Joshua 1:8
First, God promised Joshua that Israel would enter the land (vv. 3–4).
God also promised Joshua victory over the enemy
What a promise God gave to Joshua! “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you
God didn’t give Joshua explanations as to how He would accomplish these things, because God’s people live on promises and not on explanations. When you trust God’s promises and step out by faith (v. 3), you can be sure that the Lord will give you the directions you need when you need them
God had already given them the land; it was their responsibility now to step out by faith and claim it
Before God could fulfill His promises, however, Joshua had to exercise faith and “be strong and of good courage” (1:6).
But it wasn’t enough for the priests to carry and guard this precious book; Joshua had to take time to read it daily and make it a part of his inner person by meditating on it (Ps. 1:2; 119:97; see Deut. 17:18–20). The Hebrew word translated “meditate” means “to mutter.” It was the practice of the Jews to read Scripture aloud (Acts 8:26–40) and talk about it to themselves and to one another (Deut. 6:6–9). This explains why God warned Joshua that the Book of the Law was not to depart out of his mouth (Josh. 1:8). In numerous conferences, I have often told pastors and seminary students, “If you don’t talk to your Bible, your Bible isn’t likely to talk to you!”