Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last month I shared on the first half of on God’s order and how to display it to the world.
I felt led to continue studying 1 Cor.
The second part of deals with the Lord’s supper -commonly called communion today.
While we are having communion before long, I didn’t feel I was supposed to share on that.
Instead I am going to teach on which is about spiritual gifts and how each member in the body of Christ is important.
Are you a Charismatic?
Ask your neighbor...
What does this have to do with ?
It has everything to do with it.
The word “Charisma” is the Greek word that is translated as “gifts” in this chapter.
It is because of this that some call this chapter a teaching on “charismatic gifts.”
What does Charismatic mean?
Charis -means grace or God’s grace in the context of scripture -the enabling power of God to be and do which is often more than we can imagine, but usually according to our faith
All of God’s grace is available to each of us, but it needs to be mixed with faith in order for it to be active in our life
It is a little like an irrigation system.
God’s grace is like the water that is just waiting to be released.
If we by faith never reach out and open the valve, we never will receive the grace.
This applies to both the gift of salvation and the gifts of the Spirit.
In Luke we see the word grace, or charis, used in relation to Jesus and God
Charisma -is the outflowing of God’s grace from a person
Charisma -the out-flowing of God’s grace from a person
Charismata (plural form of the word, charisma) -The abilities the Holy Spirit gives to the church
The root word for Charis means rejoice, be glad
This is amazingly fitting because says:
To a heart that is open to God, the Spirit of God can bring overflowing joy
Charismatic is name given to those who believe and flow in the supernatural abilities as inspired by the Spirit of God
is divided into several sections
v. 1-3 An introduction to the subject of the ways of the Spirit
Interesting note: the word “gifts” in verse one is not in the original Greek
There was apparently false teachers in their assemblies and Paul needed to give them a criteria to use to determine who was speaking under inspiration of the Holy Spirit and who was not.
v. 4-7 The manifestation of the Spirit will look different but the source is the same
There are different gifts but they come from the same Spirit
There are different ways of administrating, serving or ministering but it is in service to the same Lord -Jesus Christ
There are diversities of effects, activities or operations, but it is the same God
It is interesting to note that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are referred to in these verses
It is important to recognize that it is the Spirit of God at work even though it may be in a far different way than we are used to
v.7 -the revealing of the Spirit is given to every man to profit everyone -just like a natural gift is meant to bless the receiver, the gifts are also to bless everyone
v. 8-10 A list of 9 gifts or charismata of the Holy Spirit
The Gifts
There are different sources of gifts -natural, satanic & Godly
Word of Wisdom
This wisdom is based on the inspiration of God
This wisdom is not based on human reasoning but based on the inspiration of God
It gives insight into what should be done
Word of Knowledge
Knowledge regarding someone or something that is not based on research or learning
It is a knowing within our heart or mind that is revealed to us by the Spirit of God
Gift of Faith
This is not the same as saving faith because Paul was speaking to those who were already saved
Not only able to believe God for miraculous things, but also to speak it
It is a supernatural peace & confidence regarding something revealed by the Spirit of God
Story: David Ireland spoke in the midst of a meeting saying that a couple who couldn’t have children, would have a baby by this time next year
David also shared two acronyms for the word Faith
There is a difference between words from our head and faith of the heart
Smith Wigglesworth (born in England in 1859, baptized in the Spirit 1907)
He was known of a man of great faith -with close to 20 people raised from the dead
He prayed for a deaf man, but the healing didn’t manifest for 3 weeks
While not everyone received healing, he continued to minister the power of God with amazing miricles taking place -just like Jesus said in Mark 16
“When my love is so deepened in God that I only move for the glory of God, then the gifts can be made manifest.
God wants to be manifested and to manifest His glory to those who are humble.
A faint heart can never have a gift.
Two things are essential: first love; and secondly, determination -a boldness of faith that will cause God to fulfill His word.” -Smith Wigglesworth
Faith is needed to some degree with all the gifts.
At times they really can’t be separated.
It only follows them that believe
Gifts of Healing
Supernatural healing through faith or the laying on of hands
Some of you have grown up with believe in superstitions that if you do some strange thing then you will be healed.
Be careful to not open yourself up to witchcraft and evil spirits.
There is healing through natural things, but all other healing must be through the name of Jesus only!
Working of Miricles
Miracle -means a working of miraculous power -a sign or wonder
The Greek word used is dunamis
This could include casting out demons
The subject of prophecy could easily be a message of itself
Something spoken under the inspiration and authority of the Holy Spirit, but it is more than just that
-it is done by faith
-it is done by faith
It can be a prediction -in Agabus revealed by the Holy Spirit that there was going to be a severe famine
In the next chapter Paul goes into detail regarding prophecy/prophesying
In Paul says that prophecies will stop -because there is coming a time when we will see clearly and there is no need to tell the future because we will be living in the presence of God!
Discerning of Spirits
Being able to supernaturally discern the spirit in a person or the spirit that is behind what is being spoken.
It is an intuition.
-Paul discerned a girl was operating out of an evil spirit even though she was saying the truth
We live in a time where there are so many lies, it is even said that we live in a “post-truth” society.
Society no long values the truth.
Can we discern the lying spirits?
I believe it is critical for us to correctly discern in order to walk in the light and not be snared by the devil and his schemes.
Sometimes even believers can be operating out of a spirit that is ungodly -maybe its pride or selfishness or envy.
As a church we must recognize what is wrong so that people can repent and live in the blessing of the Lord.
Gift of Tongues
Speaking in an unknown tongue
Usually it isn’t an actual earthly language, but a speaking of sounds in expression of the person’s spirit.
In Paul clarifies how this gift should be used
If a person wants to address the congregation when speaking in tongues, they should only do so when there is also an interpreter so that everyone can be edified
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9