Theology - Special Revelation, Continued
God has revealed Himself through Scripture.
God has revealed many facts about Himself, all of which are important in making our personal relationship with Him close, intelligent, and useful. Had He only revealed facts without making it possible to know Him personally, such factual knowledge would have little, certainly not eternal, usefulness.
a knowledge about God should deepen our relationship with Him, which in turn increases our desire to know more about Him.
Attributes of God
Because we are finite, it is difficult for us to fully comprehend God’s character, which is infinite!
Because we are finite, as long as we are in this sin-cursed, we will never be able to fully comprehend the character of God.
Unquestionably the knowledge of God is desirable; the religious yearnings of mankind testify to that. But is it possible?
The Scriptures attest to two facts: the incomprehensibility of God and the knowability of God. To say that He is incomprehensible is to assert that the mind cannot grasp the knowledge of Him. To say that He is knowable is to claim that He can be known. Both are true, though neither in an absolute sense. To say that God is incomprehensible is to assert that man cannot know everything about Him. To say that He is knowable is not to assert that man can know everything about Him.