Sunday March 31, 2019
We need to trust him believe in him.
Put our hope in him. Without faith. It is impossible to please God Amen. Have faith church this morning. We're going to continue in what we were talking about. I know the children are already moving out already going to Bible adventures and you who are left. You are the faithful who are here. We're going to continue in a second part of a series.
Looking at what makes Jesus weep? What are the things that make Jesus weep last week. We looked at.
the death of Lazarus the friend of Jesus and his dear friends Martha and Mary his sisters were so sad by the fact that their brother had died and they were saying if Jesus you'd only been here he wouldn't have died.
If Jesus you'd only been here, my brother would not have died Martha told him then Mary retold him. Jesus if you'd only have been here, we know that you have abilities. You could have healed him. far from their minds Could they have ever thought that Jesus could raise?
Lazarus from the dead
and Jesus seen Mary weeping and seeing the women who would come to mourn with them weeping says he was moved and it says when he asked where did you lay last service? They said come and we will show you. And it says Jesus wept.
Jesus wept
well, there are Other instances and I would like to share this morning as we look at a passage found in Luke and chapter 19 verse 41 through 44 Jesus. And we're moving ahead in our Easter story.
But after the triumphal entry after Jesus is sent his disciples into the village to find a donkey and it's cold to bring to him and he sat upon the donkey would never been set upon in as he was entering toward the way to Jerusalem.
the disciples and all of the people who were there Palm branches and laid before him and their cloaks laid out before him to walk upon and they said blessed. Is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hale Hosanna Hosanna Hail to the King after all of these things. It says the Jesus was on the scent. He was going up to Bethany. the Mount of Olives and he could Overlook and he could see the gleaming City down below him. And is he saw Jerusalem? We're going to come into our scripture here that says and when he drew near and he saw the city he wept over it saying. What did you even you Jerusalem had known on this day the things that make for what piece? If you don't own the things that make for peace, but now they are hidden from your eyes.
For the days will come upon you says the Lord. When your enemies will set up barricades around you and Surround you he's prophesying right here. They're going to set up barricades around you Jerusalem, and they're going to hem you in and Surround you on every side verse 44 and tear you down to the ground you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you because what you did not know the time of your visitation. You didn't recognize. Coming of the king of kings the Lord of lords the Prince of Peace.
his sweeping over the tragedy of the Lost opportunity Israelites that were assembled in Jerusalem for the Passover missed the opportunity to be saved both Earthly salvation and eternal salvation. He wanted to save them from Earthly death and destruction.
As well as to save their souls. They were visited by the Savior, but they did not know what its stead of receiving him. They did what the unthinkable. They nailed him to a cross and they killed our savior Jesus.
After all that was in the plan the Plan of Salvation and it doesn't make a lot of sense to us in the sense that Jesus being perfect and pure and holy the son of God. It is not right that he should die. But it was the sacrificial lamb the perfect blameless. unblemished lamb
that they would offer in the sacrifice.
He was weeping because
they were not willing.
And he was not willing that any should perish or die without knowing him. That's what scripture clearly says when it says. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior who will have all been be saved. Did you hear that? All men should be saved? That opportunity. Is there the opportunity in this was about a missed opportunity. His desires all men might be saved into coming to a knowledge of the truth for there is one God and one mediator between God and men and that is Christ. Jesus our lord who gave himself a ransom for all.
To be testified in due time as it is written in 1st Timothy Chapter 2 Verse 3 through 6.
and I believe the third thing that is important for us to see is not only the missed opportunity. Not only that the Jesus. Cared that all men might be saved and he came for that very reason, but I believe Jesus was weeping. Because he is the prince of peace and he had come to them and they would not recognize his coming to them to bring. Peace. And to bring them their salvation.
if valve had known even Dial at least in this city. And in this day the things that would bring you. Peace. But now they are HID from your eyes if you'd only known what would bring you peace. What would bring you lasting? Peace?
Prepare to be asking myself and I'm asking you as we examine ourselves. Do we know what brings peace to us?
There is so much trouble in the world today more so than I've ever seen in my entire 69 years of living and I just cannot believe all of the turmoil the wars the rumors of wars. In Venezuela there, they're taking water out of the drainage ditches to drink. They have no running water. They have no electricity in most parts of the city. It's dark. They don't even have in many places. An opportunity to go to a hospital and they have a working hospital and even if it was working and they had electricity and they could do all of the things that hospitals do they care for patients. They have no medicine. How frustrating it must be two doctors to have those who are sick and Ill. little sitter shot been beaten by an oppressive regime in there's no medication. the Maduro
people will not allow medication. To be brought across the border that it's there. Just over the Border. There's ample medicine. There's ample food for the hungry. There's clean water just over the Border, but he won't let it in.
And I think how that must frustrate our Lord. Because he cares about those people. it is real the Palestinians are sending Rockets into Jerusalem and then Jerusalem has to respond in kind that attack the Palestinians and the Palestinian people as a whole they don't want this. But Hamas the militant side. The militants who are there are pressing. That there would be War.
Everywhere you turn across the world Frances in an uproar in there so much else going on that we don't hear about it. But there are people in the streets protesting the high gas prices.
What if we did Michigan launch out in protest that gas prices have gone up and taxation without representation. We don't want it.
Brexit isn't happening. Even though the people ask that. Britain leave the European Union and so people are rioting in the streets and protesting. They want their leaders to obey what they sent them there to do in that is to break free from the European Union.
All over the world. There is war rumors of War. There's plagues there's unrest. and into this scene again today comes Jesus Christ and unlike Not unlike today, I should say. Jesus entered into a scene where the Romans were oppressing the people. The people wanted to rebel against Rome and have their freedom and they wanted the king who would lead them out of their oppression. And they hailed. Jesus is King. but when he saw the city he wept
if you had only known even you Jerusalem this day the things that would bring peace, but now
they are HID from your eyes.
Jesus said come to the people to bring peace. Peace to Jerusalem and impact that very name Jerusalem Jerusalem. Salem means peace. Jerome means the city of its the city of peace and get there was no peace in the city.
Even if they were preparing for the Passover. They were missing the very fact that the Prince of Peace had come. And was visiting that very City it look recorded earlier another time when Jesus wept. But over Jerusalem is found in Chapter 13, and we're going to read that scripture together Luke 13 34 and 35. It says that
Jesus was moved to tears.
What he thought of Jerusalem? And the people within its walls and he cried out these words in a lament. It says in scripture in a lament. He was lamenting weeping. Heart was broken. Jerusalem Jerusalem you who kill the prophets and Stone Those sent to you? How often I longed to gather you my children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. And but you were not willing.
Look your houses. your house that's a family your house is left desolate and I tell you you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes? In The Name Of The Lord
if there's any good that comes out of the sweepings of Jesus.
It's that he loves us and that he was planning. To come again. He came. is our savior next to become Azar judge and deliver.
so like in this time together by saying this so Jesus weeps over. what lost opportunity When we miss the opportunity to hear the good news and accept him as Lord and savior. And there are lots of times when we we have an opportunity that presents itself, but we miss it. We don't take advantage of the opportunity.
I was told of a story and I know it was probably one of these preacher stories. A man was caught in his community. That was flooding much like it. It did in Nebraska just recently. And it climbed up on his roof in the water kept coming Higher and Higher and he prayed with all of his might that God would come as his deliver and rescue him. Wasn't too much after that he prayed that prayer.
The man in a raft was floating on by and said sir. Would you like me to help you? He said no, I'm waiting for God to deliver me and the Man in the raft moved on. Not too much time later.
Search and rescue boat was coming by and it had picked up some other people and called out to him, sir. Let yourself down and it will pull you into our boat. No, I'm okay. I'm I'm waiting for God God is going to show up and Rescue Me. The waters were getting higher and the boat moved on fourplex that the man wouldn't come down. Leslie a canoe with a young teenage boy Went floating by and called up to the man whose roof was almost completely covered with water and said slide off the roof and get into my canoe. No, I'm waiting for God God's going to rescue me next scene. The man is standing before the Lord in heaven.
He drowned.
waiting for the Lord to rescue him and he he cried out to the Lord as he stood before and Lord. I prayed and I believe that you would Rescue Me. Why didn't you show up? Lord just looked at him and said my poor son. I showed up in a rubber raft. I showed up in a rescue boat. I even showed up with a teenage boy in a canoe. Why didn't you come down?
Sometimes we miss opportunities that present themselves how many opportunities have passed us by in life. And we lament over the fact we missed opportunities. You can't go back and change things you can. life happens
but when opportunities present themselves when God is moving we need to take advantage of it. So Jesus wept over the Lost opportunities. Cuz we miss those opportunities to hear the good news and accept him as Lord and savior.
And he was there all along calling on our names. Secondly, Jesus weeps over not wishing that anyone should die without him.
And we have the opportunity to share the good news. One person said it this way the good news is One beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. You have the good news and not wishing that anyone should perish without hearing the good news. It might be up to you to share with a family member or a friend and you say bow. I just don't know if I have the opportunity to do that take the opportunity. Move out not wishing anyone to die without the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and be saved you may be the only Jesus anyone ever hears or sees. Be that person for your family for your friends. Don't wait on someone else to do it. You are the one the Lord may be asking maybe asking. To be the one to bring Salvation. And lastly in Jesus weeps when we live life without his peace. When we live life without his piece that becomes when we invite Jesus to take control of our confusion in our pain or suffering our sin and accept his peace freely that he gives us. He is the Prince of Peace if there's anyone who can bring peace to our disorder. Are discouragement are distress. our sin it is Jesus Christ himself. He is the answer. The world is seeking answers. And it's like Jesus is so frustrated that it breaks his heart and he bleeds when he says do you not see me standing here wanted you come to me. To accept me as your personal Lord and Savior, I am waiting. The savior's waiting to open the door. Oh won't you let him come in?
Would you stand with me?
With our heads about our eyes closed. In this time that we are with the Lord.
The opportunity is here right now. Not wishing that anyone should perish he's beckoning you.
His desire is that we cast all of our cares upon him because he cares for us.
If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and have that full hope and trust that you believe that if you were to die today. That you would be with him. If you don't know that for certain that if you were to go from this world if you left this place in And it was your last day. Do you have that Assurance in your heart that you know that you know that Jesus Christ as your lord and savior if you do not what you raise your hand so I can pray with you this morning.
Thank you this morning if you're here, and and you know that your life has been filled with turmoil and trials. Your life is upside down.
And you're seeking answers for problems. You're facing. If you would like to have that peace that passes understanding, would you raise your hand so I can pray with you for peace? Thank you. Thank you. Heavenly Father we ask this morning that you would bring peace into the midst of our storms you stood at the bow of the ship when the waves were crashing over in the disciples were afraid the boat was going to sink. Carest not that we perish Lord. And you woke from your restful sleep and you stood at the bow of the boat and you said peace be still. And there was peace the wind stop the Raging the waves calmed to a blast CC and all of the disciples went to the back of the boat and said, who is this that even the winds and the waves obey him this morning? the lord of the Seas the Lord of this world
the lord of the universe is wanting to bring you. Peace.
Peace in the midst of your storm accept his peace from The Prince of Peace. We pray this morning in Jesus name. We thank you for answering our prayers. We thank you for your presence in our lives making a difference from this day forward in Jesus name. Everyone said amen.
What makes Jesus weep?
Well now, you know a little bit more than you did before and I trust you will trust in him and hope in him and believe in him. We're going to sing in closing a little song.