Ready for Christ's Return
Luke 12:35-48
“Ready For Christ’s Return”
Small Group Study Questions
*Start your small group time off with prayer and then read the passage of Scripture in its entirety before getting into the questions.
1. Have you ever had someone arrive unannounced? How did that make you feel? What did you do in that instance?
2. Why is the return of Jesus Christ to earth so central to our faith as Christians? How, in your opinion, should the fact of Christ’s imminent return influence our lives as Christians?
3. Why does Jesus in this passage encourage us, and warn us, to be ready for his return? Why is being ready for Christ’s return important, according to this passage?
4. Oswald Chambers writes this:
“The only way to wait for the Second Coming is to watch that you do what you should do, so that when he comes is a matter of indifference. It is the attitude of a child, certain that God knows what he is about. When the Lord does come, it will be as natural as breathing.”
What do you think of Oswald Chamber’s words here? What is the point he’s trying to make?
5. There is a sense of urgency in this passage: Jesus speaks twice of the master’s return to his household, and of a homeowner being ready to repel the burglar who wishes to steal from his home. What is the point Jesus is making? What is Jesus encouraging us to do in how we live our lives for God?
6. As Christians you and I have a responsibility to live a certain way for Christ. Why is waiting around for Christ’s return not an option then for us? In that regard, what has God entrusted us to do while we wait for Christ’s return?
7. At the very end of this passage, the last half of verse 48, Jesus talks about the truth that much is required to whom much is given. What do you think Jesus means by that? Based on what God has given you, what do you think he requires you to do, even while you wait for Christ’s return?
Closing Prayer: Pray that you and your group would live lives of purpose for Jesus Christ while you await his return. Pray that you would be faithful to Christ together and that you would use well what God has entrusted to you.