Giant's Snacks
Giants lived on the Earth
the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.
And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. 2 And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells
It seems they used charms and enchantments to seduce these women
It also looks like they also showed them how to harvest cabanas and smoke Marijuana.
“Each chose for himself one” does this mean one use.
Good for only one child.
The offspring of angels and women were giant and had a big appetite.
They lived in giant cities with giant homes and walls that reached to the sky.
We were like grasshoppers to them they were so large.
They ate everything!
first all the the food man could provide!
Then they started snaking on people!
Then they started eating all the animals!
and finally they began to eat each other!
Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, 4 The giants turned against them and devoured mankind. 5 And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. 6 Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.
What a mess!
And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth.
And Thou knowest all things before they come to pass, and Thou seest these things and Thou dost suffer them, and Thou dost not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.’
How will God fix this mess?
Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: 2 ‘áGo to Noah andñ tell him in my name “Hide thyself!”, and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. 3 And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.
God Saved Noah and his family.
and planned for the destruction of evil.
And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. 8 And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin.’ 9 And to Gabriel said the Lord: ‘Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men: [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle: for length of days shall they not have. 10 And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live five hundred years.’
Ok, so the Giants are gone? Good.
Not Exactly!
Remember ?
It reads “and also afterward”
we see giants in the Bible after the flood but they are not quite so big.
And what about their spirits or souls?
And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. 9 Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men, and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. [ 10 As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.] 11 And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences. 12 And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them.