Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
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> .9
(First Steps Sermon Series)
Westgate Chapel 12~/09~/01 a.m. 2 Corinthians 3:18
PROPOSITION: That the goal of the Christian life is personal transformation that brings glory to God.
i. introduction
!! - THERE are some key prophetic voices being heard all over America right coming from across the spectrum of evangelical and Pentecostal churches.
!! - JIM Cymbala’s books are calling us back to the basics of prayer, faith, and the power of God.
!! - GEORGE Barna’s alarming research tells us that there is no perceptible difference in lifestyle between people inside the church and those outside the church.
!! - RICHARD Foster is another, although less known prophetic voice, professor of theology, and author of the classic, Celebration of Discipline.
!!! ~* Richard Foster believes that there is a second reformation coming to the church.
!!! ~* In fact, without it, he doubts the church will survive far into this new millennium.
!!! ~* He believes we are on the threshold of a Reformation of Sanctification.
!! - WE really are in need of a Reformation of Sanctification.
!! - THE problem is that over the last fifty years the Church has been promoting a consumer brand of Christianity….that has offered innumerable benefits.
A feel-good religion that has lacked the power to truly transform lives, and we are paying the price for it in the nation today.
!! - IF the Christian life is about anything, it is, first and foremost, about transformed lives.
!! - IN coming to Christ you have exchanged the kingdom of this world for the kingdom of God.
The Bible says…
!!! “…*you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of light*.”
(Ephesians 5:8)
!! - IN Romans 6:13 it says,
!!! “…*offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life.*”
!! - IN I Peter 1:23 it says,
!!! “*For you have been born again… through the living and enduring word of God*.”
!! - AND in 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says,
!!! “*Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come*!”
!! - THE Christian life is much more than getting your sins forgiven and your marriage restored and heaven when you die.
!! - IT is about a lifetime of transformation, of radical lifestyle change!
!! - AFTER all you have crossed over the bridge (which is Jesus Christ) into the kingdom of God…and now the rest of your life is about growing into the lifestyle of God’s kingdom.
!! - EVERYTHING is changed…
!!! ~* Your passions are changed.
!!! ~* Your conversations are changed.
!!! ~* Your relationships are changed.
!!! ~* How you treat other people is changed.
!!! ~* What you read is changed….the
kinds of movies you watch is changed.
!!! ~* Your music comes under a new standard.
!!! ~* What you do for pleasure comes under a new standard.
!!! ~* Your humor is changed.
!!! ~* Your stewardship of your…
!!!! • time is changed
!!!! • energies is changed
!!!! • giftings is changed
!!!! • family life is changed
!!!! • finances is changed.
!! - LET’S face it, you and I are under new ownership and new management.
We belong to a holy God and are empowered for holy living by His Spirit within (1 Corinthians 3:16).
!! - THESE changes are not forced on us…by the church or anyone else.
!! - THEY come out of a heart that has been changed…and wants now to please God.
!! - THE verse in the Bible that best sums up the purpose of the Christian life is 2 Corinthians 3:18,
!!! “*And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit*.”
!! - AND the goal of this personal transformation is not our own well-being (although that is one of the results).
The goal is that God be glorified through our lifestyle (Ephesians 1:11-12).
!!! “*In him we were also chosen*…(12) *in order that we*…*might be for the praise of his glory*.”
!! - THE Lord has confirmed in many ways, to Westgate Chapel, in the last 8 months, that revival has begun in the Northwest!
!! - AND one of the over-arching characteristics of genuine revival is the absolute transformation of the lives of God’s people…it is one of the incontrovertible evidences to the world that God is on the throne and the Gospel of Jesus is the real deal.
!! - WELL, Pastor, I believe you.
But how do I go about making these changes in my life?
!! - THE very first step is getting a new heart.
!! - THE Bible says that your heart is the well spring of your life (Proverbs 4:23).
!! - SO unless you and I get a new heart, all that can come out of us is the old garbage.
!! - AND the only way to get a new heart is to be born again (John 3:3).
!! - WE have talked the last two Sundays about what happens to you when through faith you cross over the bridge (which is Jesus) into the kingdom of God.
!!! ~* You are reconciled to God.
!!! ~* He gives you a new heart.
You become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
!!! ~* And the Holy Spirit takes up residence in your life….your
body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16)
!! - AT that moment you receive power over sin…and the journey of transformation begins.
!! - ONLY now it is not you producing the changes in your life, it is the power of God’s Spirit at work through you to change you.
!! - MANY of your old habits and sinful ways will fall away immediately.
!! - I HAVE heard Christians tell their story about how they immediately…
!!! ~* …had a love for others that was never there before.
!!! ~* …stopped using filthy language.
!!! ~* …stopped abusing their bodies with drugs, or alcohol, or illicit sex, and had no more desire for those things.
!!! ~* …had a desire to serve others.
!!! ~* …made things right in broken relationships.
!! - THAT is one of the ways you know you stepped across the bridge of Christ into the kingdom of God (Assurance of power over sin).
!! - THOSE sins that held you in bondage fall away by the power of God over sin.
!! - IT is the victory over sin that Jesus provided for you and me on the cross.
!!! “…*everyone born of God overcomes the world.
This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith*.”
(1 John 5:4)
!! - NOW listen very carefully.
!! - I HAVE known very few Christians in my lifetime who have, at the moment they were born again, received immediate victory over every sin in their lives.
!! - THIS is NOT an excuse for any one of us.
Nor is it a weakness in God’s provision…but most of us live in an “already but not yet” state of sanctification.
!! - WE are “already” made clean, sanctified by the blood of Jesus…which is our standing before God.
!! - BUT in the day-to-day of life we find ourselves in the “not yet.”
We are works of God in process.
!! - LET me explain.
!! - IN many of Paul’s writings he describes the Christian as already sanctified (cleansed from the pollution of sin).
For example, 1 Corinthians 1:2,
!!! “*To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus*…”
!! - BUT he also writes to the Christians,
!!! “*May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through*.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)
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