God's Blessings to His Children - 02-24-08
Intro: Salvation is a gift from God. God chose us because of His love. Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins. God has given us so many blessings.
Proposition: We must remember God has given us Eternal life.
I. The hope of eternal life (1–12)
· Through Jesus Christ Jew and Gentle belong to God.
· In verse 2, all three members of the trinity are mentioned.
· The Father choose us before we chose Him (Eph 1:4)
· The Son died for us while we were sinners. (Rom 5:6-10)
· The Holy Spirit brings us salvation; and sets us apart, for God’s service. (2 Thes. 2:13)
· Christians have a reservation in Heaven. (vs. 4)
· God will help us remain true to our faith. (vs. 5)
· Vs. 7 - Why were Christians persecuted? (4 Reasons)
1. Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god.
2. Christians refused to worship in pagan temples.
3. Christians did not support the Roman morals; Self, Power, and Conquest!
4. Christians exposed and rejected the horrible immorality
ILUS: As Gold is heated, impurities float to the top, and can be skimmed off. Steel is strengthened by heating in fire. Trials strengthen our Faith and make us useful to God.
· The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus to comfort his followers.
· The Holy Spirit is our teacher.
II. a call to holy living (13-25)
· V 13 teaches us to be prepared for action; live with self control; and set you hope on Christ’ return.
· God is Holy (14-16)
· God sets the standards for morality! Not Hollywood! Not the Music Industry.
· He is a God of mercy and justice.
· God cares for each of His followers.
· How can we Holy? Follow Gods’ high standards.
· We as Christians should show mercy.
· We should sacrifice for others.
· After a person is saved sometimes they are pulled back to their old ways.
· Peter tells us to be like our Heavenly Father, Holy in everything we do.
· Holiness means totally dedicated to God.
· Christians should be different.
· We should not be like everyone else.
· What make us different? God’s qualities in our lives.
· Vs. 17 Respect God as a all powerful God
· God is the judge of the Earth.
· We dare not ignore him.
· Be grateful children, who love and show respect to their Heavenly Father.
· What can we learn from verse 18-19?
1. In Roman society, A slave could only be “redeemed” when someone paid money to buy him freedom.
2. God redeemed us from sin with the Blood of Christ!
3. Rom 6:6-7; 1 Cor. 6:20; Col 2:13-14; Hebrews 9:12
4. We could not escape from sin on our own.
5. Jesus Christ set us free!