Romans 8
Want to know how to experience the stench of death in your life? Live carnally. What does it mean to live carnally? Jesus associated it with Gentiles who were concerned with nothing more than what they would eat, what they would wear, and where they would go (Matthew 6:31, 32). A carnal person asks, “Where can we eat now? What new hobby can we enjoy? What vacation can we take?”
You see, we think living in the flesh is synonymous with committing blatant sins. But in reality, to live in the flesh simply means to give priority to the things of the material realm. Why is that death? Because man was created in the image of God. Since God is a Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit—He created man as lesser trinity of spirit, soul, and body. The spirit is the deepest part of you, the “real” you. The soul is your mind and emotions. The body is the thing you live in temporarily. When God created man, there was a beautiful connection between the spirit of man and the Spirit of God as Adam and God walked together in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). But when Adam gave in to his flesh and ate the forbidden fruit, he allowed his body—the material aspect of his nature—to assume predominance over his spirit, thereby severing his direct communion with God’s Spirit
The word “dwell” means “to be at home.” Is the Spirit of God at home in you? If you’re a believer, He’s in you—without question. But is He at home in your life? Can He just kick back in the easy chair of your heart and say, “I’m so glad to be in your life; I’m so glad you’re Mine”? Or do you take Him to activities, listen to conversations, and involve yourself in that which makes Him uneasy?