Sunday Connect

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I was looking for a site will cover this.

Do not answer the question. Is it really?

Would know that the sound.

why are you such a

I'm just laid there now. He wants us to plug in the

play around. Figure out what's going on?

Too late too late.

kissing strangers

Take me home.


What I was thinking of just going to be ignored in a 5 x 5.


We just the thought to Terry but you know facts. pregnancy

Anyway, see what happens.


very strong and

and he said

Come on, you know she was pregnant.

We would call Louis MO to secrecy.

How much do about school is well?

What exact moment you are what a dust master.

it weighs about the tiny wouldn't take any of the money when he's

Read it back in.

Not today.

All the things up on the board. I want to watch.

Enterprise rapid body gear and thighs without the use of Education

But you are enough to make an onion.

Heavenly Father we do. Thank you Lord for around the Sun. I connect with thank you for the table and needle so I just want to cry a blessing for everybody will be driving their hearts and probably take them things to you. We just cry you better not. speechless in a message

even though we're feeling a little bit taller.

We love meeting here. We love. advise a copy.

Lawyer for assault bike ride stronger and suggest we get through tonight and into the car and go straight through you Father John riccardo number of things. We want to try for from Eddie and Charlie Pride and you in a couple of weeks.

the things that happened

And I'll look forward to the Douglasville from the body. goby fish price for Ram

the work that you're doing and you're not child in the people around us. the doctors

precious law

the feeling doors you have your wife's we don't understand the Lord early and hopefully they will be in your way to both medium we petition on her behalf. I-25

the country fair

vibraphone Country Buffet

You've already gone ahead of Karen father this thing things that have been put in place, Florida on just thank you for her commitment to guy down there and help the family that makes Range Rover. We just pry you in every situation whether it's doing it. getting phone scam

We just look forward to here.

The Ben Ali's baby father just dumb. Recite thankful. I can even shine. You going to bring a child into this world. Ben Ali thinks I'm strong Christian slowly looking forward to the birthdays child would look forward to The Loft and 10 is Charles going to To bring food into Brandy prize loaded are they even though we don't know if it's a boy or girl, you know tonight?

Thank you for a run the phone. Schooling. If I'm the Jack returning to school probably just ride with us today boys in their learning. situations how different they are wherever they


But they look different.

But I wanted to thank you for the week.


a wonderful time to rest and we thank you for that and some of that they can be kind of crossover. I could share a couple small things. This is still like a lovely opportunity.

Don't have restaurants. I told him that you think of that.

color report

It's a year color on Toby Keith singing navigate to all the women. I miss you was probably the moment where I that's


actually made by women in a Syrian refugee camp. Flint Syria living in refugee camps and in trying to find ways of making money and it end.

Why is my And they were extremely blessed when thousands.

I think it was the time unit in it

and I didn't know who he was and what he preached about having anxiety and

Nosebleed Naruto.

I know but he really is Lauren in that fashion in Iowa.

What am I doing this whole thing of preachers and people from featuring not opening in these cars and can can

You know about it, so it's expired.

But then when I went mine is Paige, I might yeah, I know and I wanted all that.

Yeah, but then when he preached about Elijah and been in the cave, and yeah, and then at the end, he was like anyone who so I'm going to take Impressions sound the alarm set.

Japanese sign on it cuz I don't even want to be here anymore.


any Pride I got anxiety and depression Inova, and she's cooking.


get to the father, but I think I got caught up with looking at everyone.

Show me how you can eat on the toilet paper.

It's very easy to do. Yeah and stock to a question.

and that's a good lesson within itself has to realize that

What station was Christine Caine born in the mail cuz I thought I was ready to ring the house

and that was a really

Herman Miller 209

that and if they want you that can ring the bell and leave early from their ass geology.

Do you like jazz?

Get me out of. Not to remember this. I can see your eyes on Jesus and that focuses Jay-Z.

you weren't even concerned about ringing the bell when you focus your eyes back when you and so that was really

On the money then. Yeah, and what medication about that dude goes through it was more like used to go with the will endeavor.

Everyone is going to stop.

What did you do?

in fact

I would love to sing Lisa Hoffman.

Yeah, that's why I went to conference one, but she's awake.

But yeah, she was great. I love to she's looking the loctician about lying on the mat. How'd you know, I'm waiting for the man, you know, I get off of work until vacation.

And helping me.


I think the big thing about, maybe she has lost you with such as I'm feeling emotional. Being and we started these two halves action. It's just that you know, where you are. this year was just confirmation that he on the right track Keep going. But yeah, there was no one like me.


feeling like, you know people from doing it.

the group of women that just driving


Can you was like night that ring the bell and just hit and everybody obviously at a different point.

Anyways, so we had dinner and I've had a few.

how to color

sorry that the who was just like

the fact that you know some people

Christopher Bell


Having a wonderful time in the morning. I didn't want to have to put down what I was doing. Text me Ida.

You know, I'm trying to find the Nugget.

So she joined a marine to build? Call 919-821-1953.

821 Winnebago

Bill Clark

Do you want to Mentor NC?

Hanging out and dangerous to drive through.

Golden Hills on the Wi-Fi

Jason's mom

Ivor 7th, and he said if I remain cycling Cottage

But yet any circumstance in life if you ring the bell the consequences of baggage.


Listen to what I say.

One of the things this was such a great reminder in my brother's name. Encino Ron already took one of the screws on the back to you boy.

We're not afraid of death. What we're afraid of is.

I'm not afraid because I had some mighty God with me. Constable trans told us this is additive Syria Syria.

Does taking food supplies today still stuck in areas controlled by Islamic extremist one day the extremists tried to force themselves into her house and she was protecting a number of girls with side the Syrian woman stood behind the door and held the man all I get scared that we will come in Florida youth. I said I had to Margie god with me and he is protecting me. After a while the extremist retained they kidnap the Syrian woman and took her to that later still. She was not moved. Usually when men come to me they are citing the extremist later said to her. I want to know who is behind you. Who is the source of your strength? And while the men with pointing their guns at her the Syrian woman began just turned out it was strengthening her. She said how he is the Lord of paste and the golden Courage the Syrian woman's fight for 25 minutes. I mean to erupt it at the end. The extremist later was crying after that mating Heat. We don't know what happened to him. But we know that the steering woman's Woods touched his hot that he no longer is in that that is no longer in that pie. Before the war we would pray.

pasta But we didn't expect. sign many displaced but when does the old people are

he gave us the blessings Ministry in the midst of wool.

Why you like making it to Country?

Yeah, you respond.

You get to say something.

Yeah, that's a good one.

if I wanted to sabotage you I would need to work within you to facilitate the crime. If I was your anime, I would need full access to so actions and every policeman said he would you dreams and the coating on your loss. It would have to be an inside job.

I drop you if you're confident that way you'd always be second-guessing God through every that take I should. your destiny How to make sure I change the questions about your future and actively oppose anything that would make your voice louder and stronger next I disengage me when its appearance or not reading your Bible. Pray everyday. Otherwise don't mind what would be a wasted effort. I think I should you hang up that if you truly knew who you were and what you benefit from having a relationship with Jesus. You would become far too powerful to Daddy's to myself and my open this inside job has to be fine on you have to be a full-time job as you'll figure out I'm just a swindler nothing just to be safe. I think I'll skim over those blueprints once more. I'm not calling if you can't have yet she got in truth it. This inside job and successive. It depends on your cooperation. Planning to steal your voice recording you have on your life and your destiny. Then he will send his angels to protect you and Alex game over. No. No. No, I have my reputation to uphold.

I'll have to make sure that that's past hurts and fighting is a front and center the association. That's why you were sent to purchase. This was Snapple Dakota.

Inside Job takes commitment and specialized knowledge. If it's to be it's exceptional. Can I tell you running around telling everyone? I want to see? My intent to defraud people is that Destiny can become extremely exhausted. You're not think about me. Do you see you didn't trade in Old a long time? God of you from becoming louder and more powerful when it's not hostile party in heaven find out what I'm up to now getting to actually feel some Vanna White's annual census and then my criminal activities will come to a very sick. My name is system Rodger will claim the victory once the Stop if I were you, I just forget about dreams or aspirations that you put in that cold and go put on your heart because if you knew how to counteract my movie. That voice has been building up inside of you will become Unstoppable. your voice

voice would come from a place that I wouldn't be able to penetrate. An inside job if he's doing that switch sounds anything auto salvages the whole talk to take you out would become a complete disaster when you realize the power you have over me when your dream and calling come from the debts of yourself and no amount of outside challenges to stop. That's when I will tip my hat to you because my God has done it inside job on you.

In-N-Out you want me to stop?

after the big giant Les Schwab Who doesn't love me?

You'll be fine.

Jesus minutes to add a name to a to a half the country visiting cities and villages to announce the wonderful news of God's kingdom random name and number of women who have been healed of many illnesses under his ministry and set free from demonic power. Jesus head cost at seven demons from one woman. Her name was Mary Magdalene for she was from the village of magdala among the women was Susanna and Johanna the wife of who manage King herod's household many other women who supported Jesus ministry from their own personal finances also traveled with me. Ministries of God's kingdom realm massive crowds gathered from many towns. He Jesus and you told them using metaphors and Parables such as this. I found a way to sow seeds for Harvest on the high on the hog Parkway and was quickly. Phil on the gravel with the lack of moisture. How does sage build where there was nothing but witty it was 82 was an item to grow. By the way, things get some of you say feeling to good food house or and it grew and flourished under the produce more than a hug.

Play Jesus added Sheldon to Old With You listen with your heart and you will understand life and his disciples came to Jesus and ask him privately. Spanish terrible. He said you had given a teachable how to deceive the secret hidden mysteries of God's kingdom room, but you know, she don't have a casino. Hi my Woods me me a story even though that I have eyes Diablo into the true meaning of what I say. And even though they did so they won't receive pool regulation. Meaning of the word of God is seed that is so annoying to her. The Hub halfway represents the hearts of men who hear the word of God but slander quickly snatched away from Oakwood sign in the heart Leaving experiencing salvation the safe pulling on the Breville represents those who respond to the word with joy, but soon afterwards with a season of Arrested of the enemy and difficulty to come today by with a handful away. But I have no routine the truth and they fight the temperate deciduous falls into the weight represents the high supposed to hear the word of God. Are they growing quickly Child by their own anxious kids and Riches of this world and the flame places are This is why I never become with you and fruitful. The seasons go in.

They respond by ping to the Wood TV media buying do all things in fight. I will one day be on March 1st in the alarm.

Ringing the bell. Did he fix your eyes on him? dietitian take care of themselves to the power of Jason's just

Where you face is red stain, I think it's amazing how the disciples we were we were watching it, right? We on the vigil by the way, how they just how does that amazing miracle?

Tiny King in the storm and Jesus is walking by as if he was going to walk on right by then, but they didn't get the listing of the lawyers you said and that provision. Looking to the father anyway.

Canby, Oregon

I'm in town.

Trump resign

Song that it is well.

What's he saying?

very powerful

How can I retake a lot and then just stop and go? My wife and I like to take communion by everyday, which means most everyday. We wait a committee. And it's become one of the most important parts of our Lives. We started quite a while ago. I went through a real difficulty physically a couple years ago. There was a time where I couldn't even I wasn't allowed to even have a small sip of water. I mean nothing good to be ingested. And so my wife would come we hold hands and she would take communion on my behalf a huge part of our life and I'm going to explain to you the reason because I believe that the Lord is going to do a miracle of healing and people's hearts relationships families many areas of life or going to be touched by this app. You mean you was never meant to be reduced to a ritual or routine. It was never intended for the taking of the bread taking of the of the cup never meant to me just to be really looking back to a past event. God actually intended for life to be released through a ravine. In the kingdom. Is it going to be spring spiritual release? There's always a connection between what we do we raise our hands we lift our voices water baptism what I mean. This was more than just getting wet is we do something in the natural that God releases power upon that individual at water baptism communion is the same thing. The represents the broken body the bread represents the broken body of Jesus. We've been denied take communion. Sometimes individuals sometimes together. We take the bread and break it and I begin to

We begin to pray for those that we know of the need a miracle in their body. the Bible says that by his stripes we were healed. His stripes is the torn flash this bread that you now holding your hand actually represents the torn body of Jesus. I like to make Proclamation. I like to make confession declarations over my

My wife and I like to take communion by every day, which means most every day. We wait a community. And it's become one of the most important parts of our Lives. We started quite a while ago. I went to a real difficulty physically a couple years ago and there was a time where I couldn't even that I wasn't allowed to even have a small sip of water. I'm nothing could be ingested and so my wife would come we hold hands and she would take communion on my behalf. It's become a huge part of our life and I'm going to explain to you the reason because I believe that the Lord is going to do a miracle healing and people's hearts relationships family many areas of life or going to be touched by this app. You mean you was never meant to be reduced to a ritual or routine. It was never intended for the taking of the bread taking of the of the cup until it was never meant to me just to mean merely looking back to a past event. God actually intended for life to be released through a ravine. In the Kingdom physical obedience brings spiritual release. There's always a connection between what we do we raise our hands we lift our voices water baptism what I mean baptism is more than just getting wet as we do something in the natural that God releases power upon that individual that water baptism communion is the same thing. It represents the broken body the bread represents the broken body of Jesus. When Benny and I take communion sometimes individually sometimes together. We take the bread and we break it and I begin to

we begin to pray for those that we know of the need a miracle in their body. if the Bible says by his stripes we were healed just Stripes is the torn flash this bread that you now holding your hand actually represents the torn body of Jesus. I like to make Proclamation. I like to make confession declarations over my family over my life. And so in that moment, I take the bread and we hold it before the Lord and we just start declaring these friends of ours or people that we know some of them we've never met but they are due to our hearts and we mention her name and we just will say something like by the stripes of Jesus Mark was healed. Weed killer cancer leave his body by the stripes of Jesus Benny was Hugh and we just we just go through this list of people individually or together for is Jesus made a payment for the miracle that you need. A friend of my wife's called her maybe it's two years ago now a year or two ago and I actually wrote her a text and she found out she was in the hospital. She was dying. She had seven different diseases in her body. Show my right my wife wrote back and said take communion every day, and she did and I forget how many weeks it took but it was I think within a month this woman wrote back. She's out of the hospital. She was healed of every single disease. She's perfectly whole perfectly. Well, he said many people actually sick and I've been sick and have died because they didn't discern the body correctly. In the context the body was the broken bread of Jesus. You hold something in your hand is not a magic pill. But it is a moment of surrender where we use our hearts to the work that Jesus has actually accomplished on our behalf. In a moment, I'm going to have you confess with me by the stripes of Jesus. I was healed by the stripes of Jesus. I was and am healed and he purchased with his broken body. Literally Divine health. It is the inheritance of every believer. Is there a why doesn't it happen? It happened for Israel in the wilderness? People who weren't born again under an inferior Covenant and that is supposed to matter to someone. I would like to suggest that often you take communion and remember the Lord and Main confession Declaration of your household your family. Those are closed and make the confession almost like you were prophesied by the stripes of Jesus. Kathy was and is healed Parkinson's you must go.

Can you stand with a legal basis the legal basis for that picture? But in time comes time for the cup, I'm giving you the instructions now so that I'll walk you through it and I'm a little quicker. What is time? When it comes to the car. Is the blood of Jesus that sets us free they say that with me the blood of Jesus.

Say it with me the blood of Jesus sets me free. There is no remission of sin. There is no forgiveness apart from the shedding of the blood of Jesus. This is the legal basis for all of that. What I like to do when it's time for a mini me or myself individually to take the cup. I hold it before the Lord and I make this Proclamation. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. It's in the Old Testament. One lamb was sacrificed for a household. Think about that. It was an individual plans for individual people. There was something that was supposed to happen that our land will be sacrificed and it would bringing cover if you would atonement for an entire household. Twin the new test will we see the jail or getting saved in his says in his household believe it was never meant to be just individuals. And I know there are horror stories this going on in this household and his family, but the blood is enough. It is sufficient to deal with every Calamity every difficulty. Then and I will pray for our children and their amazing spouses. We are so blessed to have the the children in and their spouses in our in our family and our tribe. Whatever each one by name. Then we moved to the grandchildren and I pray brother Peach one of them by name. I pray for the each household upright father. I plead the blood of Jesus over here can canvas it over their daughters Kennedy Salem. I pray for them out of Jeremiah 24 gun that you and give them a heart to know you.

Did you give them a heart to know you did you would teach them the ways of the spirit of God Uniontown of them in the night in the same way that you're visiting people all over the Middle East where they see the man and grandchildren visit. I'm asking for your spousal might be able to Brian and Jenn. I plead the blood of Jesus over Brian and Jenn over their children Haley Teo brain and Moses. I pray the same things. I move onto gave Leah Judah Diego.

It's a reason I'm telling you all of this is for the next phone.

There are few leaders in the body of Christ who have for whatever reason you have chosen to make me a Target of books and Conference different things to to somehow destroy or confront or expose or whatever. Whatever might be its if it's not my issue. I appreciate their courage and their attempt to please But what I like to do. As I mentioned their names and I won't do it here. Did I mention the names before the Lord and they said father and I mentioned that person. It's a house that you would bless their household and then they would have the privilege of having children and grandchildren. This is turkey the walking. Let them walk in power. Let them be blessed with multiple Generations that serve you with all of their hearts and I go through each one of them by name. One of them is struggling with cancer right now. So we pray we join together. We just pray God brings healing to that man's body. It's a moment where we pray for those who for whatever reason they're bringing the background is different than mine. And I appear to them as a as an enemy of what they believe.

The Bible says you do not criticize another man's servant. They are not the target of my contention. They are not my problem. there

The honor the confession of the name Jesus that comes to their lips. Which which they serve you. And then I prayed for God to prosper them Spirit soul and body. But they would never like anything. the time of greatest babe would be the dates directly in

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