Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
God given passions aren’t deterred by time or expense.
Our dependence on God reveals His goodness.
God remembers His covenants.
We are joining God to set people free.
God given passions aren’t deterred by time or expense.
Our dependence on God reveals His goodness.
God remembers His covenants.
When God speaks, it is a promise and we can count on Him to fulfill His word.
God humbles his people to prepare them for ministry.
God does whatever it takes to humble his people.
God humbles his people to prepare them for ministry.
The forty years spent by Moses in the wilderness of Midian were, in one way, the most important of his life.
They were the means by which God trained him for his great work.
What is humility?
“Humility, the place of entire dependence upon God, is from the very nature of things the first duty and the highest virtue of His creatures.”
- Andrew Murray, Humility pg.
One of the greatest dangers we and the church today face is pride.
The greatest danger we and the church today face is pride.
Pride made Moses feel like he had the right to be judge and jury of the Egyptian.
Consider the major headlines that run on the news today...
Racism, abuse, scandals - all of these things find their root in pride.
Pride make us believe that we have more value than another person.
Abuse - pride
Pride is the very reason that Satan was cast from heaven.
He looked at his own qualities, which were given to him by God, and thought he should be equal to God.
Isn't’ that the same trap we fall into?
We look at ourselves and think, wow.
That may be a silly thing to think about corporately, but isn’t that exactly what we are doing anytime we put ourselves before others?
I have had people tell me they were going to take a job somewhere and I asked if God had called them there.
They responded with, “well I have all the qualifications they need”.
Isn’t this absurd in light of what we are seeing in the passage today?
Even though it is absurd, this is how we make decisions.
There is a call to ministry and we think about things like...
Do I like the thing that is being asked of me?
Do I have time for this?
Am I qualified for this thing?
All of those statements are about us and are in no way about God.
Is there an area of your life that the Holy Spirit is revealing your pride?
Moses is one day a prince of Egypt and the next he is a refugee in a foreign land.
By cultural and social standards, if anyone would have a chance at freeing the Hebrews, it would be the prince right?!
Even the idea that Moses could do it on his own reveals that in his heart, he believed that He was more capable than God.
Us asking “I or me” questions reveals the same faulty thinking that is in our hearts.
It reveals the truth that we are more concerned with ourselves than we are with God.
It reveals that we lack humility.
The forty years spent by Moses in the wilderness of Midian were, in one way, the most important of his life.
They were the means by which God trained him for his great work.
It took forty years for Moses to get to a place where he abandoned any hope of regaining his former status.
God used that time to help Moses see that his value was exactly the same as the people he had a passion for saving.
“Humility is the proper estimate of ones self.”
-Charles Spurgeon
God will do whatever it takes to remove pride.
If there is anything that we think we can bring to the table, we have made ourselves useless to God.
“Humility is the only soil in which virtue takes root; a lack of humility is the explanation of every defect and failure.
Humility is not so much a virtue along with others, but is the root of all, because it alone takes the right attitude before God and allows Him, as God, to do all.”
-Andrew Murray, Humility pg. 17
The things we say and the things we do, reveal the truth about who we are and what we believe.
We must allow the Holy Spirit to do what is necessary to rid us of pride and bring us in to the right attitude before God.
Only when this happens will God be able to use us and work through us.
Pride is what destroyed our relationship with God and humility is what saves it.
Look at Paul’s plea to the church in Philipi.
Phil 2:1-
We cannot be used by God until we have been humbled.
If there is any pride in us we make it about us and therefore tear down God by building ourselves up.
We live in a world of self promotion and the world doesn’t need more of it.
The world needs to feel the freshness of men and women who are living, serving, and sacrificing for one another.
When we look at the life of Jesus, that is what we see and it challenged and ultimately changed lives.
Moses, after many years, has the right perspective on his position before God and people.
We will see this a little later in the chapter.
God calls us in His timing to accomplish His work.
ex 3:
God waits until people are ready.
God waited until Moses, the people, and political climate were ready.
God waits until the Pharoah that Moses knew and was wanting to kill him had died.
ex 2:
God waited until the
God knew that the people were at the end of themselves.
Ex 2:
God knew that Moses was aware that he had nothing to offer.
God confirms the passion that he placed in Moses’ heart.
God knew that Moses was aware that he had nothing to offer.
God speaks to Moses to communicate His plan.
God still speaks today.
Moses did not have the benefit of the Holy Spirit and so God revealed Himself as light.
(flame of fire that did not burn - same as when the Holy Spirit came in .)
God has placed Himself in each believer for the specific purpose of working through His people.
That same Holy Spirit lives in us when we come to faith in Christ.
The purpose of the HS being in us is for us to allow Him to work through us.
Again, it’s not just about us.
It is God’s desire to use us to proclaim His truth to those around us.
To be a light in the darkness.
God confirms the passion that he placed in Moses’ heart.
As we abide in Christ, His desires become our desires.
That means that the things that break our hearts also break God’s heart.
God will confirm for you that the passion, the thing that breaks both your hearts, is from Him .
This passion that Moses has, to free his people from slavery, was in his heart as a young man.
He tried what he knew and was able to do and it failed.
God is now saying, it is time to free your people and you are going to be the one that facilitates it.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9