Comfort, Comfort

The Gospel According to Isaiah  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Group Intro
- Goal
We are to eagerly hunger for spiritual nutrition in greater degrees - Spiritually mature
Regardless of your background or where you are in your relationship with Jesus, you are called to grow
- What we do
Lesson Intro
Last Lesson
Past few chapters had been stories of God working in the life of Hezekiah.
What were some of these events? Were they showers of blessings or trials?
Why did God send these trials? What do we learn about Hezekiah?
How did the last story end? - a prophecy of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem
New section
They show the foolishness of Hezekiah’s earthly hopes
They go beyond and try to elevate themselves above Yahweh
Hezekiah is forced to place his hope 100% in Assyria or 100% in God
Humbles himself - faces the failure of his trust in himself
God saves in total way - but the climax was not if God is faithful to save, but if Hezekiah is willing to be faithful
Literary Setting - Transition (36-39)
What is different about this passage?
It is a historical narrative, not poetic prophecy
This is not arbitrary, It has a precise literary purpose
Divides the two halves of the book
Previous couple chapters were like a hinge that binds the halves of the book together
Confirms the prophecies of God’s sovereignty over all nations, illustrates the discipline that is coming, confirms there is hope for those who have faith
It anchors the prophecies in history
Will God’s word come true?
Ch 36 &37 is a dramatic example that God rules the world and that He keeps His promises
Sets a historical transition from a prosperous people who reject God’s word to a exiled people seeking hope
There is a change in setting
Alludes to the coming Babylonian invasion and the destruction of Jerusalem
Resets hope from Jerusalem that was to the New Jerusalem that is coming
Not the concrete present day with clearly identified characters
Confirms the Messiah is still to come, but more needs to be revealed about Him
Now future, characters are more figurative
Not that future history doesnt matter, but the specific events of mankind fade as the reality of God and his plans come into focus
Central image expands beyond the Davidic king who defends against external enemies
There is a change in theme
Unpacks how He is a suffering servant who defeats the internal wickedness of your heart
Change in tone - not coming judgment but coming restoration
Focus on God who will do this personally
Confirms both God’s desire and power to restore His people
Intro Questions
How do you feel about studying God’s character?
Where do you run for comfort?
Read 40
Tender Words (1-2)
Background of crisis
Isaiah had just prophesied the fall of Jerusalem - how can that be?
The destruction was not just a political/economic disaster, but a theological crisis
God had protected it from the Assyrians, but let the Babylonians through
Does he not care? Has he given up on His people?
Jerusalem was supposed to be Zion with the promises of eternal glory
Is God strong enough to keep His promises?
Two questions - Does God have the power and the desire to save?
God’s heart revealed
God’s response - Comfort, Comfort - v1
Repeated for emphasis
Uses the wording of my people & your God
No longer calls them this people, or my enemies
God is returning to the covenantal intimacy with Israel
Says - Verb is imperfect, ongoing action - God keeps saying to his people
Speak tenderly - Lit speak to the heart - v.2
Not just soft kindness
But lover persuading, wooing, pursuing, his beloved
God is pursuing His people like Boaz was pursued Ruth
God’s sanctifying, purifying trials are over. He is reaching out to His people
How would broken Israel respond to this? How do these words of comfort make you feel?
Fighting depression and anxiety
Sometime we get overwhelmed by the depths of our sin. We acutely feel the distance that our guilt puts between us and God
Isaiah has been pounding at the guilt of God’s people for 39 chapters
Now it is as if the prophet says, ‘alright, so much for that. It’s all true, but it’s not all there is for truth. Dont forget… [the truth of who God is].’” - Oswalt, NICOT, p 49
Now I am not saying this is the only cause or solution, but this can feed into our feelings of depression and anxiety.
Some of us are like Hezekiah and hard to the reality of our sin
But many of us see our inadequacies and sink into the swamp of despair (to paraphrase the Pilgrim’s Progress)
Here see your God speaking to your heart, seeing the burden of your troubles, and reaching down to you in tender compassion. This is your God
Pensive doubting heart
Here see your God speaking to your heart, seeing the burden of your troubles, and reaching down to you in tender compassion. This is your God
The follow through of discipline
What are some situations God calls us to carry out discipline and correction? Parenting, church, marriage, even ourselves
It can feel so good to take our wrath
“I am going to be righteously angry and dwell in it. I am going to not let them stop hearing about it. (Faith) Or I am going to let it linger and sink in (Me)”
But is this what God does with us? Does He berate us or leave us in the cold?
God certainly does not let sin slip by - He will address it and bring discipline, that may be pretty stern
But God halts as soon as that discipline is administered.
And He softens. He draws near and speaks these tender words of comfort
Do we imitate this follow through of discipline?
Do you hug your child immediately after spanking them?
After correcting your spouse, do you draw out the punishment, or do you immediately draw near in intimacy?
Note that this is not just a mere compliment sandwich
Modern wisdom says that we should sweeten hard words to make them more palatable
My wife is more likely to hear criticism about this spending habit if I wrap it in compliments about her parenting skills
But Scripture does not advocate this sort of self-esteem building. It calls it flattery
Christian love does not say “I love you because you are pretty, smart, strong, etc”
Instead we are to declare our love and faithful loyalty in spite of whatever faults exist in the other other person
Why? Because our love is not dependent on the attributes or behavior of the other person
Instead of saying “I love you because you are worthy of being loved” Christian love says “you are lovely because I love you”
So when correcting your child about being mean to their sibling, you dont then praise how well behaved they were at church
That is teaching them that your love is based on their actions
Instead we tell them we love them just as much when they are bad as when they good
Sometime we get overwhelmed by the depths of our sin. We acutely feel the distance that our guilt puts between us and God
Isaiah has been pounding at the guilt of God’s people for 39 chapters
Sometime we get overwhelmed by the depths of our sin. We acutely feel the distance that our guilt puts between us and God
Now it is as if the prophet says, ‘alright, so much for that. It’s all true, but it’s not all there is for truth. Dont forget… [the truth of who God is].’” - Oswalt, NICOT, p 49
Now I am not saying this is the only cause or solution, but this can feed into our feelings of depression and anxiety.
Some of us are like Hezekiah and hard to the reality of our sin
Now it is as if the prophet says, ‘alright, so much for that. It’s all true, but it’s not all there is for truth. Dont forget… [the truth of who God is].’” - Oswalt, NICOT, p 49
But many of us see our inadequacies and sink into the swamp of despair (to paraphrase the Pilgrim’s Progress
Here see your God speaking to your heart, seeing the burden of your troubles, and reaching down to you in tender compassion. This is your God
A Preparing Voice (3-8)
Image of a highway - v.3-5
A road is being built and all obstacles of wilderness are being cleared
A straight, level sturdy highway is being built
Note the direction -
It is a path for man to travel to God
It is a highway for God to reach His people
God is unstoppably pursuing His people
He is clearing every obstacle between Him and His people
God condescends to his people
We rightly understand that we cannot reach up to God (not just because of sin, but also because we are mere creation)
This is like a great baseball player who kneels down to interact with a young fan on the child’s level
God meets us in as we wander in the wilderness
Isaiah returns to this idea of condescension in ch 42, 43, 48, & 55
Fulfilled in the incarnation
This is the ultimate case of God entering into History to pursue us
This passage pointed to John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus to pursue His people
The trustworthiness of man - v 6-7
Man and his beauty is like grass, which grows up fast and withers just as fast
Heb. Hesed (Beauty)
This word is typically translated as love or kindness, or sometimes reliability or loyalty
Used in the context of God’s covenants with His people to describe how God is 100% reliable in the loving commitments He has made to us
Jesus Storybook Bible uses the phrase “God’s never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love.”
But here Isaiah is contrasting the total dependability of God’s love vs the human promises of trustworthiness that fades like a flower in the field
We are not faithful to God or each other
In fact, the Breath of the Lord (HS) exposes our unreliability
Breath of the Lord
The trustworthiness of God - v 8
In contrast, God is completely true and steadfast.
What about God stands? His Word
We can see how no human philosophy, psychological theory, or political scheme is durable. They are all discarded, sometimes in just a few years.
In the moment these ideas can feel so permanent, but in the scope of history, they mean nothing.
In contrast the Word of God has stood true, unchanged, and relevant for thousands of years.
Another way of taking this is that our promises to God are about as lasting as a flower.
We have all promised these commitments to God, yet they almost always fall short
Romans asks this question: What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though everyone were a liar.
Even when we break our promises to God, God does not break His promises to us
Behold Your God!
The good news (Gospel)- v9
What do mean by gospel?
The gospel is the character (For God so loved the world) and actions of our God (that He sent His only son)
Greatness as the God of His people
God is our strong hero - v10
He wins the battle
Defeating evil
Protecting His people, Keeping them as His own
Strong enough to do it on his own
The reward
Whose reward is it? God’s
What is the reward? It is us!
How does the thought of being God’s reward make you feel?
God is our true shepherd - v. 11
Compassionate, loving verbs - Tend, gather, carry, gently lead
Same arms that smites the enemies gently gathers weak lambs
Greatness as creator
This section pulls a lot of imagery from and Psalms
Creator - v 12
Made all things - the totality
Waters & heavens
Earth & mountains
How does the reality of God as creator meet us in our circumstances?
How does the reality of God as creator meet us in our distress? He is powerful
The great designer -v 13-14
God does not need consultation or permission to make creation
Not some cosmic struggle with an evil force
Not part of some sexual act
He has all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
There is no independent law outside of God. We cannot evaluate Him against some standard
How do we measure the Holy Spirit or teach God the path of justice?
If God was really loving and good, then…
One of the most common ways is subtle manipulation of God: If two people love one another, then God must endorse it. We make a false version of God based on some independent wisdom, rather than take Him at His word
Greater than creation - v 15-17
They are so small in comparison that you cannot even measure it
God is independent
He is separate and not tied to creation
He does not need our worship. There is nothing that we can give him that adds to His glory
How does this contrast to the modern notion of “the universe”
Wrong reaction #1 - Looking to creation - v 18-20
Why would we compare Yahweh to gods made out of creation
We easily make fun of those worship wood, but it is just as foolish as worshipping our job
This is the futility of idolatry, we seek it for hope in small parts of creation instead of the Creator God
Ex: Sex, money, relationships
All of these things are smaller than us and crumple under the weight of our expectations
But God is greater than all of creation put together. He can bear the weight of our hopes
Compare this silent, unmoving idol to the God who moves in close to us to comfort us in our distress. Why would we hope in creation when the Living God meets us in love like that?
Here again we the foolishness of trusting in the flower of flesh and human trustworthiness instead of the steadfast word of God
This is what God asks in vs 21
Do you not know?
Have I not revealed to you? Have I not told you in my word?
Greatness as sustainer - v 22-26
God isnt a cosmic watchmaker who builds the universe, winds it up, then sits back and watches the show unfold
His greatness as Creator is matched to His greatness as Sustainer - these are linked and parallel traits
Rules over creation - v 22-23
He watches it all
Arranges the “natural” impersonal events
Directs the even personal behaviors
Rules independently - v 24
Without anything to stop Him or hold its own against Him
Like a powerful storm - What could stop hurricane Michael? What could hold up against the intensity?
Rules all of creation - v 26
Rules the entire universe
But also each individual part
Wrong reaction #2 - Doubting the steadfastness of God - vs 27-31
Wrong reaction #2 - Doubting the steadfastness of God - vs 27-31
Why would we compare Yahweh to gods made out of creation
We easily make fun of those worship wood, but it is just as foolish as worshipping our job
This is the futility of idolatry, we seek it for hope in small parts of creation instead of the Creator God
Ex: Sex, money, relationships
All of these things are smaller than us and crumple under the weight of our expectations
But God is greater than all of creation put together. He can bear the weight of our hopes
Tie back to earlier sections
What does God ask in vs 21?
Do you not know?
Have I not revealed to you? Have I not told you in my word?
Here we see God pointing us again to the truth of vs 3-5
Doubting the steadfastness of God - vs 27-31
We may acknowledge God as creator instead of idols, but we dont trust in Him as sustainer
We often think does God really know?
Or maybe He is too busy with the rest of creation to pay attention to me
Or maybe He sees, but doesnt really understand
But look at His character
Yes, He rules over the whole scope of creation, but He is intimately involved with every part of creation. Even you
There is nothing that God does not understand better than us
He has revealed to us His purposes in His Word
God is utterly reliable to fulfill His promises
God ministers to His people
He will not grow weary and He will strengthen His people
He will strengthen His people
The right reaction: preach to your heart
Pensive doubting heart - a hymn that you sing in the voice of God to your own heart
"Fear thou not, nor be ashamed, All thy sorrows soon shall end. I who heaven and earth have framed, Am thy husband and thy friend.
Pensive doubting heart
"Fear thou not, nor be ashamed, All thy sorrows soon shall end. I who heaven and earth have framed, Am thy husband and thy friend.
"For a moment I withdrew, And thy heart was filled with pain, But my mercies I'll renew, Thou shalt soon rejoice again. Though I scorn to hide my face, Very soon my wrath shall cease. ‘Tis but for a moment's space, Ending in eternal peace."
"For a moment I withdrew, And thy heart was filled with pain, But my mercies I'll renew, Thou shalt soon rejoice again. Though I scorn to hide my face, Very soon my wrath shall cease. ‘Tis but for a moment's space, Ending in eternal peace."
Though afflicted, tempest-tossed, Comfortless awhile thou art, Do not think thou canst be lost, Thou art graven on my heart. All thy walls I will repair, Thou shalt be rebuilt anew, And in thee it shall appear, What a God of love can do.
Though afflicted, tempest-tossed, Comfortless awhile thou art, Do not think thou canst be lost, Thou art graven on my heart. All thy walls I will repair, Thou shalt be rebuilt anew, And in thee it shall appear, What a God of love can do.
Though afflicted, tempest-tossed, Comfortless awhile thou art, Do not think thou canst be lost, Thou art graven on my heart. All thy walls I will repair, Thou shalt be rebuilt anew, And in thee it shall appear, What a God of love can do.
When the circumstances of life crowd in, when we are tempted to trust in creation, or when we doubt that God will help,
There in the midst of that, God blazes a trail through the wilderness to reach us
And He pursue us with tender words of comfort
Indeed, Christian, behold your God
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