Sermon Tone Analysis

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Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Nobody’s Perfect -
New Zealand Pakeha culture is one marred by prejudice, racism, & in some instances hatred
This was made evident by the terrorist attack in Christchurch on the muslim community
That is something that Pakeha like myself find it hard to swallow
National minister for education Nikki Kaye said
“...while it was important not to overstate the prevalence of what she referred to as unconscious bias, it did exist.”
Although “unconscious bias” is a nice soft way of saying prejudiced - I think she’s right
Although “unconscious bias” is a nice soft way of saying prejudiced - I think she’s right
The Education Matters to Me
Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC), alongside New Zealand School Trustees Association produced report = The Education Matters to Me
Study of 2000 children - included 150 face-to-face interviews
Report found many young people experienced racism at school & were treated unequally because of their culture
1 student in an alternative education unit said during an interview - “Racism exists – we feel little and bad” - Education Matters to Me 2018 Report
for the .
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft said he was surprised by the consistency of the message from non-Pākehā students.
Those with different cultures or backgrounds to us; those who hold different beliefs
“Whether we like it or not, or even agree with it, that is the lived experience of some children and it is significant to them.”
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft
If we’re in disagreement with them in anyway we like to express our disagreement
If we’re in disagreement with them in any way we like to express our disagreement
And if they disagree with us - then we claim they’re being intolerant of our views / thinking / beliefs
Nobody’s Perfect -
Sadly we can jump to conclusions when tragic things happen - like in Christchurch
Some people believe tragedy is the fault of those who it falls upon
Because they are poor, or rich, or of different ethnicity & culture, or even different gender
Today we’re going to consider what Jesus response is to prejudice in passage from
Sad reality = Humanity been prejudice for millennia
See that Jesus’ answer = simple - we’re all same flawed, imperfect people
Nobody is better than anyone else
Today we find out how Jesus dealt with it...
This was made evident by the terrorist attack in Christchurch on the muslim community
That is something that Pakeha like myself find hard to swallow
“...while it was important not to overstate the prevalence of what she referred to as unconscious bias, it did exist.”
Although “unconscious bias” is a nice soft way of saying prejudiced - I think she’s right
Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC), alongside New Zealand School Trustees Association produced report = The Education Matters to Me
Study of 2000 children - included 150 face-to-face interviews
Report found many young people experienced racism at school & were treated unequally because of their culture
1 student in an alternative education unit said during an interview - “Racism exists – we feel little and bad” - Education Matters to Me 2018 Report (
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft said he was surprised by the consistency of the message from non-Pākehā students.
“Whether we like it or not, or even agree with it, that is the lived experience of some children and it is significant to them.”
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft
“Whether we like it or not, or even agree with it, that is the lived experience of some children and it is significant to them.”
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft
National minister for education Nikki Kaye said
“...while it was important not to overstate the prevalence of what she referred to as unconscious bias, it did exist.”
Although “unconscious bias” is a nice soft way of saying prejudiced - I think she’s right
Quick To Assume
In gospel passage today - group of people came up to Jesus His views on why group of Galileans been tragically murdered by Romans on order from Pilate
Luke 13:1
Historically Josephus records number of incidents where Pilate ordered the death of Jewish people in horrific ways
Jewish people murdered in their most sacred sight - sounds familiar doesn’t it
We don’t know why Pilate killed them but we do know from historical records that Pilate was a cruel & prejudiced man
For Pilate to kill Jewish people in such sacred place & in such horrific way would’ve create outrage amongst Jewish people
Sounds incredibly familiar doesn’t it...
Mention Bishop Tamaki - Chch due to sin of homosexuals & recent comments on Twitter
At that time - was common for Jewish people think these Galileans had brought it upon themselves
God allowed them to be killed because of some past bad or evil deed they had committed
Particularly as those killed were from Galilee = considered lower rural class citizens compared to upper class Jerusalem city dwellers
This isn’t only time in Gospels this sort of prejudicial thinking appears - e.g.
John’s gospel
Man born blind considered lesser person - he’d been punished with blindness for something bad / evil he’d done or parents done
In fact Jewish people believed calamity, suffering, & disease were result of people’s bad / evil words & deeds
- Example of common held belief that calamity, suffering, disease is result of others sin
Sadly people still think in same prejudicial way today
Sadly people still think in same prejudicial way today
Now our PM has done great job of empathising with victims & their families - acting appropriately both politically & socially
However widely made claim in first few days after attacks = perpetrator of horrific evil acts was not “one of us”
Everyone jumped on this to show empathy / sympathy to Muslim community & said - “No, that’s not who we are”
But sad reality is - it is who we are as New Zealanders particularly Pakeha culture
But sad reality is - it is who we are as New Zealanders
Now you might find that an offensive thought - But before you write emails & texts of complaint to Presbytery
But before you write emails & texts of complaint to Presbytery -
We need to realise - Jewish people who approached Jesus pretty much said same thing...
Galileans who died in sacred place in Jerusalem were “not us” - they were bad people / done bad things
That’s why Roman’s murdered them - they must have done something to deserve it
As Pakeha / European’s - our culture marred by prejudice, racism, & in some instances hatred
New Zealand Pakeha culture is marred by prejudice, racism, & in some instances hatred
This was made evident by the terrorist attack in Christchurch on the muslim community
That’s something that many Pakeha, like myself, find hard to swallow
For e.g.
Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC), alongside New Zealand School Trustees Association produced report = The Education Matters to Me
Study of 2000 children - included 150 face-to-face interviews
Report found many young people experienced racism at school & were treated unequally because of their culture
1 student in an alternative education unit said during an interview - “Racism exists – we feel little and bad” - Education Matters to Me 2018 Report (
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft said he was surprised by the consistency of the message from non-Pākehā students.
“Whether we like it or not, or even agree with it, that is the lived experience of some children and it is significant to them.”
Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft
This same person also spoke out negatively on Friday about the Muslim call to prayer using very inappropriate language
National minister for education Nikki Kaye said
“...while it was important not to overstate the prevalence of what she referred to as unconscious bias, it did exist.”
Although “unconscious bias” is a nice soft way of saying prejudiced / racist - I think she’s exactly right
Now our PM has done great job of highlighting fact we’re with the victims & their families - acting appropriately
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9