The Importance of One

Who's Your One?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:48
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I have to tell you, I’m broken today.
Just honest confession: I have struggled the last few weeks. Just feeling like I’m coasting spiritually. That I am not where I need to be with the Lord. Reminded of the Lord’s Words to the Ephesian church in Revelation that they had lost their first love.
God has really challenged my heart this week.
So many things:
I thought of a song, I haven’t thought of in so long.
Take me back, take me back dear Lord
To the place where I first received you
Take me back, take me back dear Lord where I first believed.
I think it is easy to get comfortable and rest on past success or current smooth sailing.
But my heart has really been challenged lately about my need to be intentional about telling people about Jesus outside the walls of the church.
I want to challenge you as well.
Today we will start several messages around the theme of “who’s your one?”
JD Greear is the current President of the SBC convention and has stated that after a season of Prayer and Fasting, God really led him to make this the Theme of his presidency: The Gospel above all from 1 Corinthians 15.3
So NAMB has put together some tools to really get us thinking along these lines. Much of what I will say over the next few weeks comes from info they have gathered, including some sermon material from Greear and Johnny Hunt.
One major part of Gospel above all, is the question: Who’s Your One?”
In particular, today I want to talk about “The Importance of One.”
We can think of “one” as small and insignificant.
One is the loneliest number….
Have you ever noticed how small one serving size is? Its so tiny, and insignificant.
But the Bible speaks of the importance of one, One pearl of great price, one lost coin, one lost sheep, one lost son… and as long as I have been here my theme has been “one more for Jesus”
I was challenged by this question this week:
Can you name one person who has come to Christ through your invite and witness?
How long has it been?
John 1:45–46 HCSB
Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the One Moses wrote about in the Law (and so did the prophets ): Jesus the son of Joseph, from Nazareth!” “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Nathanael asked him. “Come and see,” Philip answered.

Find Your One

Philip was intentional. I must be also. And so must you. Who’s your one? As I thought about this over the last few months, I could think of many through the years, but I realized that I did not have a “one” currently. I now have three. Three men in my circle of influence that I am praying for and inviting and sharing with.

Share With Your One

Philip was clear that he was inviting Nathaniel to meet the Savior.
He was the long expected one who would come to save His people from their sins.
Philip identified him as Jesus.
He shared what he knew, and he didn’t fear what he didn’t know.

Avoid Diversions

I never thought of this before this week, but notice Nathaniel’s question. Can anything good ….?
I’ve always thought about this from the point that Nazareth was a lowly place where you wouldn’t expect Messiah to come.
But to see this question as a diversion… that’s good stuff.
Some of us don’t talk to people about the Lord, because we are afraid of what they may say or ask. We need to realize that many questions or statements are simply diversions.
When Johnny Hunt was first saved he got soul winners NT from his church. He quit going to the pool hall, gambling, and smoking. His buddy Marty and said come on down we are missing you. He told Marty he had gotten saved and Marty just couldn’t understand why this religious thing would keep Johnny from making a little cash from gambling.
So Johnny (as a new believer) went over to Marty’s house, opened up his little NT with the Romans Road in it and shared. Marty and his wife both were saved from their sins that day. Johnny lost contact with him for 40 years but saw him at a funeral and asked about his journey. He said since that night you dropped by our house 40 years ago, we’ve been living for Jesus.
Frank Barker, the great soul winning Presbyterian pastor in BHAM. Said when the church was getting started, he would go visit someone who visited. And if he ran out of contacts he would start over. One man always was offering Frank a drink, but Frank continued to go and eventually led the man to the Lord.
People will say and do things and ask things to get off track, look at Philips simple response. IT was an invitation

Invite them to Come and See

20% will invite another believer to come to church.
Only 2% are inviting unchurched and lost neighbors.
I’ve thought a lot about the folks that invited me that first time.
They could not have known the difference they would make in my life, and the opportunity I would have to touch lives.

Rejoice Over the Results

John 1:49 HCSB
“Rabbi,” Nathanael replied, “You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”
How did this come about? Because as Nathaniel checked out Philip’s claims about Jesus, he found Jesus to be the real deal.
Story of Jason and Bree.
We catch the fish, and God does the cleaning up.
I have two invitations today
1. I am inviting you to think of your ONE.
a. Invite them to a meal or coffee or your home and tell them how God changed your life when you made Jesus your Savior. (If you don’t have a story, then the second invitation will be for you)
b. Invite them to church. (How many of you have an empty seat near you.)
2. Come and see. Maybe you are here, and God is speaking to you and you know its time to be saved from your sins. It’s time to come to Jesus and be forgiven.
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