Romans 14:1-12
How far should our Christian Liberties go?
Paul enjoyed his Christian liberty to the full. Never was a Christian more thoroughly emancipated than he from un-Christian inhibitions and taboos. So completely was he emancipated from spiritual bondage that he was not even in bondage to his emancipation. He conformed to the Jewish way of life when he was in Jewish society as cheerfully as he went along with Gentile ways when he was living with Gentiles. The interests of the gospel and the highest well-being of men and women were paramount considerations with him; to these he subordinated everything else.
What is to be done when Christians of such different convictions find themselves in the same fellowship? Must they start to thrash the matter out, one side determined to convert the other? No, says Paul; let each one be satisfied in his own mind and conscience. Those who enjoy greater liberty must not despise others as being spiritually immature; those who have conscientious scruples must not criticize their fellow-Christians for doing what they themselves would not do. Each Christian is the servant of Christ; it is to Christ that each is accountable, both here and hereafter.