(A Series on Jesus)
C.R.8/16/87p.m. John 14:1-14
PROPOSITION:Man's fundamental questions are; where am
I going?; how am I going to get there?; who is going to take me? and Jesus answers all three simply and powerfully in Himself.
- YOU and I live in a world that is screaming for direction and meaning. Millions of people are asking "who am I and where am I going?"......and not getting any answers.
- THIS is why our young people are dying their hair purple and listening to Ozzy Osborne.
- IT is why business men are selling their families and their souls to make more money and get the next promotion.
- IT is why a married man or woman leaves the person they committed their lives to....and runs off to find a dream that will soon become their next night mare.
- IT is the reason people get drunk, do drugs, go on buying sprees and even commit suicide......all because tbey asked life questions and got no answers.
- AND in glaring contrast to all of that, you are here and have experienced, with us, a very different kind of an evening.
- THIS has been a tremendous evening together.
* There has been a very special kind of joy and peace here tonight.
* We have stood together and for 15-20 minutes worshipped the God of heaven and glorified Jesus, His Son.
* We have seen and heard from several people who have been baptised tonight as a testimony of their commitment to God through Jesus Christ.
* We have heard the music and testimony of a young man who has turned his back on the world's way of finding "LIFE" and has sold out to Jesus.
- AND there is no way that all this has not touched you in the deepest recesses of your heart.
- WE have had a touch of eternity here tonight.....We have experienced the presence of the eternal God....and you cannnot leave here and go back to life the way you lived it last week.
- THE reason is that the Answer to life's questions is here tonight....You have felt His presence. You might have even heard His voice......and His name is Jesus.
- AND He has the answers for you here tonight.
- IN JOHN'S gospel, chapter 14, Jesus was getting His disciple's ready for the time, soon, when He would leave them and they would be on their own for life.
- UP till this point they had been with Him night and day for three years.
* When they were hungry, He had turned five loaves and two small fish into a meal that served 5,000.
* When they were about to be capsized on the sea of Galilee, He stilled the storm.
* When they were sick, He healed them.
- EVERYTHING they needed He provided those three years....and now He has told them that He was leaving....they would be all alone.....and in fear they were full of questions.
- NO different than the questions you and I have as we face the frightening prospects of our future.
- PETER asks the first question in the previous chapter of John in 13:36-38. The essence of Peter's question is "Lord, where am I going?"
- "YOU said you were leaving, so where does that leave me? Where am I going?"
- PETER had an earthly destination in mind. He had not yet gotten hold of the destination that Jesus was talking about.
- PETER had fishing boats on his mind......the family fishing business that his father was taking care of.......the home that he had left in Galilee.......his future....his financial security.......his family......all these things were weighing heavy on his mind when he asked the question, "Where am I going?"
- AND Jesus answered;
""Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."
- IN other words Jesus is saying, "Peter, your destination is not your fishing boats, your home in Galilee, your business or your family......it is the place and the life that I am preparing for you....and I will come back and take you there so that you can be where I am."
- JESUS says, "Peter, I am your future and your destination."
- MAYBE you have been flying around at 100 m.p.h. trying to find out where you are going....filling your life with career, education, family, friends, things.....and still don't know where you are going?
- JESUS says to you tonight......"I Am your destination....and I am coming back to take you to be where I am."
- THOMAS is the next one on the scene with a question.
- IN verse 5 he asks, "How am I going to get there?"
- HE wasn't too clear on the destination....so he really didn't know how he was going to get there.
- (TELL story about trying to land in Yuma, Arizona but not able to see the runway.)
- JESUS had an answer for Thomas and everyone else who doesn't know how to get to life's true destination. He said in verse 7;
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
- THERE are lot's of people in this world who believe in God, believe the Bible, know about Jesus.......they realize that He holds the key to life.....but they don't know how to get there from here.
- THE destination is Jesus.....and the trip is Jesus too.
- HE is the way.
- IT is His blood that cleanses your sin and paves the way to the Father. And when you receive Him in your life He brings His death to cover the judgment you should have paid for your sin.....and He brings His life so you can live forever with Him.
- AND it is all yours by faith......the destination and the way to get there from here.
- BY now, in the conversation that Jesus is having with His disciples.......Philip is blown away.
- HAVING heaven as his destination......and Jesus as the way to get there sounded great.
- BUT he realized that it would take some awesome power to get him through.
- IN verse 8 he just said, "Show us the Father and that will be enough for us."
- IN other words, "This sounds like a job only the Father could pull off, so who is going take me?"
- JESUS answered, "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father."
* The words you have heard Me speak.....are His words.
* The miracles you have seen me perform....are His miracles.
- "IN fact, if you just have faith in Me, you will be able to handle everything life has to offer."
- "SO don't worry about the power you are going to need to make it.......I have for you all the power that the Father has given Me."
- WHO is going to take me to my destination? Jesus says, "I AM"
- EVERY dilemma or question or fear that you have about your life.....Jesus has the answer.
- ALL you and I have to do is come to Him and receive Him by faith.
- WHERE am I going? To Jesus. That is the most important destination of my life....and everything else in my life must follow that priority.
- HOW am I going to get there? Jesus is the way.
- WHO is going to take me? Jesus, because He has all the power and authority of the Father....and He gives that to me.