I. The Mind of Christ 2:4-5
A. Attitude
B. Action
C. Displayed in His Life and Death on Earth
II. The model for us
A. Be Like minded
The same love
The same spirit
B. The motives
Not these motives
Selfish ambitions
Vain conceit
Not looking to your own interest
But these motives
In humility
Consider others better
Consider others interest
Looking out for others
C. The meaning
Does not mean being a door mat.
Does not mean giving in to every demand.
Does not mean not saying what you think.
Does not mean there is no freedom for you.
Looking out for others
Does mean you relinquish your rights to God.
Does mean you refrain from responding in like manner.
Does mean you resist putting yourself first.
Does mean you refuse to compete.
Does mean you regard the other person and their needs as important.
Does mean you remember the goal is the benefit of someone else.
The servant’s voice
Look out for God
Look out for others