Christ's Temptation

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Is there anyone who is anyone able to break? Orlando open

the lawyer who conquered the grave is he what is he?


Does the spirit move along and is cheap?


is there anyone?

Is there a way to see you in.

The lawyer from every people in every nation.

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And I thank you Daniel. Appreciate that made it. Br. how to design a prayer to live our lives out for Christ and everything

Say goodbye to Daniel and Abby. We will Abby. I mean, I will miss both of them Daniel taking a promotion to outside in Salt Lake City area. So they are will be on the road next weekend. And so I think they're just requirement. He comes back and sings O Holy Night time I sure if UPS will think that's the right thing to do, but We put in a request for time off.

would you turn to Luke chapter 4 please Luke chapter 4

We are continuing with our study in The Gospel According to Luke Luke is a gentile follower of Jesus Christ, he is the sometimes companion of the Apostle Paul and hear a writer writing to a gentile friend Theophilus. He's writing so that this friend will know the certainty or the exact truth of what this friend is heard of Jesus Christ. He writes that inverse for of chapter one that exact truth the things that you've known since we think about that as we go to prayer. The truth of God's word is for us this morning its balance prayer and ask God to help us understand it today. Gracious. God by your mercy. Are your strengths you brought us here and your plan to hear your word. And so may we now hear it absorbent by the power of the Holy Spirit May our hearts awakened to it. My father made it changes us. May it do the work in us that you desire for to do. May we not resist the way we give free rein to you today? Thank you that you have given us your work today. And we find strength and comfort and joy in it. Because it is indeed is from you. Vincent Price, and I pray amen Temptation is all around us. I'm not talking about the dessert menu at your favorite restaurant. I'm talking about genuine temptation. The man says he has no sin. He deceives himself the Apostle John writes in his epistle. And at times I seem to feel a constant barrage of Temptation coming at me. It seems overwhelming and two to come at it me with great force continual force and I'm pretty sure that if you would have met your heart of life, it's that way for you also. How do I how do you combat that Temptation that is all around us. We know from scripture that it is all around us. But yes it Also Rises up from within us from our hearts from our what we want to do from the sinful nature. So, how do we resist? How do we resist this? Great Temptation this overwhelming desire we have to do what is wrong. How do we come back this would you ever wondered this? Today the passages for you. Scripture speaks often in many different places, but this particular passage gives us the account of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. Let's read together and find out how he encourages us to resist Jesus full of the Holy Spirit return from Jordan and was led around by the spirit Into the Wilderness the Wilderness. It's a wonderful place a beautiful place. Sometimes it is full of great Beauty. There's also full of rocks. dirt and sand and very little water is a place that is Barren in some of Jewish literature. It was a place that would have they would say they had demonic activity. The Wilderness was not the preferred Place. Only for just ease of living but also for what it brought the connotations are brought but later on we see the Jews with the master of all would go to the Wilderness to pray. Because you do find Solitude in the wilderness. But if you read the first one again, we see Jesus noted. This down was full of the Holy Spirit. He was full of the holy spirit. This event is coming right off the vent right after the event of his baptism. We're visibly we saw the representation of the Holy Spirit Come and descend upon him and so in the power and the fullness of the spirit Upon Jesus as he returns the Jordan River he is led by the spirit. Into the Wilderness happenstance to get there it wasn't that I took a wrong turn or wasn't that the Devil Himself let him there bots the holy spirit let him there and he was there 40 days being tempted. by the devil 40 days in significant in Scripture. It rained on on Noah and the Ark for 40 days 40 days Moses fast in the Sinai 40 years the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness after failing in their test of obedience. And here it is the devil the accuser the slanderer. The Hebrews believe in an evil force someone that was above them Supernatural not God, but Supernatural but also is someone that was personal that would would visit. Was just a philosophy was real the Devil comes he doesn't come in a red suit with a pitchfork when he comes very subtly. He doesn't come with here and and you'll probably vouch with me. That's not how the devil normally comes out in a red suit. Cuz resettling it so he comes here to Jesus also and look Jesus ate and nothing during those days and when they had ended those days didn't he became hungry. He is becoming hungry. If you look at this, I think this probably some more in scripture than the devil is tempting him along the way but here's the culmination of those Temptations. The Devil comes to him and says they have if you are the Son of God if he if you are the Son of God tell the stones to become bread. If you are who you say you are I searched your power and satisfy your appetites. Understand the issue isn't bread the issue. Isn't he the bread or even whether or not Jesus have the power to perform the act the purpose of this temptation seems to be to tempt Jesus to use his power as the Son of God for the satisfaction of his own appetite to forget the father's will to forget the holy spirit's leading him there to take care of yourself. Jesus do that. He tempts Him. Thompson if you are who you say you are.

It's it's loaf -shaped. It just looks like I mean, aren't you hungry smell it slow. She just just go ahead and do it. In Jesus does something remarkable he answers the devil, which I think that's remarkable because he didn't have to look for our sake he does he says to him. It is written man. Shall not eat a live by bread alone. It is written. Jesus relies upon the Torah the law of God Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3 where it where Moses speaks. He humbled you and let you be hungry fed you with Manna what you do not know nor did you fought your father's know that he might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that precedes out of the mouth of the Lord. Jesus goes to scripture and he clearly states that man and as he submits himself here to the father's will does not live by bread alone. Is the words of God that is the sustenance.

Interesting how the Devil Comes To Us often and appetites.

If you are who you say you are Christian do this or that?

The accusations you really not.

But if you are, I mean it should be hasn't got given you all things satisfy your needs or wants.

Jesus expresses here an interdependent upon the godhead of which he was part on the words the very words. of God the very words of God had a third through Moses reminds the devil. Where true strength comes from the devil tries again. He says he leaves them up to a to show him. All the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time is like the devil's a virtual real estate agent and I will give you this domain and its glory for has been handed over to me and I give it to whomever I wish there for. If you worship before me it shall be yours notice what he says I will give you this. As if you owned it as if it was his to give away. The Temptations the shortcut God's will is as you're supposed to be the Messiah supposed to be the Son of God, I'll give you the power. I'll give you the glory. Just let me take care of it. Just one small little caveat little condition.

You'll have everything that you want. everything that you want Does worship mean?

The Devil Comes obviously, it's a false claim. He does not own the world. Yes, he is working in it and to do evil but it does not own it.

He builds to Pride the humanness of Jesus, but he makes a pretty bold ass. Maybe he's hoping to make this is Jesus the Jewish Messiah stumble and someway forfeit his right. I'll give you everything that you want and then you can leave from that. The devil tries that and he tries it for us. He uses the words like the kingdoms of this world the seizure control the kingdom of the world. What's Caesar new? Yes, I'll give you even that.

Daniel tells us Daniel Reitz He says I kept looking in the night visions and behold with the Clouds Of Heaven one like a son of man was coming and he came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him and he was given dominion and glory in the Kingdom at All Peoples Nation of men of every language. I serve him. His Dominion is Everlasting which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed. It was already Christ's the Son of God already possessed What to say what the devil was offering him? The Temptation temptation to him and Jesus respond. So there is he says it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him and serve him only takes to Deuteronomy and Deuteronomy 6:13. You shall fear only the Lord your God and you shall worship Him and swear by his name. He takes him again to scripture. It is written remind the devil of the word of God.

found this painting jump all around. I don't know his friends about it hangs in the state capitol in Brazil won the art galleries there and it's the story of Faust based on a real person directed gives us the poet. The first time I came into contact with this because I'm a weird music guy was the opera Faust.

What is the story of one who wanted more than he had the dispatch the satisfaction of what he had and so he to gain power influence and everything. He wanted worldly pleasures makes a deal with the devil. You hear that phrase any Bargains the devil receive all of this the devil merely wants his life. Give me that. I said to make a Faustian. Bargain is to sell a way to give away your life or something that will in the end go away.

This is the Temptation the devil gives to us. Let me let me give you what you want. Let me take care of what you think you want or think you need? Let me just come in and provide all of that. I'll give you a Fame and power. I'll give you all the worldly pleasures. You need just worship me. Just be my slave. Just give me all of your soul. I don't ask much. From your 50 60 70 80 90 years of life. I just want eternity your soul.

Unfortunately we we actually has some in this world do

Jesus speaking. According for Matthew 16

What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeits his soul? What will a man give in exchange for his soul? Worship is of God Alone. There is no bargain. No giving of your soul for something that is anymore greater greater than God. Why give yourself your soul away for something? That is not God himself?

everything else what we think looks good now. barnaba

It's always doubles. Done. He has one more. As we let him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the Pinnacle of the temple and said to him unless you show this I'm giving you the southwestern Corner the other side Southeastern to Kidron Valley and citrus more steep. This is the top of the Temple mount. It would have been higher the day because Rome fought about tearing things down 70 80 and the word there is not the temple actually Itself by the complex. I like this corner because you can reach this corner and stand on it a little easier in it, but it's time enough 5/6 or higher the Full Construction unit made an impact if you were to jump if you are the son of God If you again look how he he words this if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from him from here throw yourself down. In fact, it's interesting what he says in argument because he takes Jesus to Psalm 91. He quotes is a Messianic Psalm, but he quotes this word is written devil speaking. He will command his angels concerning you to guard you and on their hands they shall bear you up and that you shall not strike your foot against the stone. the devil quotes scripture

beware how people do come quoting scripture Turtle contacts for their own purposes, but he comes he does that and he gives that a bunch but Jesus again turned him around he says you should ask him said You shall not put the Lord your God to the test. You shall not put the Lord your God to the test. He again, he quotes from Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 16 usual not put in the test as you tested him at massah or meribah. Remember the story I think they're just probably a little over a month after seeing the Red Sea parted and the children picture of crossed over there the dry land on the Red Sea and they are saved from the Egyptian Army. And so they are now free until they set out traveling and become hungry in the begin Thursday and they start to you just you just wanted to see us die. Shoji God tells Moses to to go to the truck and strike the Rock and water would come out and this is where this is where jesus takes the devil in the his response to him such as do not Test the Lord your God.

Show me a picture of just seen God doing wonderful work. Something superhuman by parting Waters walking through on dry ground and it would seem to us. Although we probably shouldn't ask too many stones at them. It would seem to realize that had we seen that we would trust God because that is no we can't do any of that. That is incredible Bots. Do you lock the faith to trust God continually? I told ya. Probably just more than once they comment. This is how Moses speaks and says do not Test the Lord your God. Remember that time when Jesus Takes the devil their ideas. Resume on the good God's good graces by testing his loyalty to us. God is always loyal to those who are his it's it's the the loving kindness of the steadfast love is in that word was translated loving kindness or Mercy.

Should not test him to see if indeed he does love us to trust him that he does indeed love us.

and so do you double head finish every Temptation he left him. until an opportune time

What are interesting interchange here obviously brought so that we could read this. Holy spirit is moving and working in in Jesus to take him through these Temptation Jesus answers. It's the answers that very succinctly and correctly adjust own a man of the teachers are so what do we learn? What do we learn from? This number one testing or Temptation will come. It will come. Whether it is the devil on his own coming and tempting you aware. It is a a testing a trying as God did for the Hebrews Deuteronomy. 8:2 says you should remember all the way in which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness is 40 days that he might humble you testing you to know. What is in your heart whether you would keep his Commandments or not when God tests he tests to refine us. To examine what is in our hearts when the devil tempts he does so to tear us down and Destroy and that's a difference between the two actions that one is there to to prove to refine and try the other is there to tear down to destroy but understand the test again Temptations will come and will continue until that day that we stepped foot into heaven. So we are to be weary of that. It reminds us that number to we need to be full of the Holy Spirit.

See if you're a follower of Christ.

The amazing thing is that the holy spirit of God dwells within. He dwells within us to to make the provision for us to understand the word of God as we read it on the page to help us assimilate into our bodies from mines into our hearts and helped live it out. But often we crowd him we push him to the edges. I almost sometimes we like to think of it is it said he is he has a lot of us. He's filling out the space is not that we were grabbing more and more of him we have. We've been given that bestowment and so there's not a second one that's coming. But we do often push him aside. You and I need to be as Jesus was is full the Holy Spirit. being led by him

Being yes, we know from John is the Apostle John writes the work of the Holy Spirit to comfort the guide. And yes it we see the other parts of the Holy Spirit to es convict.

is there Jesus said if I would go away when I go away, I will lead you leave you another comforter and that is the power in the grace the Holy Spirit and he must control us a fusions 5 reminds is nothing should control us with the Holy Spirit. Be not drunk with wine. Where is it where the injections but be filled controlled filled up fully with the Holy Spirit and he controls our hearts. Our actions are thought I words our Deeds.

the word of God must be our defense.

Boston Jesus teaches us hear the word of God must be our defense. He goes specifically Has the author the word of God the God had Jesus could have given us new birds in the situation. MLB recorded differently here in the gospels, but he does not I believe on purpose for us. The word of God must be your defense in my defense.

We often try to make it up as we go. Don't we do it Our Own Strength our own power and we we can bats the things our face are away with maybe more resolved. I'll be stronger next time that Temptation comes or I'll do better next time instead of the word of God being our defense and everything that we do every Temptation see if it's filling us as a holy spirit is in us. If we are in the word of God, it is our defense. It's ready. It's right there. It's on our lives are harder when Temptation comes he's there for us. The scripture is our defense. It is our Shield. I told this before I think it Bears repeating here. when I was in high school My father wanted me to be occupied over one Christmas break. I remember being a very cold Christmas break. I don't remember. Didn't his occupation for me was to help. I got our church build a storage room out of cinder block on the back of the church and he was the right man for because he just a new gown for Michigan and he knew that if you're at freezing temperatures, you you mix a little denatured alcohol into the concrete mix to keep it from freezing while you're standing there doing it. So it was that cold that he can I edit my job was to just to mix and attend him. I was not at all skilled in the laying of luck.

It was a time of life when it off and is 4 young men when they struggle with her thoughts. The devil attacks them a devil be attacking me with my thought life. Just what I was thinking. And as I was there in the old days, it seems like forever. I don't know what is seemed like forever cuz I was there thinking and tending and Bill was was a nice guy, but it wasn't like a huge talker. And so there were times of Silent Night as I watched him Build That Wall. Lord Works in my heart than the struggles. I was having and he said you are the word of my word needs to be like a block wall built in front of your temptation. My word must be in front of you. And the Temptation between you a shield and a defense.

I remember as I was thinking I I can't combat these thoughts on my own. I can't come back temptation of my own and so I have to have the word of God and I would need in my mind. I would lay blocks one by one with verses Psalm 119. There was also a young man cleanse his way by taking heat according to die world with my whole heart. I have sought thee. Let me know. Wonderful my Commandments. I word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against the O how I love thy law. I will meditate on day and night I words the lamp to my feet online to my path entrance of your word gives light and I would come back that it in my mind. I would Place those blocks of scripture one by one in front of me as a defense.

before long How your mind works on different levels? I don't remember what that Temptation was. So what is that? What I found was the word of God is a shield in a defense for me that I needed the word of God in my life. I had to have it in me not just reading but I had to have a graphing my soul and you will notice that all that was memorized back in the King James. And so when I repeat a lot of the words and memorization is that time of my life and always comes back until when I read my feet always be kind of stumbled a little bit but that was the word of God as I do this. I have the defense of God I can send and let me tell you. That is your defense if you're struggling today with sin in your heart in your life. The word of God is your defense you cannot. Spend the devil off in his temptation on your own. Never works out. We are not strong enough. Stop thinking you are. You are not. But the short word of God is always a strong defense.

The Shield is a Buckler

Is that what protects us?

adhered us

This is the defense against temptation. You do. I need the word of God. We need to be full of the spirit and yes Temptation and testing will come don't be surprised be ready. one last thought from the writer of Hebrews Because this passage also. As spoken to buy by the writer of Hebrews tells us this. Jesus therefore he had to be made like his brother and all things so that he might become and merciful and faithful high priest and things pertaining to God to make propitiation for the sins of the people for since he himself was tempted and that which he has suffered he is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted. Is this passage in Luke reminds us that our God has walked this path? He has experienced this he will come to your Aid again and Hebrews 4, but we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are yet without sin therefore because of this let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace that we might receive mercy and find Grace in time of and how they help in time of need. This passage tells us instructions it come for such as it warms us to know that our Saviour our Saviour walked this path. He did not send but he used the same defense that we are called upon to use against temptation.

So he feels it.

If you was bats when we are tempted.

We can come to him. For grace for mercy and help that are need. I know where you are today.

The group the size many different Temptations many different aspects of it. I won't tell you that you don't have to stay in send you a follower of Christ. Is intended for you to live in sin and to keep yielding to temptation to giving it over to continue in some way to make a bargain try to bargain with God I can have this part but I'll hang on here. That's not the intention of our great God. They gives you help because your strength. About and ask for his help today. Praise God, I thank you for who you are with the power of your word. Oh God. I pray that.

The one who struggling with sin today.

What he or she find rest and relief and their savior of their Apostle of Christ.

We did not see any longer that's saying send rain. the hearts and our souls

What are you f****** with a fine freedom and relief? our savior For the believer, we have the promise that Jesus you will forgive our sin as we confess.

So maybe walk in the strength of forgiveness confession repentance. May we take upon ourselves the shore defense of the word of God. Oh God, I pray for that one who is lost in their sins who deceive themselves with that don't need a krait. I don't need a savior and my life. I pray that you would work in that hard and draw them to you. May they see your grace may they see that they made no longer be in bondage chained to their sin of God that you give relief and freedom. So God, I pray that you would working at heart. define relief in Jesus

I got to pray that is we we enter into our week that you would. I am Mercy. Strengthen us with your word on the power of the spirit.

Maybe rest those of us who know Jesus our savior. May we rest of the power enabling Grace of the Holy Spirit? Did during Temptation we will? Have Asher and Ray defense?

May be glorified as we live holy lives for you to increase my privacy meant to keep your head down eyes closed.

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