The Parable of the Prodigal Son - Part 1
Luke 15:11-24
“The Younger Brother”
Small Group Study Questions
*Start your small group time off with prayer and then read the passage of Scripture in its entirety before getting into the questions.
1. When you think of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, what immediately comes to mind for you?
2. If you had been the father in this parable, and your son had come to you, asking for his inheritance now, what would your response have been?
3. The younger son takes his father’s money and blows it all doing whatever he wants. What thoughts come to mind when you read this? Can you relate in any way to the younger son?
4. What are the pitfalls of living one’s life solely for one’s satisfaction?
5. What are you thinking and feeling when you read of the younger son returning home to his father, and his father welcoming him home with open arms?
6. Why do we often doubt that God truly loves us because of who we are (people made in his image), not because of what we’ve done? Read Romans 5:8. What does this verse tell us about God’s love?
7. What does this parable teach us about the heart of God for those who are far from him? Why do you think God is so overjoyed when people come to him, no matter what they have done?
8. As Christians, what would it look like for us to show others, even the worst of sinners, the love of God as so powerfully portrayed here in this parable?
Closing Prayer: Take a moment of silent prayer to think about how much God loves you, thinking of the father in the parable. Pray that God’s love would become more and more evident in your life, especially in how you relate to those who are far from God. Ask that God would use you to help bring others home to God the Father.