What the Kingdom of God Looks Like
Luke 14:7-24
“What The Kingdom Of God Looks Like”
Small Group Study Questions
*Start your small group time off with prayer and then read the passage of Scripture in its entirety before getting into the questions.
1. Why do you believe we like to receive recognition as people? What are the pitfalls of desiring to be honoured or praised?
2. William Law writes this: “You can have no greater sign of confirmed pride than when you think you are humble enough.”
As a follower of Jesus Christ, why is being humble so vital to following God and living well with others? What do you believe genuine humility should look like in one’s life?
3. In this passage, Jesus advises the host, who is a Pharisee, to next time put on a banquet where he invites those who can’t pay him back and who’s presence will not help contribute to his social standing in the community. Why did Jesus advise him to do this? Why is a spirit of generosity an important quality for God’s people to have?
4. What are your initial impressions of the ‘Parable of Great Feast’ (verses 16-24) as it is often called? What deeper truths is Jesus seeking to communicate to us here?
5. Why does the Master in the parable tell his servant to go out and “urge anyone” (verse 23) he finds to come and join the banquet? What does this tell you about the heart of God? The goodness of God?
6. When it comes to us sharing the Good News about Christ with other people, where does humility in our lives come into play? Have you ever felt that you couldn’t share the Gospel with a particular person because they made you feel uncomfortable in some way or you thought yourself above them?
7. The Kingdom attitude Jesus desires us to have is one of humility, generosity and grace. What practical steps can you and your group take this week with your friends, neighbours & co-workers to help urge them into joining you in the Kingdom of God?
Closing Prayer: Pray that God would give you a humble attitude, which is generous at heart. Pray that God would lay on your heart his great desire to reach people for him so that the banquet table would be full in the Kingdom of God. Ask the Holy Spirit for a Kingdom attitude that is fitting for us who are the people of God.