Joshua 13-24 Dividing the Land Not Yet Fully Taken & Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly

Joshua 13-24  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Overview of Joshua 13-24 including dividing the land - with the call to take it, desctiption of the western territories, and presenting a land of justice and worship; and the final chapters include elements essental to serving the Lord in the land - remaining one nation under God, Joshua's charge to Israel's leaders, and the final covenant renewal at Shechem.

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Dividing the Land Not Yet Fully Taken & Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly

Outline for

. Dividing the Land (13:1-21:45)
A. It’s yours, now take it! (13:1-33)
B. Western territories (14:1-19:51)
C. A land of justice and worship (20:1-21:45)
IV. Serving the Lord in the Land (22:1-24:33)
A. One nation, under God (22:1-34)
B. Joshua’s charge to Israel’s leaders (23:1-16)
C. Covenant renewal at Shechem (24:1-33)
Possess the Land I’m giving you to possess.

How much of the land of Canaan has been taken?

13 Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the LORD said to him, “You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess.

What specific regions are left to possess?

2 This is the land that yet remains: all the regions of the Philistines, and all those of the Geshurites 3 (from the Shihor, which is east of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron, it is counted as Canaanite; there are five rulers of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron), and those of the Avvim, 4 in the south, all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah that belongs to the Sidonians, to Aphek, to the boundary of the Amorites, 5 and the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrise, from Baal-gad below Mount Hermon to Lebo-hamath, 6 all the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephoth-maim, even all the Sidonians.

Canaan Before Joshua’s Conquests
Canaan After Joshua’s Conquests
Here are the Tribal Allotments
For reference, here is a map of Israel under David and Solomon

How are the Israelites to take the land?

I myself will drive them out from before the people of Israel.

So then, what does tribal allotment mean in the text? Are they getting the land?

Only allot the land to Israel for an inheritance, as I have commanded you. 7 Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and half the tribe of Manasseh.”

Notice here in Chapter 13 that the tribes are allotted their portion in the land, but they have not yet conquered the territories fully.

Description of Eastern Allotments

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), .
Manasseh, Reuben, and Gad have land east of the Jordan. ()
Tribe of Levi received no inheritance, since their inheritance is serving as a priesthood to the LORD. 13:14
Reuben received land from the Arnon Valley, Medeba, and all that belonged to Sihon king of the Amorites (who reigned from Heshbon), and their border is the Jordan. 13:16-23
MOAB bore a son, and called his name Moab; Gn 19:37 4124 defeated Midian in the field of Moab, Gn 36:35 4124 The leaders of Moab, trembling grips Ex 15:15 4124 wilderness which is opposite Moab, Nu…
C7m Judgement on Moab Collins Thesaurus of the Bible (24×)
on Moab Oracles concerning Moab (Isa. 15:1; Jer. 48:1–47; Ezek. 25:8–11); the leaders of Moab tremble (Exod. 15:15); this is the word the Lord spoke concerning Moab (Isa. 16:13); Moab has…
P8g Moab Collins Thesaurus of the Bible (18×)
P8g Moab The Arnon is the border between Moab and the Amorites (Num. 21:13); the border of Moab (Num. 21:15); in the wilderness opposite Moab (Num. 21:11); the valley in the land of Moab (Num. 21…
Pahath-Moab New American Standard Updated Edition Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (7×)
MOAB the sons of Pahath-Moab of the sons of Ezr 2:6 6355 of the sons of Pahath-Moab, Eliehoenai the Ezr 8:4 6355 and of the sons of Pahath-Moab: Ezr 10:30 6355 and Hasshub the son of Pahath-Moab…
Moab The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land (18×)
MOAB A land east of the Dead Sea, between Edom and Ammon. The King’s Way (Roads), leading from the south to Syria and Mesopotamia, passed through its eastern part. Its early inhabitants were the…
C7l War with the Moabites Collins Thesaurus of the Bible (13×)
Moab (1 Sam. 12:9); the Moabites made war on Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 20:1); the Lord is giving these three kings into the hands of Moab (2 Kgs. 3:10; 2 Kgs. 3:13); I will execute judgements on Moab…
Chapter 48 The Message (44×) (Je 48:1)
on Moab from GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel: “Doom to Nebo! Leveled to the ground! Kiriathaim demeaned and defeated, The mighty fortress reduced to a molehill, Moab’s glory…
B. Oracle against Moab (48:1–47) Old Testament Survey Series: The Major Prophets (27×) (Je 48:1–47)
Oracle Against Moab (48:1–47) The Moabites lived east of the Jordan River and south of the Arnon River. They were descended from Lot, the nephew of Abraham. The Moabites seem to have been allies…
Moab, Moabites Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (13×) (p 1477)
Moab, Moabites. Name of a small kingdom in central Transjordan and also its inhabitants. The land of Moab was situated on the high plateau immediately east of the Dead Sea; the escarpment of the…
B. Judgment On Moab (25:8–11) BKC (11×) (Eze 25:8–11)
Judgment on Moab (25:8–11) The hostility between Moab and Israel began when Balak, king of Moab, tried to oppose Israel as Moses was leading them to Palestine (cf. Num. 22–24). During the time of…
C7k Moabites in General Collins Thesaurus of the Bible (15×)
C7k Moabites in general Moab, father of the Moabites (Gen. 19:37); the Moabites live in Ar (Deut. 2:29); Moab and the Hagrites (Ps. 83:6); the sons of Ammon, Moab and Mt Seir (2 Chr. 20:10; 2 Chr…
Chapter 48 NCV (48×) (Je 48:1)
Message to Moab 48 This message is to the country of Moab. This is what the LORD All-Powerful, the God of Israel, says: “How terrible it will be for the city of Nebo, because it will be ruined…
(6) Moab’s Punishment and Restoration (48:40–47) Jeremiah, Lamentations (NAC) (14×) (Je 48:40–47)
Moab’s Punishment and Restoration (48:40–47) 40 This is what the LORD says: “Look! An eagle is swooping down, spreading its wings over Moab. 41 Kerioth will be captured and the strongholds…
B. God’s Word to Moab (25:8–11) Old Testament Survey Series: The Major Prophets (6×) (Eze 25:8–11)
God’s Word to Moab (25:8–11) The sin of Moab was the failure to recognize the distinctiveness of Israel. Therefore, God was about to bring judgment on that land. The cities of Moab would be…
Moab in the Bible LBD (14×)
Moab in the Bible Though few narratives portray Moabites as primary characters, Moab itself is a common setting. Genesis 19:30–38 describes the origins of Moab, stating that when Lot became…
Plains New American Standard Updated Edition Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (11×)
the plains of Moab beyond Nu 22:1 6160 spoke with them in the plains of Moab Nu 26:3 6160 the sons of Israel in the plains of Moab Nu 26:63 6160 to the camp at the plains of Moab, Nu 31:12 6160…
Chapter 48 GW (39×) (Je 48:1)
CHAPTER A Prophecy Against Moab 1 This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says about Moab: How horrible it will be for Nebo; it will be destroyed. Kiriathaim will be put to shame…
(6) Oracle against Moab (2:1–3) Amos, Obadiah, Jonah (NAC) (13×) (Am 2:1–3)
Oracle against Moab (2:1–3) 1 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Moab, even for four, I will not turn back [my wrath]. Because he burned, as if to lime, the bones of Edom’s king, 2 I…
Chapter 15 Tanakh (11×) (Is 15:1)
The “Moab” Pronouncement. Ah, in the night Ar was sacked, Moab was ruined; Ah, in the night Kir was sacked, Moab was ruined. 2He went up to the temple to weep, Dibona [went] to the…
25:8–11 BKC (10×) (Eze 25:8–11)
8–11. Moab’s sin, Ezekiel said, was her contempt for God’s people. Moab and Seir said, Look, the house of Judah has become like all the other nations. Seir was the name of the mountain range…
3. Moab (Chaps. 15–16) BKC (9×) (Is 15–16)
MOAB (CHAPS. 15–16) A major question pertaining to this prophecy is when the oracle was written. In the final paragraph (16:13–14) God said that judgment would come on Moab “within three years…
4. Moab (48:1–47) Jeremiah, Lamentations (NAC) (17×) (Je 48:1–47)
Moab was located on a high plateau east of the Dead Sea. Its borders fluctuated, but Moab principally was between the Arnon and Zered Rivers. Genesis 19:37 traces Moab’s ancestry to Lot. The tribe…
B. The Burden of Moab (15:1–16:14) Old Testament Survey Series: The Major Prophets (13×) (Is 15:1–16:14)
The Burden of Moab (15:1–16:14)14 Moab would not be able to offer security to God’s people in the coming crisis. Isaiah underscored this point in four movements within the Moab oracle. He first…
Moab Harper’s Bible Dictionary (25×) (p 643)
Moab Moab (mohʹab). 1 Lot’s son born from an incestuous relationship with his elder daughter. A similar relationship between Lot and his younger daughter produced Moab’s half-brother, Ben-ammi…
Moab CBC Jos, Jdg, Ru (7×) (Jos)
Moab proper occupied only the area east of the Dead Sea and south of the Arnon River that empties into the Dead Sea from the east. North of the Arnon lay the main part of the territory assigned to…
מוֹאָב, מֹאָב Abridged BDB (4×) (BDB 555.2) terr. Moab 1. Moab as son of Lot by his elder daughter. 2. Moab: a. = nation of which Lot’s son is represented as an ancestor; having a king. b. territory of Moab.
Pahathmoab The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names (3×) (p 190)
Pahath-Moab] (pa’-hath-mo’-ab) = Governor of Moab. Pit of Moab.
Chapter 48 DARBY (34×) (Je 48:1)
Moab. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: Woe unto Nebo! for it is spoiled; Kirjathaim is put to shame, it is taken; Misgab is put to shame and dismayed. 2 Moab’s praise is…
Chapter 15 The Message (9×) (Is 15:1)
CRIES REVERBERATE THROUGH MOAB 1–4  15 A Message concerning Moab: Village Ar of Moab is in ruins, destroyed in a night raid. Village Kir of Moab is in ruins, destroyed in a night raid …
Suffering OT Theology 2, Goldingay (25×) (p 797)
Moab when it is wasted. It cries and laments, weeps and wails and dissolves in tears. The prophet does not speak of this in order to crow over it. “My heart cries out for Moab,” joining in Moab’s…
(5) A Lament for Moab (48:31–39) Jeremiah, Lamentations (NAC) (10×) (Je 48:31–39)
A Lament for Moab (48:31–39) 31 Therefore I wail over Moab, for all Moab I cry out, I moan for the men of Kir Hareseth. 32 I weep for you, as Jazer weeps, O vines of Sibmah. Your branches spread…
Chapter 48 ASV 1901 (34×) (Je 48:1)
Of Moab. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: Woe unto Nebo! for it is laid waste; Kiriathaim is put to shame, it is taken; Misgab is put to shame and broken down. 2The praise of Moab…
Moab The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (Revised and Updated) (25×) (p 644)
Moab (moh´ab). 1 Lot’s son born from an incestuous relationship with his elder daughter. A similar relationship between Lot and his younger daughter produced Moab’s half brother, Ben-ammi (Ammon…
Chapter 48 YLT (34×) (Je 48:1)
48 1 Concerning Moab: ‘Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Woe unto Nebo, for it is spoiled, Put to shame, captured hath been Kiriathaim, Put to shame hath been the high tower, Yea…
Moab, Moabites ISBE (4×) (p 2069)
MOAB, mōʹab, MOABITES, mōʹab-īts (Moab, מוֹאָב, mō’ābh, Moabite Stone, מאב; Gr [LXX] Μωάβ, Mōáb, ἡ Μωαβεῖτις, hē Mōa-beítis, -βῖτις, bítis; Moabite, מוֹאָבִי, mō’ābhī; Moabites…
Chapter 48 JPS 1917 (34×) (Je 48:1)
Of Moab. Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Woe unto Nebo! for it is spoiled; Kiriathaim is put to shame, it is taken; Misgab is put to shame and dismayed. 2 The praise of Moab is…
Chapter 48 Tanakh (34×) (Je 48:1)
Concerning Moab.a Thus said the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel: Alas, that Nebo should be ravaged, Kiriathaim captured and shamed, b-The stronghold-b shamed and dismayed! 2Moab’s glory is…
Chapter 48 D-R (34×) (Je 48:1)
48 AGAINST Moab thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Woe to Nabo, for it is laid waste, and confounded: Cariathaim is taken: the strong city is confounded and hath trembled. 2…
Chapter 48 NIrV (37×) (Je 48:1)
Message About Moab 48 Here is what the LORD says about Moab. The LORD who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says, “How terrible it will be for Nebo! It will be destroyed. Kiriathaim…
AR Eerdmans Bible Dictionary (6×) (p 69)
entire country of Moab (Deut. 2:9). If a city, it was located near the valley of the Arnon (Num. 21:15), along Moab’s northern border (Deut. 2:18). In the oracle against Moab (Isa. 15:1), Ar is…
48:6–10 BKC (9×) (Je 48:6–10)
6–10. The people of Moab would flee and run for their lives to escape the coming judgment. They would become like a bush in the desert—deserted and forlorn. It is possible to translate “like a…
Chapter 48 NCPB (34×) (Je 48:1)
Against Moab thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, ‘Woe unto Nebo, for it is spoiled: Kiriathaim is confounded and taken: Misgab* is confounded and dismayed. 2  There shall be* no…
Notes CBC Eze, Da (8×) (Eze 25:8)
25:8 the people of Moab have said. The MT reads “Moab and Seir,” attributing the slander also to peoples of the territory south of Moab, east of the Gulf of Aqabah (i.e., Edom). Following the…
6355. פַּחַת מוֹאָב A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (3×) (G5624)
פַּחַת מוֹאָב Pachath Môwʾâb, pakh´-ath mo-awb´; from 6354 and 4124; pit of Moäb; Pachath-Moäb, an Isr.:—Pahath-moab.
Chapter 15 GW (9×) (Is 15:1)
CHAPTER Moab Will Be Punished 1 This is the divine revelation about Moab. In a single night Ar in Moab is laid waste and destroyed! In a single night Kir in Moab is laid waste and destroyed! 2 …
Chapter 15 Brenton LXX En (9×) (Is 15:1)
WORD AGAINST THE LAND OF MOAB. 15 By night the land of Moab shall be destroyed; for by night the wall of the land of Moab shall be destroyed. 2 Grieve for yourselves; for even Debon, where your…
Moab, Moabites Tyndale Bible Dictionary (31×) (p 905)
MOAB, MOABITES Name of a small kingdom in central Transjordan and also its inhabitants. The land of Moab was situated on the high plateau immediately east of the Dead Sea; the escarpment of the…
City of Moab Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (3×) (p 473)
of Moab. Phrase in Numbers 22:36 referring to Ar of Moab, the place where Balak went out to meet Balaam. See AR, AR OF MOAB.
Phaath Moab ISBE (8×) (p 2358)
MOAB, fā′ath mō′ab (A, Φαὰθ Μωᾱ́β, Phaáth Mōáb’ B followed by Swete, Φθαλειμωᾱ́β, Phthaleimāáb [1 Esd 6:11]; 1 Esd 8:31 [AV “Pahath Moab”], B followed by Swete reads Μααθμωᾱ́β…
Chapter 48 The Old Covenant, Commonly Called the Old Testament: Translated from the Septuagint (26×) (Je 48:1)
XXXII. Respecting Moab, THUS said the Lord, Alas! for Nabo; for it is destroyed. Kariathaim is taken. Amath and Agath are put to shame. 2 There is no more a cure for Moab; a boasting in Esebon…
4124 מוֹאָב (Moab) NASB Dictionaries (3×) (H4124)
מוֹאָב Moab (555d); from a prefixed syllable and 1; a son of Lot,also his desc. and the territory where they settled:—Moab(168), Moab’s(1), Moabites(12).
Joab of Pahath-Moab LBD (5×)
OF PAHATH-MOAB (יוֹאָב, yo'av). Named with Jeshua as one of the ancestors (or perhaps the leaders) of the exiles from the family of Pahath-Moab who accompanied Zerubbabel back to Judah (Ezra 2…
Chapter 15 YLT (8×) (Is 15:1)
15 1 The burden of Moab. Because in a night destroyed was Ar of Moab—It hath been cut off, Because in a night destroyed was Kir of Moab—It hath been cut off. 2He hath gone up to Bajith…
Chapter 15 The Old Covenant, Commonly Called the Old Testament: Translated from the Septuagint (8×) (Is 15:1)
IX. The Oracle against Moab. IN the night Moab is destroyed; for by night is destroyed the bulwark of Moab. Be in bitterness for yourselves; for Debon also is destroyed. Where your altar is, 2…
Chapter 15 ASV 1901 (8×) (Is 15:1)
The burden of Moab. For in a night Ar of Moab is laid waste, and brought to nought; for in a night Kir of Moab is laid waste, and brought to nought. 2They are gone up to Bayith, and to Dibon…
Chapter 15 DARBY (8×) (Is 15:1)
Chapter 15 1 The burden of Moab: For in the night of being laid waste, Ar of Moab is destroyed; for in the night of being laid waste, Kir of Moab is destroyed! 2 He is gone up to Bajith, and to…
D. Moab (15:1–16:14) Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (11×) (Is 15:1–16:14)
Moab (15:1–16:14). The oracle concerning Moab is largely in the form of a lament and is partially repeated in Jeremiah 48:29–38. The judgment on Moab is marked by severity and utter frustration…
Compassion and Openness to Learning (Isaiah 14:28–16:14) OTEVIs (40×) (Is 14:28–16:14)
people will rely. 15:1  A prophecy about Moab. Yes, by night Ar has been destroyed, Moab has been devastated. Yes, by night Qir has been destroyed, Moab has been devastated. 2  Dibon has gone up…
Chapter 15 JPS 1917 (8×) (Is 15:1)
The burden of Moab. For in the night that Ar of Moab is laid waste, he is brought to ruin; for in the night that Kir of Moab is laid waste, he is brought to ruin. 2 He is gone up to Baith, and to…
Chapter 31 Brenton LXX En (26×) (Je 31:1)
has the Lord said concerning MOAB, Woe to Nabau! for it has perished: Cariathaim is taken: Amath and Agath are put to shame. 2 There is no longer any healing for Moab, nor glorying in Esebon: he…
C. Woe to Moab! (48:1–47) TOTC Jer/Lam (62×) (Je 48:1–47)
Woe to Moab! (48:1–47) Context Moab is the third addressee in the list of Oracles Against the Nations (for more information on this topic, see Introduction, p. 54). This prophecy of judgment is…
MOAB Eerdmans Bible Dictionary (27×) (p 726)
MOAB [mōˊăb] (Heb. mô˒āḇ.† The son of Lot by his older daughter (Gen. 19:37; cf. LXX “saying, from my father”); fearing the lack of eligible mates would leave them childless, both of…
Israel's Conquest of the Transjordan Biblical Places Maps (10×)
Chapter 15 FSB (16×) (Is 15:1–16:14)
Moab is sympathetic. In v. 5 and 16:9–11, Yahweh laments over the misfortune of Moab. Still, the same sin of pride and arrogance requires judgment. Jeremiah offers a similar prophecy against Moab…
(4) The Futility of Moab’s Insolence (48:26–30) Jeremiah, Lamentations (NAC) (11×) (Je 48:26–30)
she has defied the LORD. Let Moab wallow in her vomit; let her be an object of ridicule. 27 Was not Israel the object of your ridicule? Was she caught among thieves, that you shake your head in…
Background and Context LBD (6×)
quote from this source mainly describes geographic boundaries that relate to Arnon, Ar, and Moab. The verses leading up to this quote describe the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness…
Chapter 15 D-R (8×) (Is 15:1)
15 THE burden of Moab. Because in the night Ar of Moab is laid waste, it is silent: because the wall of Moab is destroyed in the night, it is silent. 2 The house is gone up, and Dibon to…
Pahath-Moab (Person) ABD (7×) (V 5, p 56)
MOAB (PERSON) [Heb paḥat-môʾāb (פַּחַת־מֹואָב)]. The name Pahath-Moab suggests a title, (military) governor of Moab, rather than a personal name. It is derived from the Hebrew word peḥâ…
Moab, Moabites NBD (31×) (p 775)
MOAB, MOABITES. Moab (Heb. mô’āḇ) was the son of Lot by incestuous union with his eldest daughter (Gn. 19:37). Both the descendants and the land were known as Moab, and the people also as…
Moab in Extrabiblical Sources LBD (6×)
Moab in Extrabiblical Sources Moab is featured in texts from four geopolitical entities: Assyria, Egypt, Moab, and ancient Israel. While Egyptians may have traveled to the Transjordan and traded…
Chapter 15 NIrV (9×) (Is 15:1)
Message About Moab 15 Here is a message the LORD gave me about Moab. The city of Ar in Moab is destroyed. It happened in a single night. Kir in Moab is also destroyed. It happened in a…
Moab and the Moabite Stone Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (26×) (p 1146)
MOAB AND THE MOABITE STONE (Mōʹ ăb, Mōʹ ȧ bīt) Personal and national name and monument the nation left behind. The narrow strip of cultivable land directly east of the Dead Sea was known in…
18. Isaiah 15:1–16:14 OTL Is (16×) (Is 15:1–16:14)
concerning Moab. Ar in Moab is laid waste, destroyed in a night! Kir in Moab is laid waste, destroyed in a night! 2  Dibon went up to its temple,a to its high places to weep; Moab wails, Nebo…
Historical Considerations LBD (10×)
biblical narrative of Israel’s relationship with Moab during the 10th and 9th centuries BC. After David expanded the Israelite kingdom, Moab fell under Israel’s domination and likely remained…
C. Moab (48:1–47) Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (11×) (Je 48:1–47)
Moab (48:1–47). The Moabites, descendants of Lot (Gen. 19:37), were unfriendly to Israel at the time of the exodus (Num. 22–24). In 601–600 Nebuchadnezzar sent Moabite groups to deal with…
15:1–16:14 Oracle against Moab Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary (3×) (Is 15:1–16:14)
AGAINST MOAB Moab’s judgment, probably by Assyria, was described as swift and complete. Having arrived in Edom, the Moabite refugees appealed to Judah for political asylum. Moab’s request was…
48:34–39 BKC (5×) (Je 48:34–39)
34–39. The cries of Moab’s mourners extended from Heshbon … Elealeh, and Jahaz in the northern part of the country to Zoar … Horonaim … Eglath Shelishiyah, and the waters of Nimrim in the…
Chapter 15 NCV (9×) (Is 15:1)
Message to Moab 15 This is a message about Moab: In one night armies took the wealth from Ar in Moab, and it was destroyed. In one night armies took the wealth from Kir in Moab, and it was…
The Destruction of Moab TEV (43×) (Je 48:1)
Destruction of Moab 48 * This is what the LORD Almighty said about Moab: “Pity the people of Nebo— their town is destroyed! Kiriathaim is captured, its mighty fortress torn down, and its…
48:45–47 BKC (5×) (Je 48:45–47)
on Moab by freely quoting an old song from Heshbon (cf. Num. 21:27–29). The fugitives who had escaped the destruction stood by helpless because God’s fire of judgment had gone out into all Moab to…
F. David and the King of Moab (1 Sam 22:3–5) Old Testament Survey Series: The Books of History (6×) (1 Sa 22:3–5)
King of Moab (1 Sam 22:3–5) How long David remained at Adullam is not stated. From there he traveled south around the Dead Sea to Mizpah of Moab.9 He requested that the king of Moab allow his…
Moab Easton’s Bible Dictionary (8×)
MOAB—the seed of the father, or, according to others, the desirable land, the eldest son of Lot (Gen. 19:37), of incestuous birth. (2.) Used to denote the people of Moab (Num. 22:3–14; Judg. 3:30; 2…
4. History ISBE (21×) (p 2070)
the invasions of the Amorites, who, under their king Sihon, had subdued the northern part of Moab as far as the Arnon (Nu 21:21–31). This conquest was no doubt a result of the movement of the…
Moab Holman Bible Atlas (7×) (p 73)
MOAB The Moabites occupied the territory east of the Dead Sea. Their traditional stronghold was the land between the Zered and Arnon Rivers. The major Moabite cities, Kir-hareseth and Ar, lay in Moab’s…
2. Prophecy against Moab (25:8–11) Ezekiel (NAC) (10×) (Eze 25:8–11)
Moab (25:8–11) 8 “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘Because Moab and Seir said, “Look, the house of Judah has become like all the other nations,” 9 therefore I will expose the flank of Moab…
D4o Balak Collins Thesaurus of the Bible (3×)
son of Zippor king of Moab (Num. 22:2; Num. 22:4; Num. 22:10; Josh. 24:9; Judg. 11:25); Balak king of Moab has called me (Num. 23:7); remember what Balak king of Moab counselled (Mic. 6:5).
Pahath-Moab Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (3×) (p 1236)
MOAB (Pā hăth-Mōʹ ăb) Title meaning “governor of Moab.” A family of returned exiles likely descended from the Hebrew governor of Moab in the time of David (2 Sam. 8:2; Ezra 2:6; 8:4; 10…
Plate XXIX On the Reliability of the Old Testament (4×) (p 631)
XXIX Figure 31 Route of the Exodus, IV: Qadesh-Barnea to Plains of Moab
Plain of Moab ISBE (4×) (p 2407)
OF MOAB: In Dt 1:1; 2:8, “plain” is trd in RV “Arabah,” and explained, “the deep valley running N. and S. of the Dead Sea.” It was here that Moses delivered his last addresses. Usually the…
Chapter 15 A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments, Vol. III: Job–Isaiah (25×) (Is 15:1–9)
MOAB. Lowth thinks it was delivered in the first years of Hezekiah’s reign, and fulfilled in the fourth, when Shalmaneser, on his way to invade Israel, may have seized on the strongholds of Moab. Moab…
Origin and History > Moab, Moabites Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (17×) (p 1478)
and History. According to Genesis 19:37, the Moabites descended from Moab, the son of Lot and his oldest daughter. Deuteronomy 2:10, 11, a passage whose context relates to the Moabites at the…
Chemosh New American Standard Updated Edition Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (4×)
of Moab, 1Ki 11:7 3645 the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of Moab, 1Ki 11:33 3645 and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, 2Ki 23:13 3645 And Chemosh will go off into exile Jer 48:7 3645 “And Moab…
Plate XXXII On the Reliability of the Old Testament (5×) (p 634)
the Hebrew Tabernacle, & much more complex decor. Figure 35 “Moab”, “Dibon”, “Israel” in Egyptian 1. “Moab” in Luxor List (R. II) 2. “Moab” War-Scene, Luxor—name intact except one sign as…
D6a Ar Collins Thesaurus of the Bible (3×)
D6a Ar A city of Moab (Num. 21:15; Num. 21:28; Deut. 2:29); the border of Moab (Deut. 2:18); I have given Ar to the sons of Lot (Deut. 2:9; Deut. 2:19); Ar of Moab is ruined in a night (Isa. 15:1).
Chapter 15 NCPB (8×) (Is 15:1)
The burden of Moab. Because in the night Ar of Moab is laid waste, and brought* to silence; because in the night Kir of Moab is laid waste, and brought to silence: 2  he is gone up to Bajith…
Pahath-Moab That’s Easy For You to Say: Your Quick Guide to Pronouncing Bible Names (2×) (p 202)
Moab “governor of Moab”
6 Eerdmans Bible Dictionary (3×) (p 726)
Mizpeh of Moab. Here David met with the king of Moab during his flight from Saul and requested that his parents be allowed refuge in Moab (1 Sam. 22:3). The location of this Mizpah is not known…
25:10–12 BKC (4×) (Is 25:10–12)
referred to Moab as representing those who oppose God and will be judged by Him. Moab was east of Israel across the Dead Sea. Israel and Judah had many altercations with Moab, that was known…
Chapter 16 Tanakh (11×) (Is 16:2)
Moab’s villagers linger By the fords of the Arnon. 3Give advice, b-Offer counsel.-b At high noon make Your shadow like night: Conceal the outcasts, Betray not the fugitives. 4Let c-Moab’s…
The Doom of Moab (Isa. 15:1–9) The Teacher’s Bible Commentary (5×) (Is 15:1–9)
Doom of Moab (Isa. 15:1–9) The passage.—The area of Moab was located just to the east of the Dead Sea. For some time it had independent existence. At other times it was a vassal state to Israel…
Reuben received land from the Arnon Valley, Medeba, and all that belonged to Sihon king of the Amorites (who reigned from Heshbon), and their border is the Jordan. 13:16-23
Gad received Jazer and all the cities of Gilead, half the land of the Ammonites to Aroer and the rest of the kingdom of Sihon with western boundary of the Jordan to the lower end of the Sea of Chinnereth. 13:24-28
Half-tribe of Manasseh from Mahanaim, through Bashan, and the whole kingdom of Og king of Bashan. 13:29-31

Allotment of the Western Territories

Caleb’s Request - he receives Hebron. 14:6-15
Note that
Note that Caleb is now 85 years old (40 years old when he spied out the land, and 45 years have passed)

And now, behold, I am this day eighty-five years old. 11 I am still as strong today as I was in the day that Moses sent me; my strength now is as my strength was then, for war and for going and coming.

Judah’s allotment - reached southward to boundary with Edom, reaching across from the Great Sea (Mediterranean) to the Dead Sea (Salt Sea), and extending north to Jerusalem, Beth Shemesh, and Ekron. 15:1-12
Caleb’s Conquest of his land in Judah (Hebron) 15:13-19
Judah conquers many cities, but the Jebusites (Jerusalem) they cannot drive out. David will be able to do this later. 15:63

Joseph’s Allotment

Ephraim’s allotment - 16:5-8
But they did not drive out the Canaanites in Gezer. 16:10
Manasseh’s allotment - 17:1-2
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