Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Today we are going to be primarily talking about worship in song, but also about worship service.
I talked last week that worship happens everywhare we declair worth to God but I am really thinking of worship service at this time.
And I want you to join me there.
As we think about worship what obsicals stand in your way?
Did you practice worship this week?
In what ways do you feel most comfortable worshiping?
What is it that most often prompts in you a desire to worship God?
Psalm 150
I love this passage it begins with Hallelujah.
Praise YHWH or Jah which is a shortend form of it.
Praise God in his Sanctuary.
that is in his earthly and heavenly Sacturary.
All the heavens are summoned to Praise God.
All Creation called to Praise him.
In Six verses.
Praise the Greatness of God.
The voices in heaven and on earth join together in praise of the Lord’s mighty acts and his Greatness.
Praise the Lord with Great intensity it says.
Praising him with Insraments, with dancing.
Praise the Lord of all the earth.
All that has breath (Praise the Lord).
All creatures endowned with life by the Creator who put the breath in use (Praise the LORD).
And that breath is to praise the Lord.
That is a call to Praise.
Just in itself Hallelujah the call for others to join yoru breath in praise is the Hightest for of praise there is.
When We gather together we come to worship God we come to Hallelujah.
What do we Expect when we come to Worship?
As always some of us don’t like “worship” and by that I mean to sing.
Even though music one of the most fundamental forms of worship.
But for those who don’t enjoy it Singing can be an awkard or even boring time in the chruch service.
It can be a time to fellowship which distracts others from the worship of YHWH.
Some on the other hand can listen to the music and then they are ready to God home.
They don’t really enjoy the word.
Some expect the presence of the Lord to be there when they sing.
Some expect the wrods from their lips to rise to heaven and for the Father to hear and be proud.
Let our voices rise like incense, Let it be like sweet perfume.
Some sing for their neighbor to hear.
Some sing because it is what is expected of you.
Some are singing cause their fakingn it hoping they will make it (sometimes that is what you need to do.
You don’t feel like worshiping.
Just don’t stay there.
If you have been faking it year after year.
YOu might just be faking it.)
What do you Expect
We worship because of who God is.
Creator, Father, Groom, Sustainer, God who sees me, God who provides, and the list could go on.
We praise becuase of what he has done.
For us as individuals and as a group.
Sometiems we go into a service and we look for is the sound syestem set up right.
no that song was supose to be sharp and its flat.
I didn’t sing that one in 1875 when I was litttle so it’s not Godly.
In truth what you expect going into worship, you will receive.
If you expect the words to praise God.
They Will.
If you expec God to be pleased He will be.
If we Go in expecting to focuse on him you will be.
The unfortinate aspect of Worship is that we often God in with alternative goals.
What do you do to Get ready
When we expect to Go before the Lord, you arn’t just going to show up at church acting if it is whatever.
You are going before the KIng of Kings.
I know that when we focus on Him all the problems of Man just fade away.
I have experince when I am here and I get caught up on is this done, is that done.
What is Going on over there.
Did I say high to that person.
Worship service is a drag and it doesn’t work.
then I notice so and so and there voice is a bit sour today, and this song you are suppose to clap on 2 and 4 not 1 and 3.
But when I close my eyes and pray and center myself on God.
all of that Goes away.
Because what I expect going is changes.
When I go to God.
I expect God to show up.
And He does.
Next Steps
Come to the Lord in worship
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9