Jesus the Lamb led to the Slaughter
Peter’s bravery is not only useless, it is a denial of the work to which Jesus has just consecrated himself
Jesus the Lamb Led to the Slaughter
The reason for interweaving Jesus’ first replies to his accusers with Peter’s denials is to make the contrast stand out: ‘John has constructed a dramatic contrast wherein Jesus stands up to his questioners and denies nothing, while Peter cowers before his questioners and denies everything’
Peter failed at the moment of truth. Such is the fallen human nature.
The passage also teaches us, especially in light of Peter’s later restoration, what kind of people Jesus died to save. He had no need to die for people who are sinless, for there are no such people. He gave Himself for people who have it in them to betray Him, people like you and me. However, He will never betray those on whom He sets His love, but will love them faithfully for all time.