Sermon Tone Analysis
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(A Message from Colossians)
Westgate Chapel 8~/3~/03 Colossians 1:21-23
PROPOSITION: The only way to remove the alienation between unregenerate man and God, and be changed and reconciled to Him, made perfect in His sight without accusation, is through persevering faith in the person of Jesus Christ.
! i. introduction
!! - (*READ story about Father Maximilian Kolbe from Chuck Colson's, "The Body", pp 322 - 327.*)
!! - THIS true story is a very moving example of a rare demonstration of sacrificial human for the life of another.
!! - AND there probably is not a father in this building who would not be willing to lay down his life for one of his children.
!! - OR possibly there is a very dear friend for whom you would be willing to lay down your life if called on to do it.
!! - FORTUNATELY for us all there are very few times in a nation like America where this kind of sacrifice is called for.
It is extremely rare.
!! - BUT who here would have been willing to lay down his~/her life for Jeffrey Dalmer or Timothy McVeigh...who murdered people without mercy?
!!! ~* Anyone here willing to lay down their lives for Saddam Hussein?
!!! ~* Muamar Khadaffi?
!!! ~* An abortionist?
!!! ~* A rapist?
!!! ~* A child molester?
!! - ROMANS 5:7-8 says,
!!! "*Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us*."
!! - JESUS became our substitute....taking on Himself God's wrath for our sin....and died on behalf of Timothy Mc Veigh, Ted Bundy, Alec Rowlands not when we were good, but when we were still filthy in our sin.
!! - THIS is the great substitution that brings us Life.
!! - PLEASE turn with me to Colossians 1:21-23 this morning (pg.
!! - COLOSSIANS was written by Paul to a small group of believers who were under severe attack at the hands of a pagan society in Asia Minor.
!! - BUT even more dangerous than the attack from the world was the deterioration and corruption of the faith of the Christians from within.
!! - BECAUSE they were such a struggling minority in a largely pagan world, they had become isolated and therefore susceptible to strange doctrines that exalted human disciplines, human wisdom, angels, and special ceremonies.
!! - HUMANITY became elevated in status and self-importance.....and Jesus was gradually squeezed out of His place of preeminence.
!! - PAUL begins the epistle with some of the great themes of faith, hope, grace, God's power....and Christ as Lord of creation, Lord of the Church, the image of the invisible God.
!! - THEN, in verse 21, he brings it down to the nitty you and me, and writes,
!!! "*Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior*."
!! - THIS is what you and I used to be.
!!! ~* Alienated from God.
!!! ~* Enemies of God in our minds.
!!! ~* As evidenced by our evil behavior.
!! - THIS is what we used to be.
!! - AND this is what our modern world is doing its best to deny.
!! - OUR world is doing its absolute best to establish that we are OK.
!! - AND they are screaming it at us louder and louder every day.
!! - FROM the filth that gets passed off as "normal" on talk the legislation being considered to normalize same sex marriages as a healthy "family."
!! - PRIME time TV programming has anesthetized us so that we are unable to judge distinguish right from wrong.
!! - BUT, regardless of what the media portray as the innate goodness of mankind....Paul says,
!!! "*Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior*."
!! - YOU were alienated from God......
!!! ~* Cut off.
!!! ~* That's because sin is a condition of the human heart apart from God, and it severs fellowship with God.
!!! ~* Sin forces us to live without God in this world.
!!!! "......*remember that at that time you were separate from Christ…without hope and without God in the world*."
(Ephesians 2:12)
!!! ~* Sin also estranges us from others.
!! - YOU were enemies of God......
!!! ~* It is a condition of the human heart, apart from God.
!!! ~* That is because, apart from God, the human heart is self-centered, and rebels at the thought of anyone else on the throne of our lives.
!!! ~* And the result of this heart condition is rebellion against God and eventually evil behavior.
!! - THAT is the human condition....sin alienates us from God and makes us enemies of God.
!! - NO amount of counseling or therapy or self talk or self esteem manipulation will ever be able to remedy the guilt problem that we all have apart from God.
!! - AND that presents an incredible problem.
!! - GOD cannot tolerate sin because it is an offense to His holiness.
!! - WHEN the Bible talks about a holy God in relationship to sinful man it uses word pictures like;
!!! ~* Height.
!!!! ~* Isaiah sees God in a vision as high and lifted up.
!!!! ~* He is known as the Most High God.
!!!! ~* He is above all nations and powers and rulers.
!!!! ~* He is seated on a throne that is high and lifted up....surrounded by glory and majesty and *totally inaccessible to sinners*.
!!! ~* Distance.
!!!! ~* "Don't come any closer"......He said to Moses at the burning bush or to Israel at Mount Sinai.
!!!! ~* God's presence rested in the Holy of Holies in the Temple....but only the High Priest could go in once a year.
!!!! ~* When Israel crossed the Jordan, they were told to stay 1,000 yards back from the ark.
!!!! ~* Uzzah got too close to the ark and was killed.
!!!! ~* God is far away from humanity....and we dare not approach too closely.
!!! ~* Light.
!!!! ~* God is light.
In Him there is no darkness at all.
!!!! ~* Light is blinding.
!!!! ~* God lives in unapproachable light.
!!!!! “*God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords*,(16) *who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see.
To him be honor and might forever.
Amen.*” (I Timothy 6:15-16)
!!! ~* Fire.
!!!! ~* Fire burns, consumes, purifies.
!!!! ~* Our God is consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29).
!! - THESE are foreign concepts in today's Gospel message.
!! - WE prefer to think of man as basically pretty decent.
!! - WE prefer to think of God as easy going, gentle, kind, accommodating....tolerant of our weaknesses.
!! - BUT that is not the Bible's description of God's attitude towards sin.
!! - SIN is an offense, and attack on His holiness and His justice.
!! - THERE is a perpetual and irreconcilable chasm between sin and a holy God.
!! - IF God were to simply overlook or choose to ignore sin, He would have to deny Himself and would no longer be God.
!! - IN dealing with us He must be true to His character, to His nature.
!! - IF there were no divine reaction to sin, there would be no meaning to order, no stability....the world would fall into chaos.
!! - GOD is bound to deal with sin in holy judgment.
!! - DO you see how dangerous it is when in this world you have this terrible human condition addressed either;
!!! ~* By psychologists glossing over the basic problem with self-talk and self esteem jargon.
!!! ~* Or, Oprah Winfrey telling us that sin is normal human behavior.
!! - AND all along, God's wrath hangs like Damocles' sword over every sinner…and because their condition is being hidden from them, so is the remedy.
!! - THE writer of Hebrews says that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.
!! - THAT is not capricious, arbitrary, unpredictable anger...It is God's steady, determined intolerance of that thing that offends His holiness....SIN.
what jesus has done
< .5
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