Worship the Lord Your God and Him Alone

Sunday Lent   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Scripture says, “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them male and female.” And God said it is very good. But in this generation, being born male or a female is declared not so good anymore. It is also written “you shall not murder”. But in this generation abortion is on demand, and infanticide celebrated, delivering the baby keeping her comfortable, while the doctor and the mother have a conversation! So, what do we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth, where do we get the courage and strength to stand against the evils and spiritual warfare this generation, our own temptations and vices.? My brothers and sitters we get if flowing from Jesus, to our own baptism, our faith in God word though by the magisterium, from prayer, fasting and charity, and the worship of the Lord our God and serving him alone.

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Ash Wednesday began our 40 days of preparation, before celebrating the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Foundation of our Faith. My non-Catholic friends joke with me at lent; what are you going to give up chocolate? It sounds when we talk about lent in this context. I tell my friends Lenten preparation goes much deeper than temporarily giving up superficial things. Our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving, is motivated and driven by our love and worship of God and God alone.
We started our 40 days of Lenten preparation on Ash Wednesday, 40 days before we celebrate the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Foundation of our Faith. My non-Catholic friends tease me at lent; what are you going to give up this year, chocolate? I tell my friends Lent goes much deeper than temporarily giving up superficial things. Our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving, flows from our baptism, our faith in God’s word and worship of the Lord our God.
Ash Wednesday began our 40 days of preparation, before celebrating the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Foundation of our Faith. My non-Catholic friends joke with me at lent, what are you going to give up chocolate? It sounds superficial when we talk about lent in this context. I tell my friends Lenten preparation goes much deeper than giving something up temporarily. Our Lenten fasting, prayer and almsgiving, our actions throw-out the year is driven by our love and worship of God.
Ash Wednesday started the 40 days of Lenten preparation before we celebrate the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Foundation of our Faith. My non-Catholic friends tease me at lent; what are you going to give up this year, chocolate? I tell my friends Lent goes much deeper than temporarily giving up superficial things. Our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving, flows from our baptism, our faith in God’s word and worship of the Lord our God.





Ash Wednesday started the 40 days of Lenten preparation before we celebrate the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Foundation of our Faith. My non-Catholic friends tease me at lent; what are you going to give up this year, chocolate? I tell my friends Lent goes much deeper than temporarily giving up superficial things. Our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving, flows from our baptism, our faith in God’s word and worship of the Lord our God.
In the Gospel Jesus is baptized and driven out to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. Jesus on our behalf is baptized and has entered into spiritual warfare with Satan. Satan tempts him when he is week and hungry, tempts him with power, if Jesus would just worship him, and when it all fails, he temps Jesus to kill himself says, Jump of the Pinnacle of the temple. And in very instance Jesus responds by it is written, it is written, “you shall worship the Lord your God, and he alone you shall worship.”
In the Gospel Jesus is baptized on our behalf and driven out to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. In the intense spiritual battle, Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, and if not, to temp Jesus to kill himself by jumping the pinnacle of the temple. Satan failed. At every instance Jesus responds to Satan with an, it is written, it is written, “you shall worship the Lord your God, and he alone you shall worship.”


In the Gospel Jesus is baptized on our behalf and driven out to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. In the intense spiritual battle, Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, and if not, to temp Jesus to kill himself by jumping the pinnacle of the temple. Satan failed. At every instance Jesus responds to Satan with an, it is written, it is written, “you shall worship the Lord your God, and he alone you shall serve.”
In the Gospel Jesus is baptized on our behalf and driven out to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. Satan fails in the spiritual battel to temp Jesus to worship him or kill to himself by jumping from the pinnacle of the temple. At every instance of temptation Jesus responds to Satan with an, it is written, it is written, and “you shall worship the Lord your God, and he alone you shall worship.”
Jesus’ victory over sin and death was driven by his worshipful relationship with the Father based on what he believed was written and reviled in scripture by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ victory for us is based on faith in the authority of scripture the Holy Spirit had already revealed, and His worshipful relationship with the Father. The apostle Paul in our second reading says what does scripture say, we believe in our heart and speak with our mouth.
Jesus’ victory is ours, it is based on his baptism, faith in scripture the Holy Spirit had already revealed, and His worshipful relationship with the Father. The apostle Paul in our second reading says “what does scripture say, the word is near, we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth.
In the Gospel Jesus is baptized on our behalf and driven out to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. In the intense spiritual battle, Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, and if not, to temp Jesus to kill himself by jumping the pinnacle of the temple. Satan failed. At every instance Jesus responds to Satan with an, it is written, it is written, “you shall worship the Lord your God, and he alone you shall worship.”
Jesus’ victory is based on his faith in scripture authored by the Holy Spirit and His worshipful relationship with the Father.
The apostle Paul in our second reading says what does scripture say, we believe in our heart and speak with our mouth. Our Lenten preparation, what we say and do, our prayer fasting and almsgiving, throughout the year flows from our baptism, in what is written, and the worship of the Lord our God and him alone.


Our action, what we say and do flows from what we believe in our inner selves our hearts. The apostle Paul in our second reading says what does scripture say, we believe in heart and speak with our mouth. Our Lenten preparation, prayer fasting and almsgiving, offering up our vices to the mercy of God, ought to be rooted in what is written, our baptism and the worship of the Lord our God and him alone. With no duplicity.


Jesus’ victory is for us, it is based on his baptism, faith in scripture the Holy Spirit had already revealed, and His worshipful relationship with the Father. The apostle Paul in our second reading says “what does scripture say, the word is near, we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth.
Scripture says, “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them male and female.” And God said it is very good. But in this generation, being born male or a female is declared not so good anymore. It is also written “you shall not murder”. But in this generation abortion is on demand, and infanticide celebrated, delivering the baby keeping her comfortable, while the doctor and the mother have a conversation! So, what do we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth, where do we get the courage and strength to stand against the evils and spiritual warfare this generation, our own temptations and vices.? My brothers and sitters we get if flowing from Jesus, to our own baptism, our faith in God word though by the magisterium, from prayer, fasting and charity, and the worship of the Lord our God and serving him alone.


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Our Lenten preparation, our repentance, prayer, fasting and almsgiving, our courage to stand against the evils of this age, I could name a few, flows from our baptism, faith in God word, thought by the magisterium, and our worship of the Lord our God and he alone.
It is written in Genesis, “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them male and female.”. And God said it is very good. it is also written “you shall not murder”. In age, of abortion on demand, and infanticide, of delivering the baby keeping her comfortable, while the doctor and the mother have a conversation! this age of calling the differences between male and female not good. What shall we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth? What actions shall we take in worship of the Lord our God and him alone.
Scripture says, “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them male and female.” And God said it is very good. But in this generation, being born male or a female is declared not so good anymore. It is also written “you shall not murder”. But in this generation abortion is on demand, and infanticide celebrated, delivering the baby keeping her comfortable, while the doctor and the mother have a conversation! What are we to believe in our heart and confess with our mouth, where does our courage and strength come to stand against the evils of this generation in our spiritual warfare during lent? Like Jesus, it flows from our baptism, our faith in God word, from prayer, fasting and charity, and the worship of the Lord our God and he alone.
Ending v.2)
It is written, “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them male and female he created them”. And God said it is very good. it is also written “you shall not murder”. In age, of abortion on demand, and now celebrating infanticide, delivering the baby keeping her comfortable, while the doctor and the mother have a conversation! this age of calling the differences between male and female not good. So, in this Lenten season what shall we believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths? How shall we worship the Lord our God and him alone.
In Genesis It is written, “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them male and female.”. And God said it is very good. it is also written “you shall not murder”. In this age, that calls the differences between male and female not good, age of abortion on demand, and infanticide, delivering the baby keeping her comfortable, while the doctor and the mother have a conversation! Our Lenten preparation, our repentance, prayer, fasting and almsgiving, our courage to stand against the evils of this age, flows from our baptism, our faith in God word, thought by the magisterium, and our worship of the Lord our God and he alone.
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