Psalm 24, The New Year as a Temple for Worship
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The New Year as a Temple for Worship , January 6, 2019
A new year focuses on the gift time is to us from our Creator and Redeemer who is above time and yet in every moment of time. Moses rejoices in the Lord who is our dwelling place in all generations. () We are to receive every moment as a gift to be redeemed for our Lord’s glory by living in His presence. () “Lord teach us to number our days, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” ()
I. The Location of Worship –
A. The earth is the Lord’s created as the space for worshippers
1. The whole earth was created as a temple –
2. The Temple to experience God –
B. The earth is full by God’s provision –
1. The earth as a place of hope –
2. Doomsayers who complain about the earth’s scarcity keep getting it wrong. Thomas Malthus (1766—1834) wrote an essay on The Principle of Overpopulation.
3. The 1968 book The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich spread fears of mass starvation in the 1970’s and 80’s. Our God renews the earth every day –
II. Qualifications for Worship –
A. Entering God’s presence is an ascent
1. Prepare to meet God by cleansing your hands – repenting of sin –
2. Purify your hearts – by stopping being double minded – focus on the Lord and delight in Him – ;
3. The pure will see God –
4. We cleanse our hearts and hands in Christ.
B. Stop focusing on vanity
1. By creating idols to hope in
2. Speak the truth –
We ascend the hill of the Lord NOT as givers but as receivers. – ;
III. The Blessing of Worship –
A. The Redeemer – King draws near to us
1. Open up the gates of your heart wide in order for the Lord to flood your heart this new year –
2. You are a temple –
3. Receive your King
B. The Lord of Hosts
1. Defeats all His and our enemies –
2. Stand back and see the hand of God –