Coming Together
You are a New Creation
Whereas a man was dead to God, as a new creature he becomes alive to God.
→ Whereas a man had no relationship with God, as a new creature he is given a relationship with God.
→ Whereas a man was not sure about God, as a new creature he is absolutely certain about God.
→ Whereas a man never fellowshipped and communed with God, as a new creature he fellowships and communes with God all the time.
→ Whereas a man was living in sin and immorality, as a new creature he lives in righteousness and holiness.
→ Whereas a man had to face death, as a new creature he never has to die.
→ Whereas a man was doomed to judgment and eternal separation from God, as a new creature he is destined to live eternally in the presence of God.
You are called to Reconciliation
To reconcile. Used of the divine work of redemption denoting that act of redemption insofar as God Himself is concerned by taking upon Himself our sin and becoming an atonement. Thus a relationship of peace with mankind is established which was hitherto prevented by the demands of His justice
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s parents disapproved so strongly of her marriage to Robert that they disowned her. Almost weekly, Elizabeth wrote love letters to her mother and father, asking for a reconciliation. They never once replied. After ten years of letter writing, Elizabeth received a huge box in the mail. She opened it. To her dismay and heartbreak, the box contained all of her letters to her parents. Not one of them had ever been opened!
Today those love letters are among the most beautiful in classical English literature. Had her parents opened and read only a few of them, a reconciliation might have been effected.
The Bible is God’s letter of reconciliation to us. We should open and read it thoroughly and often.