Faith in the Face

God Man Servant King  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A follower of will have fearless, functional faith in God in the face of death or disease.

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The whole section is a Markan “sandwich story”
Filled with connections
Jesus is “On the Way”
The last thing that happened was that he showed his power and people begged him to leave
These two stories, then people again meet him with unbelief
A follower of will have fearless, effective faith in God.
The four hurdles to the faith of Jairus
1. Coming to Jesus
2. Believing Jesus had the power
3. Interruption by the woman
Some of the best looking things in this world are the worst things in this world. When they look great, taste great, feel great, how will you be able to turn away from them? Faith.
4. The news she is dead
The woman as a picture of salvation:


Jesus knew, but he asked her to come
She knew He knew, but confessed anyway
She confessed fully
She was aware of who He was- Fear and trembling


Some of the best looking things in this world are the worst things in this world. When they look great, taste great, feel great, how will you be able to turn away from them? Faith.
One of Mark’s sandwich stories
Two stories, with matching bookends of unbelief, woven together for a purpose: so what is it?
To find out we need to pay attention to how The Holy Spirit wrote this to us:
High culture Man VS Outcast woman
Hopeless VS Hopeless
Falls at Jesus’ feet VS Falls before Jesus
Faith encouraged VS Faith commended
Daughter of this father VS “daughter” of Jesus
12 years old died VS 12 years of suffering
Impure corpse VS impure blood
Jesus touches the daughter VS Woman touches Jesus clothes
Misunderstanding of bystanders VS same
Healing VS Healing
(Rejection…disease…Healing/faith…death…healing/faith … rejection)
Showing everyone deals with sin and death. There is only one cure: faith in Jesus
In fact, disciples of Jesus do not have to fear these anymore.

Problem: Death and Disease

Jairus’ situation (implied disease, death): 5:21-24
1. All of life reminds us of a BIG BATTLE: DEATH & DISEASE
Jairus is aware of the big battle in life right now
Jairus knows he can’t defeat disease and he can’t even fight death
He knows he is only human.
So, he asks someone who is more than human for help
He goes to Jesus: not with big gifts or a big ego pretending he has it all- begging.
Jairus means “God enlightens” or maybe more accurately “God awakens”
That is a good name since that’s what he asks for
He actually asks Jesus in verse 23 so that she “might be saved and live”
Jairus has faith that Jesus can save him and his daughter. And he knows there is nothing that they can do to earn it (begging).
Relevance: the catastrophes will happen.
Do you have any disease in your life? Some of us have suffered with hard things up close. Some of us have lost loved ones to death even.
We are reminded the big battle in life
When someone is sick
When a mass murder happens
When a hurricane or a shipwreck or a tornado strikes
When a loved one is laying on a bed, slowly drifting farther away from life.
2. ________ will happen.
Write which of those sounds scariest to you.

Solution: Fearless, Functional Faith

The woman’s powerful faith (vs the meager faith of the disciples): 5:25-34 (6:1-6)
In really hard times we have 2 options really. And this passage shows us both of them in action
The first is the woman’s powerful faith
The second is the weak faith of those in his hometown
This weak faith “stops” Jesus from unfolding His kingdom how he desired to.
**Malachi throwing the red spoon**
3. God’s Will: are you an INSTRUMENT or an INTRUSION
The woman’s powerful faith-
The woman as a picture of salvation:
The woman as a picture of salvation:
Jesus knew, but he asked her to come
She knew He knew, but confessed anyway
She was aware of who He was- Fear and trembling
She confessed fully- The “whole truth”, The truth will set you free
4. This faith should be FEARLESS
She came in fear, but went in peace
Jairus’ faith (vs the bystanders): 5:35-43
The four hurdles to the faith of Jairus
1. Coming to Jesus
2. Believing Jesus had the power
3. Interruption by the woman
4. The news she is dead
Could you keep believing in Jesus if all of these things went wrong?
The Disciple of Jesus must trust Him faithfully and fearfully
The other people didn’t. They laughed.
While people laugh at Jesus, Jesus laughs at death.
4. This faith should be FUNCTIONAL
It should actually work in hard times.


The four hurdles to the faith of Jairus
1. Coming to Jesus
2. Believing Jesus had the power
3. Interruption by the woman
4. The news she is dead
Could you keep believing in Jesus if all of these things went wrong?
The Disciple of Jesus must trust Him faithfully and fearfully
The other people didn’t. They laughed.
While people laugh at Jesus, He laughs at death.
Faith in the Face of disease and death
Unbelieving touch (“pressing”) VS a Faith touch (“power went out”)
The crowd vs the woman with faith
While people laugh at Jesus, He laughs at death
People who are there, but don’t believe
When big promises are made, they laugh
When things get hard, they crumble
When when they love is taken from them, they have no hope
Because their faith, their hope, it was in something that death/sin could defeat
This isn’t something that stays on the pages of the Bible
Things you know will break down and fall apart
People you love will die
Bodies will get sick
Pain will start
People you love will die
And when those things happen, what happens in your heart?
Are you just standing around Jesus pressing in?
Or is your experience with Jesus one that shares in His power?
in or is your experience with Jesus one that shares in His power
Are you a child of God that has been given the Holy Spirit?
The same Holy Spirit that defeated sin and death.
God might be moving in your life with difficult circumstance, painful realities, do you have the faith in the face of that?
Faith in Him to do what He said, be who He is- perfect, holy, glorious. Good. God.
** Mary Koechle**

Challenge 1

Write down the difficult circumstances that are you have in your life
death, disease, relationships, changes, pain, fears, stresses, sins
Across from it, write down what the faithful response to that should be.
It might just be to rest, or pray, or confess, or change something specific.
If your not sure what to do, then I want you to write down that you need to pray for an answer in that box: what do you need to do to live by faith here?

Challenge 2

Write a note to Mary Koechle encouraging her and thanking her for being such a faithful woman of God, always believing and never giving up.
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