Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
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> .9
1 Corinthians 3
This morning we considered a few analogies and illustrations Paul used to describe and exhort the local church.
He reminded the Corinthians that as those who have been born again.
They are God’s family - brothers in Christ.
They are God’s farmers - and at the same time God’s field.
They are God’s framers - co-builders of His temple.
But most importantly, they are being built on God’s one sure and steady Foundation, Jesus Christ!
Tonight we are are going to consider verses 16-23 where Paul turns the analogy of God’s temple and really makes it personal.
The local church is a body, but is made up of individual parts.
The local church is analogous to a temple but is made up of individual people.
In these closing verses of Chapter 3 Paul wants these individual members of the local church at Corinth, at Jefferson St., and at Pray’s Mill to know some things....
Notice how he beings verse 18, Do you not know?
Paul poses a question to the church at Corinth and as a matter of fact for us as well.
He wants all those who are a part of the body of Christ to understand what it means to be God’s temple built on the foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ!
My goal tonight is for all of us to leave here tonight knowing some things.
Knowing more about God, His will, His wisdom, His church, and His Son!
So tonight I want us to see three important truths that every member of God’s church needs to know if we are going to be a vital, healthy, growing member of the Body of Christ and Temple of God.
The first truth is you need is to....
I. Know that You are God’s Temple.
I Corinthians
Paul wants to make sure the Corinthians understand what it means to be God’s temple.
He wants to make sure they Know which means....
to possess information about—‘to know, to know about, to have knowledge of, to be acquainted with, acquaintance.’
Paul knew if the Corinthians truly understood what it meant to be God’s temple then these problems of jealousy, strife, sexual immorality, and so on would be repented of and resolved.
Here is the deal, if we as the church today, know what it means to be the temple of God many of our problems would pass away through repentance, faith, and a pursuit of holiness!
So what does Paul want us to know about being God’s temple?
A. God’s Spirit dwells in you.
Paul wants the body at Corinth to know that as God’s temple, God’s Spirit dwells in them.
Paul also reminds the Romans in chapter 8,
9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you.
In the second letter to the Corinthians Paul writes,
Do see how Paul merges the two truths together, you are God’s temple, he will dwell within you.
Do you hear the Old Testament language.
What was the temple on the OT?
The dwelling place of God where the ark was kept.
Where the presence of God resided.
Where is people in a special way met with Him.
How then do you know if the Holy Spirit dwells within you.
You have professed Christ as Lord.
You experience conviction over your sin.
You are dead to sin.
You desire the pure spiritual milk of the Word.
You understand spiritual things given by God
1 Corinthians
You pursue holiness if the the Holy Spirit dwells in you.
Here is another fact to know if you are God’s temple.
B. God Protects His temple.
2 Corinthians
How about that, wherever God will destroy those who seek to destroy His dwelling place.
This again speaks to the Holiness of God.
God has give us rules regarding his dwelling places throughout the Scriptures.
Not just anyone was to lay their hands on the ark.
Do you remember what happened when Uzzah reached out to steady the ark of God when the oxen stumbled?
God’s anger was kindled against him and God struck him down because of his error, and he died there beside the ark of God.
Uzzah wasn’t even trying to destroy the ark of God’s presence, but he did not follow the rules to protect God’s holiness.
Paul is warning the church at Corinth, as God’s temple as those in whom the Holy Spirit dwells if you do anything to destroy, denigrate, divide or defame His temple he will destroy you!
Do you seen who serious God is about protecting His temple, His people, His church?
You may be thinking why is God so harsh?
It is because He is Holy!
He is set apart, He is transcendent, He is majestic, morally pure and perfect.
Therefore, those in whom he dwells, his temple He will protect, and He will destroy those who seek to divide His body.
Spurgeon wrote “it is an ill bird that fouls his own nest.”
He was specifically addressing those in the church who slander one another.
Why in the world would we slander, tear down, or divide our own community of faith, in essence tearing apart Christ’s church?
It is because we are sick with sin, not living in the Spirit who dwells within us.
Paul has written to the church.
God Spirit dwells in you, God protects his temple.
The last truth I want us to see regarding God temple is,
C. God’s temple is holy.
For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.
We just discussed God’s apartness, his otherness, perfection, and righteousness.
His transcendent majesty; Paul closes verse 17 saying for this is who God is, this is His nature and by extension, by theological union His temple is Holy and you are his temple.
Now understand what I am not saying.
You and I are not transcendent or majestic as God is.
You and I are not morally perfect.
What I am saying is.
All those who the Spirit of God dwells in are pursuing holiness, we are set apart, we are consecrated to God for His service.
We are repenting of sin and striving to grow in holiness.
Let me leave you with a verse of Scripture to illustrate this.
You see what is going on if the Holy Spirit dwells within us.
There is a washing of regeneration that takes place and then a continuous renewal of the Holy Spirit!
Matthew Henry writes,
It may be understood of the church of Corinth collectively, or of every single believer among them; Christian churches are temples of God.
He dwells among them by his Holy Spirit.
They are built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit,
If you know that you are God’s temple,
Know that the Holy Spirit dwells in you.
Know that God will protect His Holy habitation, His Church and His child.
Know that God’s temple is Holy, set apart, and consecrated for His service.
Knowing these things we should seek to pursue holiness, unity among the body, and we must protect the purity and peace of God’s temple!
Because of the Holiness of God and His Spirit we ought to cry out the Lord as Robert Murray M’Cheyne,
“O Lord, make me as holy as possible for a saved sinner to be!”
Do you now know that you are God’s temple?
Here is the second truth Paul want you to,
Know that You Must Become a Fool
I Corinthians 3:18-
Do you see it in verse 18, Let no one deceive himself....let him become a fool.
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