to say is disicipler
When we are in Christ, Our holiness is personal but not private. Our personal holiness must find expression in social holiness.
That means that somehow and some way we, as Christians need to find ways to speak Jesus into the lives of other people. And it can be difficult. But if we truly ask God to help us, truly now, He will step in.
God give me an opportunity today to somehow, some way give you glory.
We are all called to be disciplers. This isn’t just for the professionals. If you claim to have Jesus as your only savior, your only hope then YOU have a responsibility to tell others about Him.
When Jesus gave the great commission in Matthew 28 he said to go into all the world and make disciples. The great commission was not just for the 12. It is for all of us.
But I don’t know much. You know Jesus. Tell them what you do know. Tell them what Jesus did for you. Tell them how He has changed you. Tell them how you used to be like this and now you are like this. Not perfect but getting better.
Why do we feel like we have to be experts in order to mention something about God? I think sharing our faith is one of the only subjects I can think of where we have this standard that we have to know everything about it if we are going to mention it.
Why the standard? We talk about stuff we don’t know about all the time. I don’t know a lot about any subject, but I know a little about many things. And I will tell you about them. I will talk about news articles with people when I have only seen the headline. Not even the whole story.
I started hunting a couple of years ago. I know this much about hunting but I will still tell you everything I know about it because I am excited about it.
Okay. So Paul wants the Galatians to be like him. For us that means, put all your faith and all your trust in Jesus. Then talk to people about what Jesus has done for you. If you are too nervous, start with your Christian friends. Just start conversations and see how that goes.
Talk to people about what Jesus has done for you.
It’s like practice. Talk to other Christians about what Jesus has done for you and practice those conversations. Maybe that person can be someone who is an accountability partner.
Find a person who is a Christian because Christians need to have Christians in their lives. Ask them challenging questions about their lives. Give them permission to ask you the hard questions in your life. Get an accountability partner.
Scared of rejection, yeah, I get it. I have blown it before on that. Scared of getting beat up? Yeah, that too.
Then, begin to season your daily interactions around people with Jesus. In the coffee shop. You can say, I was praying it would be sunny today. See where it goes. If someone in line starts talking to you about an issue they are having, and it happens. Tell them you will pray for them. Maybe even pull them aside and pray right there.
That happens a lot, if you would just be open to it.
Be disciples, make disciples.
Find someone who isn’t a Christian. Pray for them, every day. Ask them out for coffee. Be their friend, for real. Introduce them to Jesus. If they say no, still be their friend. Be a witness.
If our lives are centered on Christ then it should be visible to our Christian friends and our non Christian friends. How can you take one step in being a better disciple for Jesus and one step closer to making a disciple for Jesus.
I don’t know a lot about any subject, but I know a little about many things. And I will tell you about them.
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