The Calvary Road Conspiracy
In so many ways what I like about. Is that God knows us individually? He knows where we are and knows what we can handle.
That's that's the graciousness of a God who walks with us daily. Pizza day by day That's great. We are. So thankful that this time of the year this season of Our Lives. We are yet with you in you and strengthened by you and encouraged to go on because of you. Let us walk in the seasonal god with a heart and a mind clear. That our life and our goals in life for to please you and to serve our brothers and our sisters. Don't let us lose sight of that be with us in the spoken word. Happy with us. Oh God in this moment. We pray in Christ's name. Amen.
Is it be? All right, did you all right. I was just checking if Wednesday is our prayer day of fasting and prayer. If you have not joined us, please join us only Wednesday from from 12 Wednesday morning to 12 p.m. Wednesday night. We are fasting and this is this is a little different from our normal way of fasting. This is a total fast, but only liquids so you can have water or you can have pure juice and I will say it again Pepsi and Coca-Cola if not a juice working with me. Hi Nikki is is not a pressed juice Chardonnay. I'm hoping somebody listening to me is not a juice Miller's Mike. I know Budweiser's don't go down a minute, you know for a Budweiser does not count. So you cannot use the Budweiser during this time a man. It's only on Wednesday. You make it through your coffee. You make it through Debbie made it through. I'm here to testify that she made it through I didn't go near her on Wednesday. I tried to keep a distance and I'm here to testify God is a good god. Yes, he is. So join with me join with me on on Wednesday at just go to bed like normal. Where where where is dr. Kim? Dr. Kim at Bible study was saying he wasn't getting up at 12:01 Thursday morning. So I do not recommend you to do it like that. I just miss y'all just just sleep on through the night and get off but we are serious about fasting and praying and before the service is over. I'm going to ask what are those things that you are fasting about that we can be together praying with you praying for you. So, please I'm not this is all sincerity prayer is Vaseline is about laying before God that I choose to come closer to you. It's not about I gave up me. I gave up. This is about coming closer to God Amen few months ago. We remember that each of the Season you you you were still trying to make everybody's day of special day. It was a time where Christmas season is a time where we make room for the birth of Christ. Hey, man, it's the time of the year on our on our Christian calendar that is referred to as Advil. Advent is that sacred time? God comes to us. We remember God coming to us God touching the Earth and becoming a part of the human condition and God comes in the form of a child and I'll refer to a known as Jesus and even at that point, he was called Emmanuel God With Us that was just a few months ago last Wednesday this past Wednesday, that is known as Ash Wednesday. We entered into another season on the Christian calendar and is referred to as the Lenten season. And when tis the season of reflection, that's why we're fasting it's a season of preparation before we come in to Easton when you just walk your way into Easter without thinking of the call you you miss why you stay high. All the Lenten season is so powerful why the Advent season is so powerful The List season we go 40 days not counting Sundays to replicate crisis sacrifice we go 40 days of withdrawing from those things that bring us such Comforts in water to align ourselves with God and his son and so in these forty days and this your your Wednesdays, I'm asking you to feel a moment of pain. I'm asking you to challenge yourself to field a moment what it's not what you want, but it's what the father went through through his son through his relationship that we might have Life as we know it today. So I'm inviting you I have been inviting you to experience this Lenten season. It's a Time different from Advent where God reaches down to us. Linton is the season where you reach up to God. You see that it's different from from Christmas where we're saying God comes and connects with us. This is a season where you're trying to find God.
No, it's not business as usual. It's not get up and run and and go and meet all of your schedules, but it's finding time to say hey.
This is my life. How will you deal with my life and how shall I deal with you? What can I perfect and what can I do will God what's holding me away from my day-to-day experience of walking with you. It is a time will we reach up to dog? For the next few weeks when the next few weeks. I want to focus on looking at the pathway is all the road. Jesus Takes that eventually leads to his Indie that ending will result at death upon calvary or in your Scriptures. It will be called doll doctor. When we see if you look at that picture that that Jada has has has created for me. It's looking at that role that took all of us and Jesus to that cross. So I want to prepare us for these next few weeks and asking that you will go with me. I want to deal with the calvary roll conspiracy. All right, I think of that road as the role of conspiracy when I think about this this get this large experience this large moment in history. I'm led to believe that there was a conspiracy going on. None of us been to the movies and see some good movies The Bourne Conspiracy off. There's some undertone stuff going on. I believe that Calvary is filled with conspiracy and I want to walk that out these next weeks leading up to Easter.
Tell somebody when you leave pastors preaching on the Calvary Road conspiracy.
the first time when you read this Gospel of Luke This is the recording of the first time Jesus's voice is heard in scripture. Did you know that? This Luke text that that that that James read this morning the loop text him chapter 2 and he ran it from the 41st versus the 52nd verse. This is the first recording of Jesus actually talkin. You don't hear his voice until now and and Luke does a great quick analysis of showing from the birth of Christ and hear it by time you in Chapter 2. We're 12 years in to Jesus's life. When we re chapter 2 we find that Jesus and his parents have gone up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Why that is so important is because Jesus as a boy would not have been invited to the Passover until his 12th birthday. Being a boy boys and men were called to attend the great feast of Jerusalem, and this would be Jesus's first coming out. Until that time. Jesus would have spent his time more with Mary. Eye Care on his celebrated his 12th year of Life. Jesus gets to go to the big city. Just to go and hang out and see the things of the world and his mother and the father are with him and he's excited about this but chapter 2 in that verse that was read on returning.
The celebration was completed Mary and Joseph realize that that 12 year old boy was not with them. I don't know if you have a going anywhere and lost you cheering.
I don't know if it was intentional or not. But if you lost your cheering. It can be a a frightening moment.
Don't do that, but I don't know if y'all.
Christian majesty and I just wait until Jesus after this 12 year old boy after a few days Mary and Joseph realize that Jesus is not in the Caravan. They realize that Jesus is not there with somebody say that Jesus is not bad yourself. And see where Jesus is in proximity to your life. Oh, I am. Sorry. You need to check and see where is Jesus in your everyday routine?
So we come to church with the most e Jesus today. A boys and girls you don't just see Jesus over here. Jesus is a type of being that you should interact with Monday through Sunday. You're not want to go a long time. without Jesus but his mother and his father looked around and they said the boy is not here. The scripture says after three days of searching and not finding Jesus. They went back to Jerusalem. I want to share this with you by today's standard. Jesus would be considered an adolescent. Hello. And if I disagree with me, he's 12 and people are in their adolescence between 10 to 19. So Jesus would be considered at this moment in time. If it were today, he would be an adolescent. Do y'all remember that your kids adolescent. Tell him you don't want to remember that some of you don't even want to think about it. You said pastor hurry up get through this but don't remind me, but I don't know if you remember is the age of change. You remember them to three year olds and five year olds at your mom. Can I get something for you? Thank you Mom. I pick flowers for your birthday.
things change Oh, oh there their lives change. Adolescence time is a time of vulnerability. They are variable and in that. time of their lives they develop unhealthy habits Baytown of running to young and old are young people's problems until their adult life. I know you haven't had this but some of our children adolescent. Was they had behavior issues times?
But again, I know y'all had perfect. And y'all children were just wonderful come home when they're supposed to come home go to every class.
What is nice to the teacher? I don't have it. Listen for them other people to the people who not here in this church that children wasn't so cooperative. They had some issues going on and when they had issues going on a lot of parents began to pull their hair out now, you know take a good look.
How much I want to see it? There was a time I had a full head of hair. You would be amazed I had hair have to care at one time. But it shrink over time and I only had two girls. Who God bless me and who have girls Thank You Lord. Thank you Lord, but I children change. Physical change happens there hormones change. Our young girls are girls the development of their breast changes mother's Irish. You have to tell them that this was going to happen and you're going to need a bride now. Some of them go out, but you go baby is time for you to wear a bra.
Is that this time? We're we're girls feel conscious about their figure. Other girls are developing curves and fangs and looking at their bodies and and it's time for a boys. I'm watching. My grandson has right now. My grandson's voice is a oil change it. They used to be squeaky. Hello Papa. Now I have to talk to my oldest grandson not to you.
What happened to David when he talks to me?
I'm going into the time. We're young men's facial hair comes on board. I've had facial hair since the ninth grade. Yeah, it came quite early for me. I had a goatee in high school.
Some people thought I had to change as well as our girls and our boys will have may have any problems or changes my dog granddaughters went through that boy both of their muscles change in the house.
Bad answer bad answer because their bodies are changing that their strength in their doing.
Pubic hair is coming to draw boys and our girls. Hello.
Oh my God. Oh my God. You have a good one. This is a time where your kids body odor.
Stars to come out. Do you walk into a room?
I didn't look at you.
What what what what?
And I watch Grandma my wife dealing with the kids that they were changing the boys expected to do that two boys. My grandson this is what they do. They go in and run the shower. Stick I hated that dinnerware. Do a couple of them. But see my wife is with the detective in her other life she has argument about cuz my wife is trying to deal with the older. Nancy stars that break out the deodorant
this is that have a blessed time. Yes, it's that time. where Jesus was I saw this when I read this text. Are girls more sensitive? The next time your children may your girls May Cry a little more? You just look at them and they bust out crying. A boys often feel confused because there is not yet an adult are or our man in full feature, but he's no longer that little bitty boy that we rode bikes with he called in the world and it becomes confusing some of our children have even become depressed and because of this we often do not know what to do. And I guess this is this is not a raise up your children sermon, but I want you to know Jesus had to have gone through this.
He was 12.
His body to have to go through change.
Maybe when your children are facing something like this. Instead of embarrassing them. You might want to tell them this is normal.
This is normal to hit that place in life that is confusing and changing and even even a firm with them that you went through at 2.
Not only affirm that this is normal, but you might want to tell your children to help them help them adapt to these different changes. Help them to understand how to get into the rhythm of your body is changing. Your hormones without just using hormones as a weapon begin to tell them your body is trying to move into its next stage. It's not two more as God has created it. And help them to stay healthy. A lot of kids nowadays just lock themselves up in the room. Don't kick their doors down a challenge them to eat some stuff healthy. Have a nutritious diet and don't be afraid of exercise. I'm so concerned that exercise is no longer a part of our schools curriculum. One of the things we had every day you remember we have physical education.
What was just crazy? I don't even know how they got in the school system.
What you was in the military.
But we had exercise remember dodgeball.
Help our children to find exercise. Why am I telling you this my intent of this is to prove two things?
That Jesus makes a conversation.
From the barium from the Twelfth year of his life. Jesus and his mother hold a very deep personal conversation. It's the first time we hear Jesus voice if you read the gospels Luke and Matthews and John when you read the gospels, Jesus also has a closing word at the end of his life. So I believe Calvary this is the story of the conspiracy. Jesus speaks to us at 12. And Jesus speaks to us at 33 again for at 12 is the opening of Jesus's conversation at 33. We hear Jesus says these words it's finished.
I want to walk through that. I want you to see Jesus's growth. And why I would consider that there was and is a conspiracy.
Luke 2 41 through 50 reminds me of a TV series interview ever watch Young Sheldon
Nothing, but okay. That's a good show. They're their there is no sex scenes. There is nobody getting popped off. No nobody getting shot. It's a spin-off of The Big Bang Theory.
I know what show you better be careful watching right now. One of the characters is now gone.
I'm just believe that I'm just hang that out there.
in The Big Bang Theory. The Sheldon Cooper as far beyond his academic. You know that with his roommates and and all the people that the university. Dr. Cooper is light-years above them academically. In young Sheldon if you've ever watching and you don't have to go watch but in young Sheldon, it is the life of dr. Cooper when he's a child. And even when he's a child, he's heads above all of his peers. I even his teachers. And even the doctor who's trying to court his grandmother. They have these big conversation. The doctor is constantly trying to twist young Sheldon up but because of shoulders acceleration of knowledge. Show it exceeds a child of eleven or twelve years of old of age. Jesus in the temple always I would text it. According to the scriptures are far above the teachers Jesus in the temple. The Bible says Sheldon I mean Jesus.
They find Jesus in the temple talking and asking questions with the temple priests. Let me make something clear. Why is Jesus asking questions? Because that's what years of age Jesus himself is coming until the awareness. For the first 12 years Jesus was the son of Mary and Joseph boyko bring me a cup of water.
Yeah, I remember that. Go turn the TV off. Jesus was very much the son of his parents. What is in this dilemma that Jesus asked his mother a question when she comes back after 3 days being without him Mary as Jesus. What have you done? What you done drywall? You worried. And Jesus gives an answer that is filled with explosives. Look at Luke chapter 2 verse 48 and 49. I need to point this out and we will just about be done. Luke 20 Luke 2:48 through 49.
When his parents told him they were astonished his mother said to him son. I would prefer to use the word boy.
Why have you treated us like this your father and I have been anxiously searching for you. And I want you to paraphrase a angry with your child into it real deep. What is Ono mind.
Yo mama.
Are you sad boy use your head more than that?
I want a mom when your mom really want y'all came up, and I'm just saying how we were raised in the Inner City.
What are the questions you're not the answer? You just hear them. I believe Mary when she asked this question, why have you treated us like this? You don't, you know your father and your mother have been worried about you.
I pulled that on my child one day she had my call and she decide to come home and eat 9 hours later.
Don't y'all try this at home? But but my daughter decided that she just didn't have to come home. If you got my car.
And that's when I was like married. I asked all them questions. Are you stupid? What is wrong with you? Did you know I needed my car if I put it on.
That's what I think is happening is Gospel.
When you got to look at it.
Then Jesus this is where Jesus turns it around in verse 29th. Why were you searching for me?
Is my house? Lips are now going.
That's a good night.
We believe that the scriptures that Jesus is life is very much in tune with The Human Condition. Things that we miss is that Jesus was both human and divine do not take that apart both very much man. Because if he does not become man, he cannot experience the sins that we are coming on again, but he says he's worth. I have overcome all those sins. So none of us have any excuse about you didn't go through this yesterday.
And what makes the calvary conspiracy to me. There's more going on than Easter.
So Jesus says why were you searching for me?
Didn't you know? I have to be in my father's house again in my house what my daddy would say. Would you just go on back of that house? Am I right you just cuz you sounded better in somebody else's house only 12. I'm not going to have two grown man.
Jesus says did you know I have to be in my father's house? I don't believe he was being disrespectful.
I think a moment of truth is being revealed. But I want to read this in a better translation, which is the King James version. We don't read from The Kane like we used to but I want you to read this and I know you don't have a King James version here, but I'm going to bring it up. This is the King James version it says and when they saw him they were amazed at his mother said I did him son. Why has thou the I love that? Why is that just dealt with us Behold? Thy father and I are owing continue. How do you say unto them? How is it that you want me wish you not that I must be about my father's business. That's the text I grew up with. Jesus asked his mother where I have been I realized it was time for me. Give me the purpose of my calling. And his mother looked at him and said, what are you talkin about? He said the court in the King James version. I ain't needed to be doing my father's business.
My brothers and my sisters. Are you going to start doing his business?
Jesus realize at 12 my father has created me with purpose. I'm not only with purpose, but this purpose has something to do with the kingdom. Purpose when it comes to riches and royalties. Y'all still ain't get the message. There's a problem that we don't see when we say we want purpose.
I'm sorry, I wasn't men and women were bringing their daughters. Send this man to help you.
I know we're saying all he was nasty. He was biscuits and he was dead, but I'm going don't run past the parents the parents wanted very much for their children to become Superstars. So they blocked off everything else and went are telling Are y'all still in Catching this now now you just saw the video with Michael Jackson?
my friends What's somebody tells you I like sharing my bed? Which earring?
and we say I think that's okay.
Check this out. You don't take children to go play with adults. Am I talking to anybody?
Is when we have become blind it. prosperity and money and praying and that it ain't just our children. Some of us have lost our minds.
Why do you think we're going through the Olympic tragedy with a doctor from Michigan that's now locked up is because there were times when people said I want my child to be a superstar at any cost. here take my Seven-year-old your job is the train up a child. I wish I had kept a little walking to our responsibility.
Poughkeepsie it I thought it was all right, but this twelve-year-old boy and Lux has I found out I'm ready to move into my purpose of serving God change the benefit of that nobody that have ever found his purpose and living his life for God has ever been brought up on trial for doing something to your moral. Y'all ain't ready for this when you're in the will of God. You are not trying to hurt me or destroy anybody.
That help build their stamina.
EC in adolescence when a child doesn't understand what he's going through. He becomes very vulnerable to anything around it.
Why you better watch your children and my grandchildren when they come home different? All we need to start asking some questions. Why he just locked herself in the room now. What is day and age?
You look at me like behind them.
Mediapolis in the back of the school
My friends adolescence is a tough time. We live in a time where you got to watch what's on Facebook? And you give them these phones you better check them things. 64 sex texting because your boyfriend's I need to see all of you and I love it when I come with my grandkids. That was on your phone.
I don't know. You're not just watching movie. Let me see the movies that you watch it. I don't think I have to do. Swipe it real quick.
All I'm saying is Jesus at 12. I'm just about done Jesus at 12. At a very early age news that his life was better in harmony with God.
You have to help your children's I think come to the realization that they're better and harmony with God. I know it's boring I say this couple weeks ago is boring. His old age is ugly, but it's okay. Mary comes back with Jesus and went with Jesus ask her when she asked Jesus. Why were you worried about me? Jesus says to her. How did you come to ask me about this? Didn't you know, this is a question that he's at getting you know, and I think that's his typical fee didn't you know?
2nd God didn't just bring Jesus to the Cross to save us. I think he brought us or down the the road to Calvary because he needed to teach us how to be parents.
weird Jesus says to his mother didn't you know his mother I want to say boy. What are you talkin about? Well earlier in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 2 you remember doing that Christmas celebration? He says listen to this and you checked and there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over the parking lot you remember this line has does this this is the text that line has appeared to them and the glory of the Lord Shone around them and they were terrified but the angel said to them do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people today in the town of David a savior has been don't been born. He is Christ the Lord. This will be assigned to you. You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes or wrapping clothes lying in a manager suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to men whom his favor rest when the angels have left them and going to heaven the shepherd set one to know one to another let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has high. What was the Lord has told us about so they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby who was lying in the major when they had seen them. They spread the word concerning what happened told them about this child and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherd said to them. This is what Jesus is saying to his mother and verse 19, but Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart when you read the gospel that I just read chapter 2 verse 41 through 52. Mary says the same thing again when Jesus had told her I need to be about my father's business. It will end with Mary says and she pondered these things. Bihar hot Jesus check his mother
Jesus chapter 2 say 12 years ago when I was first born and the angel told the Shepherds and the angel told The Innkeeper in the angel told you about the baby that you were going to birth and today it seems like Mama you forgot what God said to you. You got a raise meeting with the Lord. Oh my God, you got a raise behind the benefit of who God is
Jesus remind me Mary his mother.
About the initial purpose of his bed.
God calls us. Live our lives in such a way. That would make the world a better place. for all people Jesus rich is realizing at 12. That God has a perfect plan for him. And in no wise is it to just be rich?
But is to continue the business of the father. Are you getting this? In order to do this. God has the integrate. every fiber of your being to glorify the father God does not just waste your growth when you get in a corner office. That is the portal. Do you living out your God giving life and stay? I don't care if it's a secular business. I don't care if it's a private business is your territory. The kingdom of God might be lifted up where I first got to arrive at Rich's they came and things and then I'll serve God but according to Matthew 6:33. He says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And here's the promise. I'll give you other things.
Jesus is realizing after child. God has called me. Do use my talents my gifts my intelligence. for the betterment of mankind
your three things enough to walk out the door three things. I Think Jesus teaches us. Because think about this Jesus is 12 years old. We don't hear from Jesus and voice again for the next 18 years. at least 30 I think something is going on with him. I think Mary and Joseph and eventually his other brothers and sisters are learning how to be good religious kids.
There's a gap of 18 years. We don't hear his voice. We know he's there.
I think God allows his parents. Train into inspiring to teach him about the traps. Teach him about the successes of life. That's the responsibility of the parents. I said this a couple weeks ago is not to school responsibility to teach your children more value.
It's too late.
God has used Jesus to teach us I think in this narrative. Three things I Think Jesus at 12 realizes number one. Learn all that you can about your calling.
See Jesus that will realize he had a calling.
I don't know what age all of you are, but I would stand here to tell you you all have a calling.
Just to sit at home and be cool.
We all have a calling there's something in you that God is ready to bloom to the next stage. What happens we constantly watching others and saying when I become Like Larry. I want to be this biologist that Larry is I want to be this engineer that Larry I have no desire love him what he does I could never do. But you see there's something in all of you that God has planted and you got you should have been watering it. And then Allowing God to bring Clarity to a bad thing, but you keep trying things that are without God you keep thinking if I go do this without God don't do anything. Let God is going with you with it. We're so busy. I can catch up with me. Don't know how to do about marriages that was abused or not.
I know you guys had a husband or a wife girlfriend or boyfriend God. I need you to bring this together. Let it be so when you go out, you know, bar-hopping and trapping. Y'all know what I'm talking about.
When you out on the hunt, you got to remember you told God. I don't need you right now. And then you get the person in your brain the person whom and he or she is Hell on Wheels. I didn't you tell me why you bringing me through all this and you want to come over play for me know you didn't ask me to pray for you before you hooked up with you didn't ask me to go in prayer with hard too fast with you.
Am I age of Life? All I do is think about the church? And when we all but that's been my calling. I'm not trying to be a doctor. I'm not trying to be a lawyer. My calling is the work of the church. Why are you with this? He says the Jesus teaches us at 12 you realized I need to learn all I can about my calling. Secondly Jesus at 12 and said let nobody stop you.
You live in a world where people people often don't catch your dreams. And don't be upset with OKC your vision.
Most Geniuses don't hang out with them.
What is hard for somebody to see your vision because God gave it to you.
Don't let nobody stop you from what is stirring in you. when I was in Africa by Toto to school and I told him this because when we talked about African we talked about those who were so poor and so so
I'm under nervous, but I was in school for kids can use what little they have what they love learning. And I and I told it this one's gonna say what you going to do. There's a lie. I want you to have I will let nothing stop me from getting an education. And about a year later boy came to me. Just come on my back porch, and he said that's his head on back to him and he says what he says I am heading to University because I hear what you told me.
The Jesus says at 12. I know what I'm here to do. I'm about to do it for the father. Boys and girls off the Red Sea experience, but God doesn't deal with us in Red Sea experience for the most part. He deals with us where we are.
But as long as you are not trying to use your blessings your giftings for God and the kingdom. God doesn't have an obligation to continue with you.
So when we say we need people who to give time in the church men LBC, I don't I don't want to be decided. I know you don't want me to but the question is what do you want to do for the kingdom?
You going to need more than just sink time? I watch it a Kentucky and and in Florida yesterday Lord. I always think about the boys get in the game.
Okay. The whole Gana phones shoes. The Breakaway pants.
my friend you got
you got to get into the game. Alas, Jesus teaches us on the road to Calvary on the road to Calvary. Jesus teaches us one last thing. This was the hardest thing above all is to wait on clarity.
Most of us are quick to go and do but we're very short on waiting. Because we're taught in America is we are busy. We must be making progress.
We're the only country basically, who does that?
Jesus waited eighteen years before he started his ministry.
At 12 he declares. I know what God wants for me, but it was 18 years further before Jesus accident moved into Ministry. According to the loop text that I read and I close on it. It says from that day on Jesus went home with his mother and his father. I think it was clear that he said Mom and Dad. I'm here at your child. Teach me what I don't know. I will wait to become what you are calling me to be. When I think of Eastern I think about the calvary experience. I do believe that there is a conspiracy that went on with God in Jesus. I Think Jesus is teaching us that that God calls every man every woman. With a calling every one of us. That is that is you just got to know that that's true because Corinthians says every man has been given at least one gift. Some of you have multiple gifts.
But when you take the gift insist, no, I will not use it yet. You stopped the Kingdom from being reached by someone else.
As I walk this road of this road to Calvary and talking about this conspiracy C. I think God had another purpose. And we just see Easter as the great cross moment. I think Easter is greater than that. I think God is telling us as individuals how to live this life.
I'm challenging you for the next 7 weeks. You and your fat ass asking God. What can I not do that? I haven't done. What can I use of my gifting is that I haven't been using. And then I challenge you to wait. Forgot to bring clarity. I love you hero, Missy. I love you here in the church. I think it's wonderful that you come to hear and and or me and you are others. But it's nothing unless you put it into action.
God is called you see the only like you have is the life you have right now. Calling you treat you well, be careful when you want a gifting that's always front page. I want to do something that everybody would know I'm doing it. Don't do that. Golf courses said you already have your reward.
Jesus is teaching us right now at 12 as an adolescent. I know I'm going through some changes, but I still need. Serve at the day of my life for the father. It's just I just I'm just I'm just hanging right here. the business of God the business that he's talking about her father is to change the way the world sees its The world is often as using all of us that we can't is so divisive is so ugly. It's so broken is so out of sync. We know that. Question is then what will the believer serve opposite of that? I believe the business of the church the believer. Is it change things for the betterment of every human being? Not a camp not a group. To change life where you are with God those who need it will catch it. That's what I believe the business of the world. Jesus is continuing to show us how to come into the salvation of God, which is the restorative Redemptive work of Christ back to God. I think he knew he got, but he said I need you to help me continue that in your work in your marriage in your location and your community in your Recreation. Bring Christ Alone. And what the business of God? blue don't stand with me.