Jesus the Tempted

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Eastertide 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:08
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March 10, 2019*

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morning church and here this morning.

As you noticed we're continuing to make progress, which is always really good thing. Turn to the Book of Luke this morning. Do you have a Bible you encourage you to get it out?

Will be in Luke 4 before we get started. Let's have a word of Prayer.

Heavenly Father we we thank you again for this day. But this time we have for the opportunity to come into your presence to come into this place. And with one heart and one mind to sing praises to your name.

When are you done with our hearts in person singing?

Or we know that you are. The great God who has saved has redeemed us.

They're very little to give you back then then our honor in our glory in our efforts to Glory.

Fry's return to your word this morning that you're your spirit would would speak into our hearts into our minds.

If we were a little bit more about our savior Jesus.

to his precious name amen

The first of all welcome to welcome to Christchurch during Easter tied the name of the lent and Easter Seasons together. I'm so fancy word fancy. Where was just a different word that we don't usually use and so we're going to be last year, but just maybe not with so much emphasis on on the liturgical calendar. We're going to take the six weeks year of Lent and then we're going to take the seven weeks of Easter and we're going to we're going to really look at and examine what it what does it mean to be saved by this man Jesus of Nazareth and the Son of God these first six weeks that the lent. Of time we're going to be looking more at

In comparison to Christ what we look like what is what is our Brokenness in and it's going to end it's going to show us very much are desperate need for a savior in Jesus. And then after after Easter after the resurrection or from the Resurrection on following were going to want to see what it looks like to live in light of

Are you spending more time? If you would like to know what we're doing you can you can talk to me afterwards? It helps in where we're at in the story. So we're going to be in the Book of Luke and were primarily going to be in the Book of Luke has to go through at least the lent part of our time. and Luke has a rather lengthy introduction before we get to Jesus actual Ministry in Jesus ministry starts in the verse following our passes this morning and Luke chapter 4 verse 14 But we see previous to our passage really kind of sets the stage so that we can better understand what's happening. Luke the other gospel writers what he's going to be talking about the coming of Jesus we see Mary song we see John the Baptist his father his song first part, there's two things that I want a particular draw our attention to that I think set the stage very nicely. for Luke chapter 4 the first thing after we have the Jesus The Familiar birth story of Jesus, which even if you're not a Christian you probably read at Christmas time. After this birth story, there's just interesting exchange that happens in Jerusalem with Jesus his parents and some teacher. The first thing that happens is that says goes with his parents Mary and Joseph Jerusalem to present offerings are purification offerings to the Lord a distance away from the temple. You don't regularly go to the temple to make sacrificial offerings to two kind of cleanse yourself in the offerings there that are covering your sins. And so when you do it you kind of go and it's going to pay for a bunch of things whatever and so Jesus is 12 at this point and when they come to this to this the first time they come to Jerusalem in his life and when they come for the for the first time in Jesus life day. They present him to the Lord because he's the first born of Mary Poppins. Is presenting of Jesus to to the Lord? And then they leave. And for everybody else that was a nice ceremony and reminds us that God is is our God and so on and so forth and it gives us this this pattern of life to never really forget never really forget. Our God has something something is different about this experience something something as may be familiar about going to the temple to be dedicated to God the father of Christ. I said Mary and Joseph they leave and they forget Jesus which is kind of surprising. That's the first time and what isn't the last?

You're sort of giggle at that, but you kind of know what I'm talking about.

Jesus she stays back. They realized it after a little bit and I go crazy for 3 days. They search for Jesus as all this great. And where do they come from?

Mary and Joseph flee

they're really quite upset.

inverse 48 of chapter 3

Why don't you come with us when we left? Jesus response I think sets the stage for us, especially in the story that we're going to look at 4. Just what were you looking for for me? Obviously, why are you looking for me or your child?

Did you not know that I must? Be in my father's house.

I must be in my father's house. For Jesus's it's the only logical place for him. With his father in community or communion with Jesus being the second person of the trinity. Along with the spirit has lived for all eternity in Perfect Harmony in perfect relationship in perfect communion with each other. And now for a. Of time Jesus has been on Earth.

separated at least in some small part from His father so he finally gets to return home. If you will presence of God the Father. I don't feel like leaving. everything that I want to point our attention to is supposed to and then

John the Baptist he's preparing the way for Jesus and then Jesus comes in his baptized word in the commands of his father. Try the way is very important. I want to look at is is verse 22 of chapter 3 and if you have your Bibles from Frontier, it's not up on the screen in verse 22. It says in the Holy Spirit descended on him in baptism. The Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like the voice Came From Heaven. You are my beloved Son with you. I am

it's beautiful trinitarian passage receive the son of the Holy Spirit and being blessed by first person. Best passages so important for us because it shows us something unique in history. We see a physical representation of the holy spirit is invisible. Normally it takes on physical form mean when he says bodily form like a dove and it descends rest and enters into Jesus and from that point forward is in G.

Make a statement in it.

In the sun in the spirit share the same will. They're desirous their actions everything about Jesus. Will it's the father's Well, they share the same thing will it is not original or beginning with the Sun or the Spirit original with the song? Jesus baptism of the holy spirit will live in response to the moving of the spirit. in accordance to the father's will now that gets a little bit komplex. And I hope that after we look at today's passage. It will be a little bit less. confusing the spirit's job is to move us along the will of the Father in heaven. It was the same task of the Holy Spirit have for Jesus.

So let's look at our passage this morning. Luke chapter 4 will be getting verse 1 Isis in Jesus

return from the Jordan and was led by the spirit. Extremely important was led by the spirit.

and when they were ended

I like that. He was hungry. If you are the Son of God commands this Stone to become bread and Jesus answered it is written.

And showed him the world in the mall.

You to you I will give all the glory. in their Glory

and I give it to whom I will.


You do then. Will worship me?

It will all be yours.

Jesus answered him it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him only shall you sir?

And he took him to Jerusalem.

For it is written.

If you want to check it when this it's it's Psalm 91 verses 11 and 12. He will command his angels concerning you to guard you. And on their hands they will bear you up unless you strike your foot against a stone. And Jesus answered him it is it is so shall not test.

Holy Spirit, we again ask that you would. clarify these words to our hearts Jesus precious name


Companies are having here that are very interesting.

Like I said the rest of Jesus life and Ministry is going to be in accordance with the father's will and lead by the spirit Luke in particular. He emphasizes this more than the other gospel writers. He doesn't say that the spirit leads Jesus and every single moment, but but it's abundant enough to make us understand. That's what he's getting. assassin Jesus full of the Holy Spirit verse 1 return from the Jordan and was led by the spirit.

She's full of the Holy Spirit. We are led by the spirit.

What exactly was Jesus led to do to go from probably a place of relative Comfort where there's out into the middle of nowhere Into the Wilderness. We're wandering around for the 40 years before they enter into the promised land. We know that he's near the Jordan River which is crossing tune.

He's supposed to be there for particular purpose. He supposed to be.

Jason Bourne because many times has the number 40 and it's it's used primarily to remind us of a generation of something passing. The people of Israel in the wilderness for 40 years so that a generation of them might. Cuz they're not promised land because I didn't trust the guy you just shown spectacular things ever.

The people are in your family will one day come back out, but it's 10:40 recommence. That's

theological generation passing a generation of your life away

I think what this signifies worse is when you start a 40 days 40 days fast.

What happened your life will be more. Of time. My Juju actually fasting properly.

Sewage in the wilderness for 40 days and we ain't nothing during those four.

Like I said fasting is not just about not eating. Fasting in the Bible is always about food. During the Lenten. A lot of people get other things and that's perfectly fine with you give them up for the purpose of dedicating time to Lord of the purpose of fasting is not to give up food and lose weight your God more.

You might be asking a question. How is it that I can hear God more clearly because my stomach is very loud. I want to tell you something. very important most of us unless we've done an extended. Of fasting have never felt hunger. If you've done it two or three day fast.

Anger is whenever your body starts to tell you in physical pain or you're going to die.

I don't believe there are many Americans today who is a missed a meal or 10 they would die. Because we have quite an abundance.

What does this is his appetite pain? This is your body saying this is what I normally eat and I want to eat because I like food taste nice energy and strength.

But this ends after a while. Or so I'm told I never done before you do that.

And to trust these other people have done it.

After about a week 5 days to a week your body starts to turn that alarm system off the appetite hunger when you normally have a meal say at noon your body. You need to eat paint.

Pain is there is not actually paying your stomach. But after about a week your brain goes well.

And then you have a. Probably about 2 or 3 weeks typically.

This is when we can hear the words better.

but Then your body will eventually kick into starvation during this. You're not in Starvation. Your body is is working off the energy of the reserves of your life. And even if you were a hit you have lots of reserves you can go from a verb for many weeks a couple weeks without food and I'll die. Eventually, your body is going to start to need and you will receive hunger pains real change change that people in other countries and third world countries experience regular basis like four or five times a day. This is when most people who talk about fasting.

This is where Jesus.

You go through a. Of relative.

with wonderful communion with the father And now he's hungry now. His body is in Starvation mode and he needs to eat.

This is critical for us understanding.

Susan verse 3 in the devil if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread.

It says that the spirit of God Jesus for 40 days.

Reason why we can we can if we believe what I was saying earlier that the spirit of God is only ever leading us into the will of the father and we believe the Willis Tower hours for 40 days in the wilderness.

Temptations at the end of it when they were eating when he was hungry.

Which what he was hearing also fit the father's will right now.


Jesus is hungry. He wants to eat some bread. Jesus has the ability to be bred.

Take a true statement. You are the son of God. Jesus

every person in the story every person countering this particular passage of scripture Jesus. You are the son of God.

I think it's Satan's favorite word. Is God really loves you?

If you were really saved. if only you were a better person if if if

If you are the son of God.

true statement

now what's happening is the true statement is being called into question by Stone into bread. Jesus refutes Satan He doesn't say.

so there

so you would have had no further response to give. Because it's the most true statement that ever would have been uttered in human history.


Jesus could have refuted this simply and then walked away. But he doesn't. Instead he shows us something. You chose that I think a pattern.

Assassin Jesus answered him. It is written man. Shall not live by bread alone.

It's extremely interesting about this verse the Jesus quotes here. Is it it's incomplete? Basically, every quote that Jesus is going to give is incomplete sort of. If you turned it to June around the 8th, you don't need to turn there. I'll just read it for you to turn around, uh after chapter 3 this is where this quote comes from.

The whole verse your ass isn't how much you be being the Lord and let your hunger instead you with Mana.

Does she know that man does not live by bread alone? That's what Jesus quote man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. We did not find our sustenance are are life-giving sustenance from food we get it from God. Jesus is hungry. He could have said I don't need speaking with him with simple scripture. Man does not live by bread alone.

Jesus is not need to show himself to be the Son of God because he already knows he is the Son of God and Satan says let me switch this to try to try to trip you up into thinking that you're not actually the Son of God and Satan and Jesus and response says I don't need bread. I don't live by bread alone.

7 years old

what happens here?

verse 5 and the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. All the kingdom Center probably currently at that point is not all-knowing. He just show us what is currently happening.

It's all the kingdoms you said. Hey.

Has been delivered to me. Can I give it to whom I will if you worship?

What juice is good to say at this moment? It's already alright already mine. If you are the Son of God, I am the son of God. I'll give you all this Authority that's already mine.

Many of us might be asking this question just doesn't sound like a truth just Twisted out of out of line. the first time

what's the truth?

Satan has Dominion in this world. That's the scary thing to say. And it only makes the only true. in Light of Christ

cast of The Garden of Eden

the evil one

This is why bad things happen. It's not always a cause and effect.

Dominion now But he doesn't have full to me. He doesn't possess a thorn. In his own, right? Only because God has allowed me to see what we learn in JoJo comes to the wind around all the land of Gods like he's special. And sayings like well if you would just let me persecute him a little bit. He wouldn't praise you anymore. That's okay you can do.

Evil and darkness are happening now, but not in the way that he is expressing them here.

Let us already is not on cement.

What's also interesting about this?

I think Satan knows this.

This is going to stop by suffering and dying on the cross, which is a difficult to follow.

respond to worship me

Gun, Jesus doesn't say you don't own that Authority. He doesn't the simple statement the truth.

chapter 6 verse 13 Jesus answered him it is written going to come from Deuteronomy chapter 6 also

Most important verse for the people of Israel in the Old Testament Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 and following hero Israel. The Lord Our God the Lord is one shall love the Lord God with all your heart soul mind and strength is miniature. What's the greatest commandment? That's the greatest commandment to love God with all your heart soul mind strength. Jesus is probably the dwelling on this particular.

He doesn't need to refute Satan with true statement not that scripture is not true statements to challenge The Falls truth. He simply needs to challenge with the word of God the sword of the spirit.

Where's the third one? You took him to Jerusalem? You set him on the Pinnacle of the Temple.

And then he quotes scripture fairly accurately. Like I said, it's all 91 and the angels He will command his angels concerning you. If you go to Psalm 91 the first first song in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty for two. I will say to the Lord. My refuge and my Fortress my God my trust.

Is the challenge of the world around in the trust that God protects us? What do you mean when he says my refuge and my Fortress my God? This is a reoccurring theme in the Book of Psalms. We find complete and total protection in Castle. That is our God. In a strong promises that if we bury ourselves in him, he will protect us from evil and darkness in in violence and destruction in the things are all around us. It doesn't mean that we won't experience.

He says it's a promise in Scripture.

That's where you twist it. Yes. God will protect Jesus. Absolutely and I believe Jesus would have jumped off the Temple of that point.

That's not what that passage is telling us to do.

Jesus again quotes Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 16. Put the Lord your God to the test.

calling into question Who Jesus is? Are you the son of God? Are you just another man? Are you the Messiah? Are you just another man? Are you the son of God? Are you just another man? Jesus again and again and again in light of knowing

This is the difference between most of us and what Jesus Does. Just so often we try to.

He's probably more crafty than you. What instead Jesus shows us? He has complete and total trust in rest. And who the father is and what he's doing in his life.


Are broken miserable creatures?

We are broken and miserable creatures.

I don't think there's a single person in this room you would. Who have won the battle, right? Finishing up a 40-day fast Satan came to us and said hey, I will make this Stone turn to bread if you just put your trust in me instead of God. I think many of us would have a hard time not taking that bread cuz you'd be hungry.

She Jesus lives this moment out. Withstands these Temptations to show us something. teacher something should we have broken ratchet?

But there's something interesting about scripture.

when you live you follow after the Lord Jesus.

We have been saved and it's not just about when you die.

Shut the thing that happens in your life is change that happens in your life. Spirit of God. Jesus says, I will send my helper to you in his life and Ministry the spirit of God with his helper.

But you are savior Redeemer you no longer are.

She sometimes we say this I think maybe accidentally.

We talked about how we can't do it. You're right. We are in the Holy Spirit and does so we can say we live out our lives in righteousness.

And we have a great example in the book of Hebrews chapter 4.

I think I think the author of our is exactly mentioning this or in light of this temptation.

Verse 15 chapter 40 says for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses.

Jesus knows our weaknesses because he experienced our weaknesses physically.

just one every respect was has been tempted. As we are yet without sin.

Here's the kicker this for sale. Isleta with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help in time of need.

God has lavished Grace upon us.

And sometimes we do his work in Injustice.

But not living in it.

She lived it out. as weed 4 in 2 out with the same spirit

Theodore the same Temptation the same struggle the same body of Flesh He was stood it.

Any offers that us to the blood?

Unheavenly, thank you.

That we are not.

Washu ourselves your insert.

fathers we think about our sinful nature of the flesh we show it was so no.

I like Paul we realized it. We so desire to be better and yet we continuously fall short we know also.

the spirit lead Phil Jesus leads and fills us Gives us the strain. your

to live lives of righteous I'll because it will earn us a spot in your arm. But because your arms have already reached out and grabbed.

Are changing and transforming us for?

The power in the work of your spirit in our hearts. So we can follow more. More readily the path of Jesus himself off.

strengthen us today We praise you for your son. We praise you for your spirit. Bredesen is precious name?

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