Mar 31 Family Bible Hour
2 Kings 6
Truth Encounter
“…there is no truth in him. When
he lies, he speaks his native
language, for he is a liar and the
father of lies” (John 8:44).
“If you wish to see where human frailty
experiences the greatest pressure,
follow the funding” - Dr. Kirk Durston
…greater is He that
is in you than he
that is in the world
(1 John 4:4)
Truth Encounter
1) Bible: unequalled truth-source
Truth Encounter
1) Bible: unequalled truth-source
Truth Encounter
1) Bible: unequalled truth-source
2) Christ: Ultimate Truth-source
Christianity is not just a lot of bits and
pieces—there is a beginning and an end,
a whole system of truth, and this system is
the only system that will stand up to all the
questions that are presented to us as we
face the reality of existence.
Francis Schaeffer
Belief in something
doesn’t make it
true; only truth
makes a belief
true. Os Guiness
You will know the
truth and the truth
will set you free.
(in John 8:32)