Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Right now I want you to think of a person or a group of people that you just cannot stand...
The thought of them causes you to look down on them with disgust
Without trying you could list their faults, sins, and easily criticize them
NOW… picture them and then envision just how much God passionately loves them with an unparalleled love!!!
Keep that picture in mind as we look at the setting of our text this morning… Luke 15:1-2 .
Our Setting
As Jesus proceeds to Jerusalem teaching and speaking to the crowds something is occuring… sinners are attracted to Him and His message!
They came near to listen to Him! Something Jesus has been pleading with the pharisees and scribes to do.
We see those who were UNloved, and UNdeserving welcomed by Jesus
He receives them and dines with them… associates with these sinners and desires a close relationship
This is what frustrated the Pharisees and scribes...
Wiersbe stated it well when he says: It is significant that Jesus attracted sinners while the Pharisees repelled them.
(What does this say about some of our churches today?)
Lost sinners came to Jesus, not because He catered to them or compromised His message, but because He cared for them.
He understood their needs and tried to help them, while the Pharisees criticized them and kept their distance (see Luke 18:9–14).
The Pharisees had a knowledge of the Old Testament Law and a desire for personal purity, yet they had no love for lost souls.
They were discontent, grumbling, complaining at how much Jesus cared for sinners…
Jesus tells: 2 small parables and 1 longer parable (all linked) to make His point and leave these people to a place to apply it to their life
These parables will encompass the statement Jesus makes in Luke 19:10 (His Purpose!)
We will see a fourfold pattern as we go through the following parables...
1) Lost 2) search 3) found 4) celebration
God Seeks the Wandering
Luke 15:3-7 gives us a very familiar story… we love it don't we!?
So heart warming a shepherd going after a lost sheep...
A lone sheep is in danger with no herd, no shepherd, no protection… and left to itself will wander further away rather than return
(SLIDES) This is what I have always pictured that lost sheep like… Baby Lamb
However, more accurate is this (Mean Sheep)
Not only does Jesus show God as one who seeks, but He carries this sheep back to His herd.
God seeks lost sinners… He has been doing so ever since Adam and Eve when they hid in the garden!
God rejoices over the lost when they repent… you get that pharisees and scribes!!!!
God Values the Lost
Not only does God seek… He holds the lost as valuable.
Luke 15:8-10
God will go to great extent to find what is lost, because they are valuable!!!
Even in the dark corners,
Where dust has built up and people are forgotten.
The angels join in this celebration!
It is a party!
The over the top reaction of the shepherd and this woman who found what was lost is in stark contrast to the attitude of the pharisees and scribes.
What is your reaction when a sinner, I mean real sinner repents???
The Father’s Unparalleled Love
The shepherd and lost sheep, the woman and lost coin… well people should understand that for sure but Jesus was now going to illustrate the heart of His Father in a powerful and beautiful way…
Most likely you have a heading titled something like “the prodigal son” when this story is really not as much about either son but the father.
Interestingly enough this would have been a familiar sounding parable to the people and religious leaders…the religious leaders would have various forms of this story to illustrate sinners and their need to repent and when they would return to the father the father would discipline the son for his wrong done and let the son know what must be done to earn his way back into the family, amends must be made and the son would have to prove himself.
The son would thank his father for his strictness and work hard to be accepted back.
Isn't that a wonderful parable they would use and teach with…Is that not what man does, requires, puts on people, sinners...
Imagine as Jesus begins his parable of the “prodigal son” Luke 15:11-19 they must have been on the edge of their seats!
Look at how Jesus paints this son:
Dad I wish you were dead (disrespectful)
Basically he went and lived as a gentile in sinful lifestyle
Life brings hard times, natural causes, he begins to go low
Works for a gentile, feeds pigs, starving wishing to eat what the pigs were eating
SIN… is there any better painted picture of the lostness of sinner!
Oh the depths of the mire God will allow one He loves to fall to.
How far one falls depends on the hardness of their heart.
Oh that those who fall in this way, fall towards God.
The father does not chase his son or stop him (God will not force His will or desire on us)
There is a vast chasm between regret and repentance… the son is regretful but he is also ready to repent… Luke 15:20-24
IMAGINE the jaws drop as Jesus told this part of the parable…!!! Wait, the father did what!?!?
The father is watching!!! Embraces him oh the affection God has for lost sinners
The father cuts him off, he never finishes the speech…
The son goes from destitution to complete restoration!
Oh God’s heart for the repentant sinner!
What love what grace the Heavenly Father
Sinners are dead and lost, but they can come to life and can be found if they return to the Father.
The Second Son… The Elder Brother
We see this parable in sync with the others until we come to the older brother… here lies the application for the listeners in Jesus day and our day as well.
Luke 15:25-32
An Uncomfortable Application
Jesus here addresses the attitudes of the pharisees and scribes…
The brother states his righteousness “never neglecting a command” legalism
He served his father not out of love or relationship but reward
Wish I had gone off and lived that way, heart was the same as the younger brother (Sinful)
The brother who had been on the outside is now on the inside, while the brother who had been on the inside is now on the outside.
He would not even associate with his brother (“this son of yours” vs “this brother of yours”)
Bock states: The elder’s problem is his self-righteous, self-directed focus.
There is no joy that his brother has come home.
The elder is too self-consumed with issues of justice and equity to be caught up in the joy.
Jesus is trying to share the heart of the Heavenly Father and stir the hearts of the people…
You have always been my chosen people… with me…
Rather than be angry with sinners being sought and brought in, join in the rejoicing!
NO! God is sovereign… His love has never been nor will it ever be explained by mans actions!
Which is a good thing for you and me because we are all sinners and there is nothing we do or could do to deserve this love He freely gives through His Son’s sacrifice on the cross.
Church when we look around at sinners, when you picture the person or group at the beginning be careful...
We can quickly in our minds and hearts feel entitled
Jesus prior to this parable was sharing the cost of following Him and being His disciple… to follow Him you better have His heart for lost sinners.
< .5
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