Psalm 119 (17)
Sermon Tone Analysis
Introduction: Why have we spent 24 weeks preaching through Psalm 119? There are several great answers tot this question, but one practical reason is because of the role that God’s awesome word should have in the life of His people. With this in mind we conclude our series today with a summary focusing on “the gospel according to psalm 119”. We will focus on four key questions about the gospel; what does Psalm 119 teach us about God, Humanity, Christ? What is our response to this truth?
He is righteous. (40, 137)
He loves.( 41, 149, 159) & just
Faithful forever (90, 138)
Point: Everything that is true of God’s word is true of Him.
So when the verse says… (7) God’s rules are righteous, we know that God is righteous.
When is says in verse (89)read... we know that God is firmly fixed in the heavens.
(For all you bee keepers) When it says in verse (103) that God’s word is sweeter than honey, we know that God is sweeter than honey.
And when David says in verse 161 (read) we can conclude that this is a most appropriate response because God Himself is worthy of awe, because He is awesome in the very truest since of the word.
Transition: The first component of the gospel that we find in Psalm 119 reveals to us a little portion of who God is, and then it also reveals the answer to the question, “What are we?”
One primary point that Psalm 119 reveals about humanity is that we are needy. Since the whole of Psalm 119 is a prayer, it is quite obvious that we are in need of God Himself. But we also find some specific things that we need.
Need life (17, 25, 77, 175-176)
This reminder that we need life should humble us. This truth should remind us of the source of real life. It should cause us to think about the origin of true flourishing. To whom can we go to find satisfaction for our weary souls?
Answer: The God who speaks, and brings forth life.
We must realize that the perpetual cycle of trying to find life in created things will always end in destruction. Our own attempts to grasp at a sense of meaning and purpose will only bring back hand fulls of death.
Because, In our brokenness we must be awakened to the reality that we are spiritually dead. Then as we are impoverished in spirit we discover the blessing of the kingdom of heaven. Then, as we mourn over our sin and separation from God we discover the blessing of comfort. As we are humbled before the creator of the universe we discover the blessing of a new inheritance. As our hunger and thirst are changed from dead works to the righteous works of Christ we find the true blessing of a satisfied soul.
Transition: Even as David declared in the very first verse of Psalm 119:1 … Which make us aware of another need we have revealed in Psalm 119. That is for…
Blessed are those whose way is blameless,
who walk in the law of the Lord!
Purity (9)
“This word pure, literally means to be justified or shown to be proper. It is the idea of washing perfectly clean – a white as snow washing. So, the Psalmist is asking a deeply personal question. He is asking how can I be right with God?” -T.C.
We will answer this in a moment, but for now we should recognize that we need perfect purity in order to be right with God, and by owrselves we do not have it.
Wisdom and understanding (66, 98, 169)
Comfort (49-52)
Its nice to know who to go to for comfort, but the reality is with God we don't have comfort. And any temporary comfort we do find outside of God will be short lived and fleeting.
We could continue sifting through this Psalm and find more truth concerning ourselves but one final one will due.
Grace (58)
Transition: The gospel according to Psalm 119 tells us who God is, and who we are. He is perfect in righteousness, love, justice, and faithfulness. And we are none of those things. Rather we find ourselves very needy for God Himself. And by His grace we discover Christ according to the good news of Psalm 119.
Jesus is the fulfillment of David’s prayer. For example (81)
As the word that became flesh and dwelt among us according to John 1:14, Jesus is that provision of salvation that David was hoping for.
According to Luke 24:44-45 , Jesus Himself taught some of His disciples after His resurrection that…(read)
Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,
In the person and work of Jesus Christ, we have found the intent for which Psalm 119 was written.
Jesus embodies this Psalm. He is the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end. Psalm 119 as an alphabetic acrostic.
In as much that Psalm 119 celebrate the joyful obedience to all of God’s commands, so Jesus is the only one who has ever actually obeyed all of God’s commands.
According to Jesus words in Matthew 5:17, Jesus is the Full-filler of the law. How has He accomplished that? In the full obedience of Christ He perfectly accomplished everything the God demands through His law. And in Jesus’ perfect sacrificial death on the cross He satisfied the wrath of God against sinful law breakers like you and I. Further, Jesus showed He had God’s stamp of approval when God powerfully raise Him from the dead. Why is the law a part of the good news? Law as a guardian of grace to we will know the Holy nature of God and our sinfulness, and thus our need for a Savior.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
In Christ, we find the bridge to passover our canyon of inconsistency. In Christ alone we find the payment for our sin against God. In Christ we find forgiveness and perfect fulfillment to God’s law. Christ accomplished in our place what we could never accomplish alone. according to II Cor 5:21 ...In Christ we find the power to obey God’s laws with delightful duty. In Christ we find the fire to set our souls aflame with glorious obedience to God’s written word. In Christ we find the breath of life.
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
What is my response to God’s awesome Word?
What is my response to God’s awesome Word?
My relationship to God. (What role does His word have in my relationship to Him?)
Salvation (123, 174)
In Christ alone we find salvation. Through faith in Christ we have reconciliation with God. It is the word of the gospel according to the scriptures that God the Holy Spirit uses to awaken faith in us.
Romans 10:17
Am I trusting in Christ alone for salvation?
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Transition: If the Holy Spirit is calling you to respond in faith today, then be encouraged to freely receive His gift of faith and trust in Christ! Today is the day of salvation, and so it may be for some of those gathered here this morning! God’s awesome word which reveals His good news will according to Is 55:11
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Transition: For those who are in Christ we continue to ask this question....
What is my response to God’s awesome Word?
What is my response to God’s awesome Word?
Prayer (15-16)
This whole Psalm is a prayer book for believers. Its a guide to help us pray according to God’s word. Which is of utmost importance for Christians. Its very easy for us to pray according to many other things… but when we pray according to the Word we know we will receive the answers we need. Even if they are hard to receive.
Obedience (33-36)
We obey what we delight in. What our hearts are attached to is where our behavior leads. For a Christian this restructuring of our delights is an ongoing growth of sanctification. God the Holy Spirit graciously continues to fight against our flesh and produce the fruit of the word in us. However, if our minds and hearts are not in communion with God’s word then our obedience will be stagnate at best, and as worst reveal a falsified faith.
Our relationship to one another. (What role does His word have in our relationships to one another?) Counseling one another (24)
Conclusion: Psalm 119 has taught us much about God’s awesome word. It has been full of help and encouragement that points us to Jesus. As we have seen the gospel according to this Psalm I believe we are further equipped to be the body of Christ and full of prayer. And so I conclude with some questions. I may believe that...
The word of God is the final authority, but am I living in submission to His word?
The word of God is truth without error, but am I reading it looking for loopholes to justify my sin?
The word of God is sufficient for all of life, but am I delighting in His word more than any other?
The Word of God is powerful, but am I surrendered to the Holy Spirit in order to have that power produced in me?
In Christ , our answer to all these can be yes and amen!