Practical Humility
Practical Humility: Simple things can make someone’s day
B. McCarty Atlanta born into racism, standing to allow for the elderly black lady into the seat at the Cracker Barrel (***Need to get permission to use***).
1. Bit of background of who Barry is
a. Build up his “prestige” and education and accomplishments
b. Focus on his upbringing in the south in the ‘50s
2. Discuss briefly the focus on serving others at their church
a. F I S H (Follow Jesus, Invite others, Serve all, Honor God)
3. The black lady used a walker and had to go to the restroom and was helped there by her granddaughter.
a. They left unnoticed due to his attention being devoted to his family at their meal
4. When they returned, Barry made an “over effort” to stand up and give the lady additional room to take her seat.
a. Her granddaughter immediately broke into a smile and thanked Barry profusely
b. The elderly lady who was blind asked the granddaughter what was going on
i. She explained and the elderly lady wanted to know if Barry was good looking.
5. They all returned to their seats and finished their meals
6. When leaving, the folks waved and smiled to them from the car on the way out.