Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
“My body, my choice!” is the battle cry of those who believe the decision to abort a child should be solely up to the mother.
While some states believe this decision should be acceptable even up until the time of birth, it is also believed (by some) that the mother has the right to decide to end the child’s life even after it has been born.
While the position of the Pro-choice supporters continues to devalue the live of unborn children, the bible reveals a very different view.
Within a psalm written to glorify God for His personal knowledge of the writer, we also see that God personally places value on human life from the moment life begins in the mother’s womb.
This knowledge makes it clear that no one has the right to take the life of a child, born or unborn, without biblical justification.
To do so is considered murder.
Standing firmly on the truth, however, we as New Testament Christians have another obligation.
Christians are called to share BOTH truth and love, how do we do that with the issue of abortion?
Including those who have chosen abortion or may be faced with the decision in the future.
Psalm 139:1 (ESV)
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
Searched – “personally” observed and examined me.
Like how you want to know every detail of your child.
All their quirks, are they morning people,
Blessed with 3 children 4 grandchildren
All so unique ( I love them individually)
Known – this is the theme of this psalm.
God you know me.
Highlight the personal relationship that God has with His creation.
Understood is the glory of God (and still you know me)
Psalm 139:23–24 (ESV)
Author shows his desire to be known.
Know my heart
Know my thoughts
(reason) A desire to lead into an everlasting relationship with God.
· Psalms 139 is a true worship psalm
I worship God because He knows me.
(NOTE) Understanding the context of this psalm we look at verses 13-16
Psalm 139:13 (ESV)
God: You formed, you knitted
Declares God’s personal involvement in MY creation.
Ps 139:13 points to our personhood.
When God created he set man above all His creation
God created man in HIS image.
There is a uniqueness about man
When Noah came off the ark and worshipped God
Every other living thing is food except man…man is special.
In fact: there will be punishment for shedding harming another person.
When does God acknowledge me as a person?
“in my mother’s womb”
A huge point in the abortion debate, “When is the child a person who deserves protection?
Christian response: The child is not simply a “fetus it’s a person and deserves protection.
This is where that position comes from.
It isn’t, “When my baby gets here.”,
your baby is already here.
They just live in their mother’s womb.
-(author unknown)
What stage of development does the fetus become a person?
Psalm 139:16 (ESV)
“Unformed substance”
God knew us when we were yet unformed
(at least) at conception, we have personhood
From the moment of conception every person has equal value.
What if you know there is a problem?
“The days that were formed for me”
God’s design was perfect but we live in a fallen world
This is a legitimate concern and should be taken seriously.
(with grace)
They are not questioning value here; they are asking about the quality of life.
(first) Since the child is a person:
It’s not, “What life will the child have.”
Christian view is fundamentally different.
To kill a person because of a disability we know is wrong.
We call it murder, infanticide, eugenics …
(second) How do we measure the quality of life?
Every person I personally known that has a child with a disability
I was/ am scared that I don’t know what I am doing.
My child is a blessing.
I never knew how much they would bless us.
Taught me how to love
Taught me patience
Taught me to really understand true value.
I know a family that has 11 children (three are theirs) the rest are adopted.
They ONLY adopt children with Down Syndrome.
Man’s understanding of personal value is flawed.
So, if you want to understand the value of a person (born or unborn), you need to see them as God sees them.
Exodus 21:12; 22-25
I believe issue of abortion it settled but that doesn’t mean it easy.
What if a fetus is not viable?
What if the mother was raped?
What if the mother’s life is in danger by the pregnancy?
These are not hypothetical questions.
How should we (the church) respond to the issue of abortion?
1. Speak light in darkness
2. “Love they neighbor.”
Speak the truth in love.
We don’t act like we love them … We love them.
Strive to be a beacon of hope not hate.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9