We're not going to sacrifice any chickens. So stay cool.
How you doing?
Are you nervous? You should be. Totally should be.
Dental work, but if it doesn't Hallelujah bless God will roll on, right? Set alarm. Just give me a 9 week Series going to go all the way through Easter. And what we're dealing with is a topic called world view definition is embedded in the name. If you view the world how you look at it. A lot of times the way you look at the world and the conclusions you come to are determined by where you start. How you see things are determined by the lenses that you wear to see them and that's what we're going to be getting into now. I feel like I should warn you. Okay, I believe I'm going to stir up some stuff for everybody and based on what I saw this morning maybe even in our community and I'm pretty excited about that. I ain't scared. All right. But what you do need to understand is I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. That's me. Michael Manor preacher. No preacher. That's me have been since I was 13. I was dumb for a long time did my own thing but realized I'm a disciple of Jesus. That's the only worldview I believe. It's been theorize that there are 27 different worldviews and the world I live in a lot of people think they can treat a worldview like Walmart and they can have this kind of worldview for philosophy and this kind of worldview for biology and those kind of things. I do not believe that's true. So Even though you may struggle with what I say today. I understand. I'm totally comfortable talking to you about it and having a conversation. My cell phone number is 371-4853.
Told you I'm not scared. But what I do want you to know is it's okay to have questions. It's not okay to get mad and walk away because you're afraid to deal with what you believe. Okay, so don't do that. All right. So yeah, open a few cans of worms. I'm going to challenge it some things that are very accepting our culture. And so today we're going to talk about this topic are our main ideas that God is the source and that we can be filled or stay empty. I want you to rest and I'm beginning at a place. We talked about a disciples worldview. We're not talking about just an opposing worldview with every other worldview in the world in which we live. Did you follow that that was World a lot of times? We're talking about an extreme review. A world you that's outside. of this world outside of this culture that is based in the Bible. So if you struggle with the Bible, you're going to struggle my worldview. It's okay to struggle. It's not okay to get mad and walk away parents. I could talk to you for a second. This series is going to give you an incredible opportunity to talk to your children about their worldview. If you don't help them, I know I'm putting on my preacher pants right there. if you don't help them with their worldview their educators will
And Educators don't hold your worldview. Most frequently not often. Sometimes there are lots of folks with our worldview in the systems, but I'm just saying if you have them at home and don't give them at least a chance to learn the disciples worldview. They're going to go out into college and into business and get someone else's. That's why we are calling casting vision for children's ministry. Someone needs to share another narrative another story. Cuz the Bible tells another story powerful Story one that redeems and not just condemns who you are. And whose you are he is no problem for you here with us or the demon at kodaira getting off script here. How many demons walked out of that guy that day visiting had to throw them out there like can we leave?
So I'm just saying I need to get into this what's going on. So he seemed a little box here. Nicole my wife label it for me. I would love to tell you I made it but I bought off Amazon. All right. So we're going to basically tackle five questions. Let me see if I can get to it these five questions are going to look at how how we look at the world. Okay. So this series is so it's not totally original but it's pretty original. It's this is totally Michael eyes. So if that scares you that's a good thing. So anyway, so the first thing with the question we got to ask is what can be known. So that's why I'm got my glasses up here. These are my reading glasses. Don't they make me look smart? I never heard that before so I wear them everywhere, I guess so smart and I'm like blows that right by my glasses here when we talk about what can be known it just the natural world. Cuz that's that's that's the popular opinion that we have the natural world and what can be seen and observed. That's what can be known. What about a metaphysical world? What about a supernatural world? Is there one how can it be known? Is it just don't do what I can detecting my five senses or is there another room that can be detected through something else something the Bible calls this year? It's so we start with the idea of what can actually be known. Okay, and if the other questions are who is God. Okay, so my box is a nesting box. So Excuse me while I make it weird. All right. So how did that so I start with this idea of who is God then I move into who am I so because whoever got is that that begins to race the questions about who am I I once I get out of who am I and start rest of that question then I need to find out what's actually good but I live in a world where things don't always go. Well, so I need to know what's wrong and then I end up in a place where my life ends and then I would like to know what's next. So these are six questions that we're going to wrestle with us we go to the series that are I think they'll be a nice simple way to consider our worldview. Here's the rub. How do I answer this question? changes everything else because I can answer this question 2 way. So let me answer it the comment most popular way.
If I am God now if you hold a different worldview than me, I probably just defended you because what you're thinking is well, there can be more Gods than just the god of the Bible or me and I take issue with that. Because any guy who isn't the god of the Bible is a God you have the freedom to create and judge. So whatever your religion is outside of being a disciple. Is that is the only worldview that accepts the actual god of the Bible? Now again, you can disagree with me and I will make snarky remarks like yeah, I could be wrong if you want. But that's just a joke. I'll be happy to talk to you about it. Here's the problem. If I'm God now everything that I believe from this point on is contained in me. So I start at the end of my equation. It doesn't matter what's next is because there's no way to know it doesn't matter what's wrong because are there issues with what's wrong but everything's up to chance doesn't matter because I'm God. So I'm a source. I'm the decider. I'm the judge. Will then I don't know. What's good anymore all I think that's good as whatever makes me happy. If it makes me happy then it's good. And so I've I've moved everything a little bit deeper into my own being. Who am I? Well if I am a I find my own God then I'm on my own. I'm an orphan. I'm just it's just me. And then I take all of this cash it in my belief and I'm actually the ultimate judge and set my worldview on top of that. You with me so far. What you going to do next? I think it would be fun. Did might be weird though?
What if I flip this around and I make God the god of the Bible. I want to make that really clear.
Any God that I get to Define who he is is no God. It's really just me. You can write that down. You can whatever it takes to remember it. Okay. Any day I stand in Judgment of God? I am God, okay. I know that's a little bit hard to swallow so baked on that for a bit. Okay, so what if I made God?
Changes I'm a son now. I'll go into that in just a minute. I move from an orphan to a son and then what's good changes because before what made me happy is was good. But now is what makes me whole and holy becomes what's really good for my life. Well, then the question of what's wrong and ruining my happiness. What does the thing in the world called Stand and there's a world war going on. I was born in the middle of okay and then watch next well instead of nothing next. There's an eternity. It's next now. Let's park my worldview on top of that. Can I have a way better perspective that makes sense that that help? All right. I'll try not to spill this no guarantees. So we're going to deal with nine worldview statements in the series one each week in each one is connected to a Bible story. OK and today we're starting with creation and I will without apology say that the first 11 chapters of the Bible are actually the most critical. If you reject Genesis 1 through 11, you don't have a new testament. Okay, so they're going to say over that apology to Justin. Hey, my number is 371 485 3371 Gulf Gulf Gulf between his ears. Okay now it's stuck now, he's got it. So today we're wrestling with the idea that God is the source and I can be filled or I can State through this today and wrestle with these questions. We're going to realize that some things can be known. We're not just staring back at ancient past over 4 billion years ago or 12 billion years ago, depending on if we're talking Earth. Are we talkin just the universe? We have an actual in2 what happened crazy, huh? Someone told Moses. He just went down there. I don't think I talked to Moses that way. I think you did a long story. Okay, I'll stop. So God's word and God's holy spirit. Can reveal to us more than just a natural they can also reveal Supernatural. Or the metaphysical and I think physics is tying into that. But hey, that's beyond my scope. So then who's God will if I look at creation I said God created everything. Let's say that together. You don't have to believe it just yet. But let's just do it. Listen for one second be in unison. It'll be so weird Americans in unison in one room. It'll be freaky. What's goes like God created everything ready? God created everything everything. Is there any creative Netsky Reveals His love and his divine nature. We'll get to that in a minute the next question. Who am I? Well if I look at this store to find out that I was designed designed. I was designed to be filled not an accident. So everything God created before it was corrupted and there's a 3 was good. Okay, it was all good. That's a southern translation. We said it's all good. It's a Southern accent. Southern Israel, all right.
Now, we also realize we're going to see in the creation story. What's actually wrong sitting in the world? Soon as the world. This isn't about my happiness. It's about a war that started. They were in the middle of that's what's wrong. And then we come back to what's next in the story. We see the guy has a Redemptive plan. God has a way to bring us back home. This race is a whole lot of issues with us, but we'll go through and start raising those issues and we'll just simply start here since God created. Everything God is the source and that's our worldview statement for today. God is the source and I can be filled or stay empty. And so let's start with the idea that God created light. Do you did you know that Genesis tells us that God created life.
You remember that chicken and egg thing? You know what came first the chicken or the egg. I know some of you already know this but do you know what came first light or the Sun? Because reading the notes, aren't you? way to go in the beginning God
Ian stop right there not in the beginning nothing. in the beginning something okay in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth the earth was formless and empty. I got to thinking about that and I'm like weird Isn't that weird? There's it's formless an empty cuz if you're imagining what the world look like before God started messing with it. You can't it's formosan empty. and darkness covered the Deep Waters and the spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters then God said Let there be light and there was light. Who's really important to Grass because you have light before you have a source for light but what's our point today? God is what? God is source. And so we have God saying let there be light and there being like before we have what we would scientifically or observably say is light or a source for light and you got your head wrapped around that right? So we're moving on and let's think about some of these scriptures now. The Bible is so beautiful guys. And so well woven together. It breaks my heart when people make decorations that it confuses them because what it what they're really saying is I haven't really thought about it that much. And I get it. I've been there but listen to these scriptures in light of the fact that God created light before he created the source for light 1st John 1:5. This is the message we heard from Jesus now declare to you God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. This is really critical in a world that believe scientifically that light is the source for life. And you find out that God is light. The hell is that cool?
John 8:12 Jesus spoke to the people once more and said I am the light of the world if you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness because you will have the light that leads to life so important. Okay. So God said let there be light there was light. Now we also should know that Jesus was there the Bible says first and John chapter 1 Bible and read a lot of scriptures today, Let the Bible take care of my sermon for the most part. I will crack Tulane jokes.
Sound fair Alright good deal. John 1 1 through 3 in the beginning the word already existed. Where was with God and the Word was God existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him. Nothing was created except through him and we know that the word that he's talking about. There is Jesus Christ. God did not create Jesus. You never said I got in that create Jesus father son. Holy Spirit were there at the beginning Holy Spirit hovering over the waters. I'll get to that in just a second and Jesus Christ is coming out of the mouth of the Holy Father. He's the word got it when God said let there be that was Jesus, but at the wrong band, okay, nevermind.
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created in Supreme over all creation verse 17 is one of my favorites. He existed before anything else and he holds all creation together just a little tipsy and very interesting the world almost blew apart at the crucifixion because we killed the one who held it together, but that is another sermon. Excuse me. Spirit was also there you can see in Genesis 1 through 3 that it was the spirit of God that was hovering over the waters. I'm going to go ahead and move on. So those guys were there. So we see God created light now. I want to drive home this morning. So I got some Source everything comes from him second God form and then he feel so what happened at creation. Do we have this formless empty dark place. We can't call the world yet. No laws are in place. There's no gravity. No theory of relativity. No Newton's lost its formless and empty. There's nothing that makes sense to our minds today. And so here is God standing in chaos. You have the Creator. Standing in chaos, you have the pure love standing in emptiness. What's going to happen when you put the Creator and pure love in a situation like this? What does this one happens? He brings order out of chaos. He create he takes the formlessness and begins to form it. He establishes the laws that rule it. I just want to make a quick application. That's a little bit outside the bounds of our subject today, but I just want you to know if I can walk into a formless empty universe and created your life is no problem. Poldark how empty how much you felt not a problem for the Creator. He's the source of fixing you a man. He can do that. All right. Okay got form then you feel so now we have the six days of creation has created God separates the light from the dark and we have day and night day to separates the waters above from the waters below. It creates an atmosphere over the oceans. Okay day 3 separates land out and weed starts a girl and they weren't worried. They were wild flowers at the time because everything was good, right? Day three, so that's what we have until 3. We have God form mean out of emptiness and out of formlessness day and night and atmosphere and are oceans and land in vegetation and then we get today for and it gets interesting. Because then he starts to feel what he formed. He fills the Sky with Stars Moon Sun the universe. In fact, he went totally over-the-top. Because for thousands of years no one had any idea how much he actually created out there. And so he created all those things. So there's day for he filled the sky the universe and so forth. They finally comes along and you got this guy in the sea and it's just the sky and see what feels with birds in the sky with fish in the sea. You knew that I just I just The last year by the time. Table and I went to a missions conference in Missouri and we were driving through Nebraska, which I don't recommend on a full stomach. No, I'm just getting the rest is a great steak. They've got the Huskers. So anyway, we should go on our way home and I love actually love watching the flat Meander around the I-80 there and imagining John Wayne driving cars with sorry. Okay, that's just me. When I was supposed to Omaha and there are these I mean, I don't know what kind of birds they were. Some of them there were several different kinds of birds of all places. I would say Florida but hey, you know, Nebraska must be the place. We're literally seen bird tornadoes. I don't remember seeing one or not. It looks like a bird tornado and I'm glad we weren't driving under one actually, but I mean thousands and thousands sky is black looks like Blackbird tornadoes everywhere. You got all these birds in Nebraska of all places. I don't know maybe that does make more sense than I thought I did. Okay, so No more Nebraska jokes, I'm done. Garfield this guy and then he filled the oceans. 80% of our planet's oceans have never even been seen. much less mapped for explored 80% there's there's estimates that almost 90% of this planet haven't been explored. I guess you factor in the sea. That works. Okay.
It kills me that we can't even discover our own planet and yet we have determined there is no God. To me, that's absurd. But hey, that's moral view. My worldview is that God is the source of all these kind of things we can't forget day6. Day 6 God filled the Earth with animals Critters. And I think mankind.
2077 that cracks me up there was a study of that was done to try and determine about how many different species were on the planet 2007. Their conclusion was somewhere between 5 and 100 million give yourself some room, dude. Way to go man. You should be in politics because you said nothing right there. Oh my gosh. So the Mensa Society came out a few years later and they claiming new science of said that they're about 8.7 million species on the planet 15% a mere 15% of accident catalog. We got a lot on this planet. We don't even know is my simple point but here's what I need you to remember I could rant about that all day. I can write about anything all day. Just ask my wife first. God formed it. And then God filled it. That's what you need to know. That's the most important thing first. God formed it. Then God filled it Michael. Why does this matter because of this guy? Adam and Eve
Adam was formed by God Genesis 1 26. Let's make human beings in our image to be like us Genesis chapter 2 the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into men's nostrils and the Man became a living person. Can you climb into this moment with me for a second? Let's have some awareness here. God is forming man is forming Adam. He has created now we are into the six day and God Is Creative spoke it into existence all this incredible beautiful beyond our imagination thing created all the laws and all the rules by which they would operate until he decided they would cease to operate has done all of this and now he gets down to last day day6, and he's going to Crown the thing. Do you get that he saved the best for last that's what you need to get. And so he says hey we're going to create man and we're going to make him like us and so God takes dirt from the ground of Iowa Farms because he forms it then he feels it he forms Adam. I don't know how that went down in the Trinity. You know, I like like father's like hey Jesus check my back what I look like back there. I don't know you like that's really shallow Michael. I know but it's kind of funny.
Does this ring make me look big now? I'm just kidding. So God forms then and now we have in on this planet. We have God standing over a form human being. He's pre alive. He's not dead. He's pretty alive. And then God looks at that that being and breathes the Bible says God breathed into Adam. That breath is the breath we still breathe today. That's how big God is God gives one person CPR and billions live. All right. Now here's where I need you to really get in the story. Adams laying on the ground. Just got CPR from God. And his eyes flutter open. What is he C?
God is love.
Adam the first human being is looking pure love straight on in the face. That's the first thing I'm song. That's what we need to wrap our hearts around. You seem theologically we know God created man. We know Adam was the first man. We know all about Adams failures. But we don't know and it took till Luke in the gospels for us to learn it. Because it look gospel blue cuz he's recording who the lineage of two crises going. So and so is the son of someone so who's the son of someone so who's the son of someone so we get this sun thing going on and then he concludes in verse 38 with a genealogy of mankind up to Jesus Christ with this statement that we have read and never probably never considered. That Adam was the Sun. Oh God. Not merely just a man of God. I created a son when he created Adam someone God breathed into his son the breath of life and his son awakened and look into his eyes. We have far more than just God standing over a man. We have the eyes of a tender compassionate strong father looking at the eyes of a son. That's the heart of God.
So what does that matter? What cuz everyone thinks that God's heart is just to make their life miserable. People think God is like out to get them he is. He's out to get you in his family. He's out to adopt you. Okay, that makes sense is your father. He wants to be more that he wants to be more to you than just some religious Escape that you've made in your mind. So that that's that's how it work and God looked it at all. And God said it's all good. It's all good. Everything is good everything. I created good the moon the stars. The universe is good. Everything is in the city. Even the slimy stuff is good.
the birds the creatures and Adam and Eve.
We get to end of day 6. That's God's conclusion. Everything is good and then got took a break. You can read about that Genesis chapter 1 and 2. He wasn't tired. He just was done. When you say it's good you're saying is complete. He was finished. Nothing more needed to be done. He was also laying an example for us that we need a rest of those kind of things. So what are we supposed to do with this? Well, let's move into some application and let's think about this idea. We said got a source is going to the second part. You can be filled or stay empty. I realize that could be a fence it for me to say stay in because I am implying that which I do believe that we are born this life empty empty of what
if you've got because like Adam who got leaned over and breathed into that's exactly what God desires for us to fill us with himself. It's so we can stay in empty or we can be filled. So we begin to ask some questions here. I keep looking at the wrong clock and I'm liking that one better cuz it's about 10 minutes slower so such a watch back and we'll be good. So let me ask some questions. First of all nessus. What are you going to do with creation? I think this is important cuz we're talking about a worldview that states God is source. The creation is key in that discussion you throw out creation you no longer have goddess or you may have time as Source light as source to understand so we have to ask ourselves. What do you think about Christian? And here's what I want to come of this. I want you to know my heart on this is gentle but I may not sound very gentle. And that's not my intent, but we have to stop being intimidated out of creation.
We as Believers need to realize that creation is important who we are. We also need to understand that fax. This is what I get. Well the fax say I want to go back to my worldview here. Same site two different scientist one a creationist one an evolutionist will look at the same set of facts and come to entirely different conclusions. Why?
worldview cuz one knows got a source one doesn't know what the source is. I got to be honest with you. I know this is a I shouldn't crack at this as a joke. I really don't mean it as a joke, but For me to say that something came out of nothing requires way more faith than saying God created everything. Okay, especially when I look at a world displays God's love and character everywhere. I turn I mean, seriously we have how many different variations of a rose how many different kinds of stars in the universe? I mean really. It's like hey, I love you and you're so much was sick this winter, for example.
Yeah, I'm walking out the door the other morning and it snowed again. Oh my God. I'm so tired of shoveling this climate change off my driveway.
And that's okay. Okay, okay. And of course, I'm like, he he wants me to be grateful and I am getting these like hey, do you know that snow is a perfect picture of Grace? I mean you guys have all seen Wyoming late summer. Haven't you where it looks like somebody cooked at on a griddle? Psych three shades of brown And a greenish shade of brown that no one knows what that is. And God's got this winter God this winter says I want to show you what Grace is like and I'm just going to keep covering up that brown and covering up that brown and covering up that brown cover up that brown. So you drive about the snow Michael you really griping about Grace and I'm like damn sorry. I'll trying to shut up now.
So anyway, what are we going to do with creation? If your faith is at a point that it's so weak. And I don't mean as an insult just isn't an estate. But you fear the philosophical and scientific debate would destroy your faith in creation. I would recommend you get rid of that Faith cuz it's not actually faith. I'd recommend you find a real Faith. What's a real Faith? What if you walked up to me today and said hey Christy Maynard does not exist. Don't be like I beg to differ with you I fought with her this morning.
I know Christy Maynard exist because we talked this morning. We were in relationship this morning and we'll talk more later. Someone comes from what country says hey, you know scientifically you can't prove that cuz I just talked to him and he thinks you're nuts.
green really who's Crazy in this scenario The one who sees from heaven or the one who can't see heaven.
You can be filled are you can stay empty?
So as we think about creation when you think that who created everything so I've got to go a little bit quicker says by faith. We understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command and that we now that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen God loves us. He created in the evidence is everywhere and it's important for us to accept that how important so I'm going to read a longer segment of scripture and I need you to ride with me because there's a reason Paul put this in the Bible in this week for the age in which I live. So Romans, 1:18 God shows his anger from Heaven against all sinful Wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. I don't want to go into that too far and I want to pry open too many lives, but I you need to understand there's a suppression of truth going on. verse 19 the know the truth about God
they know.
I believe that your heart knows the truth whether you will admit it or not. And when you hear truth you resonate with it, unless you suppress it. And even then you know, it's true because you have to suppress it. I mean if people really don't believe in God, why are they so mad at it? They know the truth about God because he made it obvious to them. How do you make it obvious? Because we were saying all the time. Where are you? Why do you make yourself so hard to be found? Well, let's look at this for ever since the world was created people have seen the Earth and Sky through everything God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature. They have no excuse for not knowing god.
Yes, they knew God. At one time they knew God they wouldn't were someone's got even or even give him. Thanks. And I begin to think of foolish ideas of what God was like as a result their minds became dark and Confused claiming to be instead became order fools. Gus, is it important to accept Creation in a creator I'm going to say according to Romans 1:18 through 21 22 that it is. So what am I supposed to do with that? Well, I say fill her up. I mean if God made you to be filled and get her full, right? Let's fight. How do we do that? How do we get into full? First of all this realize God created you? God created you and now you're so I thought God created Adam and we all descended from Adam God created on the banks of something else out of Garden of Eden Bodyworks. Pretty created you in a different place and David and Lisa's to that. He says you made God made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. God created Adam on the outskirts of God created you in your mother's womb. God did it.
I would apologize for getting excited, but he's just been telling you God damn it.
You hear me? You're not an accident. You're not unintended no matter how discouraged your parents may have been toward you. We didn't mean to have any children.
Where does that come from? Oh my goodness.
God created you I actually got created gave us seven sons in one!
And a my exclamation points back there and he has Down syndrome and God created in their way. You know why cuz we're not enough. We had an extra chromosome and he's got it.
You tell you stories, but I got to get this tournament. You got in an accident, you're an inconvenience. You're not to waste. You're not a lost you are just like Adam. God formed you and you made him look made. You look like your daddy a man image of God. So get God created you God loves you. We know Ranger guide love that.
Gun for home and threw home. Everything was made chose to bring many. children children in the glory not members Not Outcast not orphans. children Sons and Daughters of God What is a sun look like well? There was this guy 2000 years ago. Name of Jesus you look just like a son. That's what I sound like.
So and I'm using that that gender-neutral since I hope that doesn't offend you but anyway or Sons and Daughters if it makes you feel better, what does that mean? God likes you. He wants to talk with you. Have you ever thought about how much God likes to just walk with people? The day Adam and Eve got busted. What was happening? How did it how they get busted who was taking a walk God showed up in the garden is normal walk with Adam and Eve was that he likes to walk. I got to walkers in the house. Just saying Moses was on a walk to the desert God showed up and it was on a walk. God showed up one day. You didn't come back. So hey, why don't you just come over to my house till dark never got dark and never came back.
Tom and time again, somebody's out walking God shows up for them. He walked with Adam walk to the wife of Moses walked with Abraham Abram on a walk. And I'm pretty sure he'll just walk with anybody want to take a walk. Micah says his people the Lord has told you what's good and this is what he requires do. What's right. Love Mercy. And walk humbly with your guy. I filled up.
Take a walk with your father. He loves you. He wants to hear about your day. He'll even listening complain about the snow.
He might demonstrate his grace in the midst of it, but he'll listen. Loving father. Who knows? I don't know why I'm still stuck on Amber's dragon. It's not just that he wants to feel you. He wants to overflow you Jesus said and John 8 is a man believes in me that out of his belly will flow rivers of Living Water. And I love what Paul said infusions chapter 3 verse 1 verse but that 14 through 21 is a mind-blower but verse 19 the ends of horses that you may be filled with the measure of all the fullness of God the god whose Earth is the Earth is like a footstool to him wants to feel you. What do you think's going to happen when that happens you were going to overflow man? So that's what needs to happen our life. So we talked about God being Source we're talking about are also our need to be filled with him. No, I don't know where your life is right now. I could guess postulate what it doesn't matter. What does matter is is? Why sit there empty? Why end up trapped in this box where you're your own God, you're making all your decisions and you just send up empty. That's not. Okay. God came to this world put a plan in play every dental plan.
To restore you to the fullness that he breathed into Adam in the garden.
Life can be dark alone.
We Begin the world of you with no one where it all comes from and who we actually depend upon
The sooner we surrender to that. The sooner we find real life in the longer. It takes a surrendered to that the longer we go empty. I want to pray. I just want to remind you. I'm available to talk about anything. I've mentioned today, but let's pray father. Thanks. You been very good. You blessed us. Created us every person in this room isn't intentional creative act of their father in Heaven. I asked you Lord. Do not let anyone leave empty. To the take a minute. Can enter conversation about this? Is God really all I need is it really The Source from my life? Those are great questions. We happy to talk to them. I'm going to have people on my table on these prayer tables on my writing on my lap be available during the last song and after the service to talk about those things and begin that conversation that Journey. For my prayer to you is I can't open blind eyes. I can open their fears. I can't pry someone out of a box they really like being in.
You are so good at loving people out of places. They don't even want to be. So I'm free that your love would move us into your presence in Jesus name. Amen, Pastor Steve.