1st Peter 5:6-12 • Who is the Devil?
1st Peter 5 were going to look at verses 6 through 13 14 as we finish out this section of scripture. Peter is writing to these early Christians and he says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God is at the proper time. He may exalt you casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. We looked at this couple of weeks ago before I left for vacation. So if you're interested in hearing what you have to say about that, you can go back and listen Peter goes on and says Be sober-minded Be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same kinds of suffering or being experienced while your Brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while the God of all Grace, it was called you to his eternal glory in Christ himself store confirm strengthen and establish you to him be the Dominion forever and ever amen by sylvanus a faithful brother as I regard him. I have written brief lychee. Exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God stand firm in it. She who is at Babylon who is likewise chosen sends greetings to you. And so does Mark my son greet one another with the kiss of love peace to all of you who are in Christ. Let's pray real quick father. We ask for your direction. We asked if she would move through this deluminate the scriptures to our hearts that we have deeper understanding and that we'd see your great love for us in Jesus name. We ask these things. Hey Manuel today marks. What's going to be the next three weeks as we begin to talk about the devil. So if it's your first time here welcome, this is the first time I've really began to even discuss this topic and are five to six years of being a church here this morning and this morning we're actually going to look at who is El Diablo. Who is the setan who is the accuser who is The devil what's going on here in this passage and I want to invite you into this as an opportunity to kind of open up your mind and your hearts to hear what we had to say particularly on this if you have questions to jot them down. You can email them to me. We're going to spend some time in here. Maybe we'll be able to address some of those towards the end not up today, but the end of this and a mini sermon series that were going through here in 1st Peter CS Lewis is Introduction to the screwtape letters anybody read the screwtape letters, right? I would recommend grabbing a copy of it and reading it in the daylight. Okay with some friends around if wow, it's a fantastic book. It's an eye-opening book. It's a book at even on tape. I think the library carries it so, you know, you get a library card go down there go ahead and grab it very very interesting the Keen Insight that he had in writing this book. But in that book in the screwtape letters, he says there are two equal and opposite. Mistakes people fall into you when it comes to the devil superstition. Meaning of over belief and substitution meaning under belief Superstition. What is that? It's this kind of unhealthy fear. For this she the devil behind absolutely everything. When I think of the devil, they're always afraid.
They're walking around their necklace doing cross necklace doing exorcisms on everybody because everything that's happening to them is an attempt and attacked by the devil on them. They believe the devil is everywhere and in everything and they gave him far too much credit. Everything in life. They believe must come from him though. He is not omnipresent not all places at all times. They believe it is him. It's behind everything that is happening to them from the ice dams on their roof. The last month that was the devil. You must be out to get me to the food poisoning. You had two weeks ago to the stub toe. He must really be out to get you honestly no offense here. I just don't think the devil has that big of a Target on you all the time and personally, okay. So we're going to just start with that for the superstitious for those with this over belief that everything comes from him. I'm pretty sure our own sin is a very good job of destroying relationships around us. I'm pretty sure that our own sin can cause a lot of the mess that we have and I'm pretty sure that storms in this life happened. I'm pretty sure that we get sick because this world is a fallen broken world since Genesis chapter 3 and as a result of that there's been fracture. There's actually been just displacement of how we actually have our feelings and what we do and don't do and that can interrupt and that can cause problems in our life and the devil can play on that for sure as we'll see but he's not always in the midst of all those things causing them to happen. I want us to hear that this morning. The problem is is when we think of the works of the devil, we often think of these big things like we see and Mark chapter one more chapter 2 more chapter 3. It starts off real devil. Heavy Jesus is immediately going to the desert to be tempted. We see people who are possessed. We see people who are sick because of him. But I want us to understand what that does and can happen. More often than not a tactic of the devil and lies and misinformation.
That is his main main way about going about harming hurting and deceiving us. We typically shrink down the works of the devil that just Financial a big problems job. heartache and heartbreak visible chaos weather oppression possession But yeah, there's an underlying theme throughout scripture receive the devil is actually involved in a much more subtle way trying to deceive. On the other hand. There is substitution here. It's probably substitution here this morning. That is when we think of the devil. We just laugh when I say the word devil A lot of our minds probably get a guy in a red suit with a little tail and a pitchfork in some Florence, right? That's what the caricatures have shown us. That's what the cartoons have show notes fun up and laugh at the Devil and we downplay the very existence of this real personal evil in Western culture. Particularly. Not the World At Large scientific process and scientific method. We said, you know what we can't taste touch experiment on where the devil is really there are not answer from a very young age. She told to subvert any kinds of feelings or thoughts and some kind of real personal evil might actually exist out there in the world that is inflicting harm on the world or influencing the world for evil. Does almost Justice laughable afterthoughts? When somebody comes up and says, you know, I believe that the devil that Satan he is real.
If we get rid of the devil. Get rid of this spiritual sense of evil. That means the organs of evil are really hard to come to grips with only that but the solutions to evil or ever-shifting what are ways what are campaigns today that people are doing politically Grassroots trying to eradicate evil. We come up with slogans with just kind of defeated by love. Legislate are waiting to be nice and kind. How's that going America, right? We come up with these ideas that maybe for just all sharing. Secular Solutions on how to get rid of evil and experience the good life are falling falling short very short and this morning if you're somebody that comes in here and you said oh my goodness. I got a church like once a year and they talk on money or the devil and here I am and it's the devil great. I'm going to go ahead and check out how much you feel that you are. So enlightened. I don't say this in any honestly mocking way, but smarter than the majority of the rest of the world in the ignorant Backwoods Christians. All of these matters are just superstitious. If you just be educated like you and reject the ideas of some sort of spiritual evil in the world. Then we can actually come out of these chains that are holding us down and holding us back.
Make sure you come in here and you think you could just figure it out like me at the Devil's Knot real life would be so much better as a few things. I want to share with you. First of all, what you to suspend judgment here this morning? I'm not saying check your brain at the door. I'm not saying don't think. Everything just suspended judgment with that presupposition for a moment and think through and maybe even doubt your doubts. Could could the devil be real? That's my doubt. He's not real good the devil. Be real. If you look at modern history even look at the world today and you look at the world's past you are actually in the minority of people who don't believe in some sort of spiritual evil that exist in the world today. Billions of people before you and billions of people on this planet today. They believe that there is a spiritual Evil Woody called pasta tan and Heber there. What do you think of him as the devil the accuser or they think of some spiritual off of force that exists in the world is all kinds of different ideas and thought processes concerning this you are in the minority today if you disbelieve that doesn't make my point right here this morning, but it should cause you to go Maybe there's something to this this morning. What's the problem you face is secularism says there's no help. Really to the solution because there's no personal real evil. It doesn't exist, but you're still engaged in the fight against evil. How does it feel to fight against something but you don't even believe exist?
You can see some manifestations of it but really the roots of it and where does it come from? Irrigation fighting and working towards eradicating this evil in your own way dealing with it on your own means in your own processes and thoughts of how can I actually take the evil that's in this world and find solutions to it. And what I want to see here is there is an evil behind the evil that we see. How to pull the majority of people to ask this room Who Wants to Be Kinder nicer and more generous I bet you between peer pressure and your own inclinations every hand is going to go up nobody's going to go I just really want to work on my jerkiness. I could see you want to work on your sarcasm, right? I like that, but you're jerkiness. No, no, no. No. Nobody says I want to be meaner. I want to be harder. I want to be less loving I want to be less kind. In Genesis for we read that sin wants to overtake came. God's house of sin is crouching at the door. It's a problem. Humans, since the fall are really good on their own causing a lot of harm and destruction towards one another but they're also evil forces that have influenced humans to partake participate in those sinful activities that disrupt the good nature of God. Jimmy here that there's an evil behind the evil. Look at this this morning. I got a preface this with this it's why the cross is so big in the cross is so important because the cross is not only dealing with our sin as an atonement for how we have wronged rebelled against God committed Cosmic treason against him. Put the cross is also the defeat of the spiritual enemy that is real. It's a proclamation and Revelation 20 that he is going to be chained. It's going to come to an end with dealing with the sin nature of humanity. It's also dealing with this evil force.
What is encroached upon the world and it's having its way in Wrecking Havoc upon Society this idea of a devil and real Spiritual Beings that are evil is a supernatural view that the scriptures holds you it is going to go against the grain of every naturalistic view. You've been taught since kindergarten has been ingrained in you you can't taste touch feel smell experiment with it must not exist.
Better not to do in the scriptures hold. Jesus help. It's not actually what what I believe is a real true View. Turn the devil is real and the Devil is a real foe. Jesus there is a devil. He's not a mess. real visible but real intelligent spiritual being turned over to Mark chapter 4
It's a really interesting scene in scripture and in which the way Mark portrays it because he moves very quickly through his gospel. An inverse one it says and Jesus full of the Holy Spirit return from the Jordan and was led by the spirit in the wilderness for 40 days being tempted by the devil and he ain't nothing during those days and when they were ended he was hungry. The devil said to him the devil is not just some kind of feeling the devil's not just some kind of wind that blows by but the devil is real personal intelligent as the Devil comes to him. The devil says you are the Son of God command the stone to become bread. This is going to be a foundational text for us over the next couple of weeks as well as John chapter 8 if you want to spend some time in it. A Jesus answered him. It is written man. Shall not live by bread alone and the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and said to him to you. I will give all this Authority and their Glory the devil is powerful and have a kingdom has been delivered to me and I will give it to him. I will if you then will worship me. It'll be all yours and Jesus answered him. It is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and serve him only show you serve and he took him to Jerusalem and set them on the Pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here for it is written he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and on their hands. They will bear you up unless you strike your foot against a stone. The devil is deceptive and twists the very scriptures and word of God when talking to Jesus as well as to Christians as well as to even Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter 3 And Jesus answered him. It is said You shall not put the Lord your God to the test and when the devil had ended every Temptation he departed from him until an opportune time. The devil in some form in some way appears to Jesus the devil communicates with Jesus. He was smart and how he interacted with Jesus in this instance questioning God giving this information as his main tactic the same with Adam and Eve in 1st Chronicles 21 there. It says he came to David and he convinced him to number the people sparking pride in him. These are the fiery darts of the devil. This text alone tells us that Jesus believes in a real Wicked terrible evil that manifested itself. And if you're going to embrace Jesus you're going to have to embrace a view that the devil is real and that the devil does match you. 1st Peter 5 like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now. Do you want a good theology about the devil? We have to start with God and so this morning when I take her time to talk about who is the devil? Animal move into how he plans to inflict his will and his way on Humanity as well as against a Christian to love serve and follow Jesus and how we can about that. Then we're going to look at the following week his fate and what that will actually tail. So the gospel going to be through and throughout but really we get this third serve him with his glorious picture of Victory and who we are comes with it. So bear with me over the next couple of weeks, but this is very important for us. Who is the devil what we start with God the one God the true God in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning Elohim in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and it says there his spirits.
hovering above the waters Who is this? God Genesis one does not actually reveal that to us. We figure out in Genesis to who he is. I want to give us some insight in Colossians chapter 1 verses 15 through 17. It says he is the image of Christ of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation first born is not the best use of words there. This idea of firstborn actually means he is unique to be unique means to actually be one of a kind you have five things under the last five things in the world. They're not unique there rare. Jesus is not rare. He is unique. He's first in prominence, right? That's what being portrayed here in this passage. He is unique for by him. This is why all things were created Genesis 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth Colossians 1 were talking about Jesus. He created all things in heaven and on Earth visible and invisible. What in the world is the invisible that he created? We're going to get out of? whether Thrones or dominions Or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him, he is before all things and in him all things are held together. Who is this God on Genesis 1 it says Elohim in Genesis 2 when it picks up the story it says the Lord God the Lord the Lord that word Lord is Yahweh or some translation to put it over. And so what we're actually getting is Elohim God, but let me tell you who this actually is. It's Yahweh the Lord God the god of Israel the Triune God that's Colossians talks about this has a high view of Trinity. So what you have is a pre-existent always there the one who was and is and is to come the creator of all things and everything else that is going to be made visible and invisible.
Is going to stem from him. Is going to actually come from this. He is set above every other thing that is created. So the big question is did God create the devil. Did God create demons? The answer is yes, but not in the way in which we now know them today. Genesis 1 you pick up a central truth. It said over and over and over again at the end of age day. Everything was Good just God create bad things. Genesis 1 he doesn't everything he makes is good. From the planet and all the other planets the Stars the very Earth that we walk on the grass even there that you humans me animals. He says this is good by his very words. He speaks all these things into existence. It was not some sort of cosmic battle between the Lord God Yahweh and the other guy in which resulted in as some of the myths that you'll read about will tell you humans being created. It wasn't that. Oh my goodness. We made this Earth and now there's weeds and problems and we're the gods so, you know, we don't have time to do any work. So who created humans? Today sleepy slaves for us know God creates and everything. He creates is good and everything. He makes is good. He said above everything else here in scripture as we will see. I mean, she also created the very spiritual beans that were talking about here this morning. Next question might how it is. When was the devil created and other Spiritual Beings and what? Well this I can tell you for certain to you. It was before day 6 because I'm day 7. Arrested God stopped making. After that is all kinds of speculation of when God actually created these Spiritual Beings. There are those who say Genesis 1 is this beautiful form of poetry which is definitely has that nature in it and the Very stars that he placed in the sky that are for the seasons and the times dinner to Rule the Sky. Yes, sir. Big burning balls of gas. But behind them is a real reality of angels and Spiritual Beings and that's some speculation that others have other say no God created them. Even before he formed the Earth, whatever we come to a conclusion on there. It's up to your own thoughts and you can't necessarily pin down from the use of scripture, but we know that God created them before day6. He created them to rule to rule. How do we know that? Job 38 4 through 7 Jobe is complaining about a circumstances in the situation and he's probably handled it a lot better than the rest of us would have you don't know he's been inflicted with boils. His children have been killed. He's lost all of his financial. Well, if it's two thousand eight and nine all over again. It's just not a good time in life. And God says where were you at? My Lane the foundation of the Earth. Tell me if you possess understanding who determine its measurements. Yes, you do know or who stretched out the measuring line upon it or where were its basis sunk or who laid the Cornerstone when the morning stars were singing together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy the sons of God shouted for Joy. There's some mystery around this idea who are the sons of God, there's multiples of them. Tannoy Elohim is the word that is used. Their Elohim is the same word that is used of God in Genesis 1 and it's why in Genesis to we have to find out that it's Yahweh Elohim the Lord God who said above all other gods and joke chapter 1 and chapter 2 were invited into this Divine Council setting where we see that there is God's angels. Could be cherubim seraphim other Spiritual Beings and their they're gathered together in Genesis 1 and all of a sudden comes posset on which is the which is a title. It's not actually his name. His name is not a personal Friend of the Devil. His name is not the Satan all right of this idea that that's that's his first name Satan. It's a title. He Has many names and for many reasons. He's not even given the dignity any personal name in all of the scriptures. What's the time comes Satan? I got your CD considered my servant job. And have this conversation amongst this Divine Council there in heaven, very important were going to come back to that in just a little bit. The purpose of these Divine spiritual beans is to rule and to serve God. They threw this in the New Testament there was a time when Peter was in prison who free him an angel of the Lord came to him. angel came to him In the Old Testament God talks with him and his Council in First Kings 22. There's a really wicked King for the name of a Hab and he goes what are we going to do with Ahab? He actually asked this Council on how we going to handle this King go read the story and if they were going to send him a deceiving Spirit to deal with his Wicked Ways. In the Old Testament some angels along with the son of man, they spend time with Abraham and then two of them of those angels going to Sodom and Gomorrah and Daniel Michael the Archangel is sent to him. Now listen, how does this answer a question about the devil? The Devil is a very real very powerful very strong spiritual being that was created at some point before man. Now in Ezekiel begin to get a picture painted of who this devil is in if you want to and you know how to find it Ezekiel chapter 28.
Why do people have a lot of different thoughts about this text and I know this morning is just information to this is so important for us to gather to understand. We're going to have to bring it home in just a little bit's in Ezekiel verse 11. It says more over the Lord the word of the Lord came to me the son of man raised a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him thus says the Lord is a couple different views in here on who Ezekiel is kind of presenting her who God is speaking to Something is talking about Adam in the garden. Does reasons to debunk that some think it's a talking about literally at the king of Tyree, but but he was not in the garden. It says you were the signature of perfection that does not sound like this awful Wicked King does it maybe I don't see full of wisdom and perfect and Beauty you were in Eden the Garden of God, every precious stone was covering you Sardis topaz and Diamond bro Onyx and Jasper Sapphire Emerald carbuncle and crafted in gold for your settings and your Engravings on the day that you were created. They were prepared. You were an anointed Guardian cherub. Oh my goodness. Is that Adam? No way is that Adam has no cherub. The subpoena was created far before him I place you you were on the Holy Mountain of God in the midst of the stones of fire, you walked you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created to unrighteousness was found in you in the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence in your mitt and you sing so I cashed you as a profane thing in the Mountain of God. Adam and Eve forecast from the garden of God hear you saying from the Mountain of God and I destroyed you a guardian cherub for the midst of the stone fire. What is the saying to us here this morning? Just telling us that they're at some point in that Garden scene. There is a cosmic Rebellion that is happening and coinciding with the human Rebellion against God there is this Mighty cherub Angel. We're not given any kind of name as I said because he's not giving a title. He is a spiritual being that has great Authority and Giada sink. I'm casting you out because of the Rebellion that you have caused because of the Rebellion that you have done this cherubim. This Mighty spiritual being part of the Divine Council of God is a few other versus I want to give you on this. So bear with me and Psalm 82 it says in verse one. God has taken his place in the Divine Council. I am making this word up right here in the scriptures. in the midst of the God now if you can turn their and we are there we have God capital g o d God capital g o d. Do you all know who I'm talking about? That we too but do you know that that word in Hebrew is Elohim and it's a title. It's not a direct name Joe in scripture trying to say who is this God bless us. God is taking his place in the Divine Council in the midst of the Gods. He's in the midst of these God. You know, that word God's is actually Elohim. Coconut in Hebrew you have Elohim is taking his place in the Divine Council in the midst of the Elohim to check this out says he holds judge me this verse because a lot of problems in our thinking and what are wonderful kind translators have done for us as they put a capital G. So you know who they're talking about. Is this God up here.
Let's say you go to Iraq. Or maybe even just Portland and you get on public transportation and you say to somebody do you believe in God? You know, they might ask you a question which God we have become so accustomed to only hear the word god of just thinking about the Lord God which the translation of going to great job on that force, and I've no issue with that. But we come to a scripture like this and we scratch our heads because we go is this polytheism wait a second Pantheon of gods now,
Sorta, not really. The scripture is telling us there is a lord God who created everything else beneath him and I would prefer to use the word These Are Spiritual Beings Spiritual Beings. They hold this judgment. How long would you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked give Justice to the week in the fatherless maintain the right of The Afflicted in the desk to rescue the weak and needy deliver them from the hand of the wicked. They neither that neither knowledge or understanding they walk about in darkness. All the foundation of the Earth are shaken. I said you are gods Sons of the most high all of you nevertheless like men you shall die and fall like any prints. He's not talking. Israel is not talking about men here is talking about the Spiritual Beings that were created to be a part of his Divine Council. That's about as crazy as you want to see more of verses on this you turn over to Psalm 86. Psalm 86 8 there is none like you among the gods of Lord nor are there any worse like yours all the nations you have made sure come and worship before you and shall glorify Your Name song 95 a couple more pages first three. For the Lord is a great God and a great king above all gods. Why is this in German? Why am I bringing us out of what am I trying to tell you and show you what I want to say this morning as you have Yahweh Elohim who is the Supreme God above all other gods. He has created everything and everything comes from underneath him. But in that creation, he treated Spiritual Beings as well as human beings. Are these Spiritual Beings most likely led by the Satan led a rebellion against God and there they come to this world in the garden with Adam and Eve and begin to deceive them. And begin to speak lies and twist the very words of God. Are you guys tracking with me on this? Just following on this the scripture speak and talk about a spiritual realm that exists that God created in that God made and that repelled. We also have human beings who God created. God Made You have rebelled Human beans all human beings are born into Adam Ascend against this great God not all spiritual being but some spiritual being rebelled against God sin enticed Adam and Eve through lies and misinformation as a still does today send now comes also inside of us. It's crouching at us who tempted Adam and Eve.
talking snake
What is the scripture say that the serpent of old actually came to them now? Please don't think that Adam and Eve were so naive that they believed that snakes caught they live in this Garden that God created where we later see when they're kicked out. There's cherubim that are actually guarding the gates there to enter in they were very aware of the Spiritual Beings. That would have been around them in that day and such a one form or another whether some kind of possession of Satan into a serpent or that is actually the form that he took on himself. He comes to Adam and Eve and he's intelligent because he knows something about God and he says listen God is holding back from you. You can be more of yourself. You'll actually find yourself if you just listen to what I have to say. And in the spirit of rebellion, they listen to the snake know what's interesting is in the garden Adam and Eve were called to rule to rule over all that was in the garden what happens if you let the words of the snake rule over them? As tragedy then what happens Romans 1 says rather than being above and over creation subduing creation. We now have come underneath creation and man worships creation rather than the Creator Creator man, man over Earth now his whole thing and we're being ruled over then in Genesis for God says watch out for your sin. It's going to rule over you. Finish out this morning. I'll just take a little bit of a picture of who is the Satan. PS is revelation. 15 says the serpent of old is a spiritual being not as powerful as God because he was created by God who had free will to rebell against the start and he did lead that rebellion, and then he comes to this earth and he convinces persuades deceives Adam and Eve to join in the Rebellion. Causing a fractured broken Society having ripples effect all throughout Humanity as well. Satan titles that were given in scripture reveal his work. He's a roaring lion who wants to devour he's a great Dragon the strong man the god of this world the prince of the power of the air Beelzebub Lord of the Flies the adversary the enemy the serpent the tester and the wicked one. accuse to hurt to harm to destroy to murder and to kill it's at Jonathan's to tell us. So we have this makeup of the devil and his next week to begin to look at his tactics want to leave you with a final thought and a quotes William gurnall the Des mentira noise at night. They cry the devil the devil and they run for their life, but they carry the devil around in their very Hearts all day. We've a proud Spirits or if you have resentments forgiving xiety. You're under his power. He's sitting you in a precarious place my friend. Why don't you run from your pride crying the devil the devil? Why don't you run from your resentment and your grudges yelling the devil run from them and share what you doing? We opened up talking about Superstition and substitution. And what do you want you to do is realize you need to avoid Superstition to realize actually when you have a grudge and you're unforgiving in your angry, you're like this piano and the devil is just playing Chopsticks on you, but you see that garage that bitterness and anger has to reside and exists in you for him to actually get at you. That's how he begins to work in you and on you and through you if he takes with already inside and he just plays masterfully a way you let your imagination run wild as he puts deceptive lie into your head. Yeah, you shouldn't like them. They were me and you shouldn't forgive them. You should hold that garage took we want to avoid Superstition in the sense of everything everywhere is the devil, but he says to realize is a reality to avoid substitution. People who liked you right off the devil and think that he doesn't exist. I think that there's no way that's crazy kind of talk. The problems of the world is all that you see with the problems of the world are not just economic problems. We don't just need more police officers to make things better or good therapy are all working to All Good Things. I thought that we can deal with our problems. Why not because there's an evil Hyde the evil this morning. Is a real enemy when we go into our neighborhoods and we see oppression and we see Brokenness and receive people are just split apart and strung out. So we can absolutely physically take them along with us and try to get them help. We also need to be praying against the evil powers that we need to participate in bringing the light and goodness of Jesus Christ into those neighborhoods through sharing who God is God has done.
That's what we need to do in those moments the sickness Powers principalities and influences, and he definitely wants to use those the Christians you fight from Victory not for victory. We don't have to sit around and be deathly afraid but oh my goodness, I could walk out of here and I could just jump on me and it's over. Our King has one we fight from Victory not for victory. We are not an armed with the knowledge of Christ the truth of Christ. Am I go out in the power of Christ? And so this morning as we wrap this up here here this and know this the devil is real. And he wants to inflict and bring harm. 2 us into this world crisis disarmed him and most of his package come through lies deception and misinformation and then that way he wants to harm destroy rack and ruin you. My wife can push me down. But if she begins to speak lies about me, that's what's really going to destroy our relationship. That's his tactic. That's what he wants to do. And you aren't left without a arsenal of weapons as well. See you next week as prime or God. Add this morning if we just trying to delve in and when I understand. She really what your scripture say about these issues bringing an awareness to the spiritual realm in the spiritual world around us. Gummy hearts and our minds engage in this may we see that but every problem is cuz the devil wanted it to happen. But there is a devil and he does bring problems. We are to pray and to resist. We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Amy bringing awareness to our own Hearts to our church to see this in to be Discerning to be wise on how to handle these issues open her eyes over the next several weeks as we look at this topic or Guinness and mistrust in the name of Jesus, Amen.