Walking Down Victory Lane James 4
Walking Down Victory Lane James 4:7 EBC 2/24/08
On occasion we’re amazed by a believer’s perseverance in adversity and confidence in God’s promises. Such people demonstrate a spiritual fullness that many long to have. A closer look will probably reveal that they have surrendered all to God.
In James 4:6b- we are told God gives grace in abundance. Spiros Zodhiates --He doesn’t give grace to those who refuse it. What good is all the medicine in the world if the sick person does not take it and thereby receive its benefits? The mere existence of water does not satisfy all the thirsty. The giving must be coupled with the receiving, the provision with the personal appropriation. We cannot blame soap and water for the existence of dirty people. God’s responsibility stops at the offering, the making of the provision of grace. If your cup is full of self you won’t get any grace.
How can we apply this grace and walk down victory lane in spite of our circumstances?
I. Submit to God (James 4:7a)
A. In his book, Faith, Love and Hope Spiros Zodhiates- called this James’ first Commandment.
1. Imperative tense- a command. Since God requites us to humble ourselves before he gives grace James gives us this command.
B. There are many Christians who love to be reservoirs of learning. They know whole passages of Scripture by heart; they are even excellent teachers of the Word of God, but they do not apply what they know and teach to their own individual lives.
C. Not only is this in the Imperative tense – but it is also plural. James is writing to more than one. There is no Christian that is exempt.
1. It is only as we continuously humble ourselves that we can continuously be fed with His grace.
2. Proud teachers may pass on knowledge but knowledge isn’t the answer for America today.
3. Only God’s grace can transform a life. Spiros Zodhiates- Grace will spill over to others only if we are filled with it ourselves, and we can only be filled with it as we empty ourselves of self.
D. Although the command is in the plural- the response must be in the singular – I will submit myself.
1. Each member of each family, each member of this church must submit themselves to God.
E. Submit- to put oneself under
1. If we want God’s grace to be upon our lives then we must bring ourselves in rank and file under Him and stay there. Not submitting to him one day and then doing your own thing the next.
a. 1 Cor. 11:31- If we should judge ourselves we should not be judged
2. Being submissive means two things
a. Accepting God’s will as best for our lives
1. Obedience declares a heart action. It is being in a state of mind that is obedient. Sick sheep will follow anybody
b. Accepting God’s provision as best for our lives. To be discontented is to confess that God does not know what is best for us.