Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Covenants.... Judgments…
Todays we look at arguably the central chronicle of all chronicles in the OT — that of the Exodus.
In , when the sons of Israel sold their brother Joseph into slavery, they could not have anticipated what would happen to their brother.
Purchased by Potipher
Thrown in Prison
Interpreting Pharaoh’s dream.
Ascending to power
Saving both the Egyptians and Israelites.
Under Pharaoh, the purpose for which the sons of Israel sold Jospeh to the Midianites was realized, and the Egyptians mades the Israelites slaves.
Once they lived as Egypt’s neighbor in the land of Goshen as blessed and esteemed, that shifted… and now, in , they find themselves at home and in exile.
All of the Israelite baby boys were commanded to be executed.
The Israelites began to pray… and God decided to move.
God appeared to Moses and revealed God’s self to Moses in the second most important moment of self revelation in the Bible.
The Lord, under Moses leadership, frees the Lord’s people by leading them through the Red Sea and to the Mountain where the Lord gives them The Book of the Covenant — the 10 Laws of God given to the Lord.
On the way to the Promised Land, the Lord’s people are tempted in the wilderness — where they eventually spend 40 years wandering due to their disbelief and disobedience.
Moses leads them all the way to the borders of the Promised Land, tho Moses himself does not get to enter the Promised Land — tho the Lord allows Moses to look into the Land… and under Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites move into the Promised Land.
This story of the Exodus is Israel’s central story… from slavery and exile and prayers for deliverance, the Lord hears and moves in might and power.
The story of the Exodus is powerful enough on its own merits, but as we consider the story in light of the Jesus Christ, we come to have the light and reality of the Gospel shown on it in the face of Christ.
Two strands:
Israel — the nation of promise.
Israel — a huge part of the problem.
Jesus understood himself as the one who was to take the place of Israel, and take the place… and it seems clear God understood the story of Jesus to be the story of Israel as well.
Out of a season of exile and slavery, God hears the prayers of God’s people.
2. The Lord hears and answers the prayers of the Lord’s people — sending Jesus, Emmanuel, “God with us.”
3. Immediate complications arise in the life of the young lad
Herod has word of the young ruler’s birth and determines to hunt the boy… and God sends Joseph, Mary and Jesus to… that’s correct: Egypt.
4. At the proper time, Jospeh and Mary and Jesus go to Israel… the promised land.
5. Jesus quickly emerges and determines his first public step includes a journey through water… baptized by John the baptist.
6. Jesus is then “cast” into the wilderness — not for 40 years but for 40 days — and where the Israelites failed their tests in the desert, Jesus succeeded.
And in , Jesus heads straight to a mount — a mountain — where his new followers sit down and he begins to teach them and offer the law of His people in the Sermon on the Mount… as he begins to make available and accessible life in the true Promised land — that is the Kingdom of God.
The story of Passover… and the Passover Lamb.
At Passover, Jesus offers himself to the Lord — by the breaking and blessing of his body and by the spilling of his blood — the one true and final passover lamb.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9