Acts 2:29-42 • The Church
This morning as we get into this some of you I know I threw out a little thing on Facebook as well as Instagram who follows us Facebook and Instagram. All right to Sunday, you know on the rest of you shamed, okay?
Oh good for you for not actually so so we're going to get into all of that but one of the things that our elders you can cuz I met with them on Wednesday night. We just know what is priority is we get 52 weeks a year to share the gospel 52 Sunday's a year to preach the good news of Christ. And so I'm after elders meeting Wednesday night. I went back to the drawing board Thursday and I just want to share with you and then we're going to move into the big announcement. I know the awesome so for weeks but looking at 1st Peter and actually four months, we've been looking at 1st Peter and specifically and chapter 5, we've been dealing with the devil and it's going to try and very nicely next week because next week happens to be Palm Sunday which leads into Good Friday which leads into the resurrection which leads into everything. We know DVD victory of Jesus Christ. And where are sermon is kind of a Moving towards and talking about the devil in the actual hope that we have as followers of Jesus. Oh this little Hiatus this weekend if it's very nicely with what we're going to be looking at and doing over the next couple of weeks. But what I want to do today is to take a moment and Hammer out ecclesiology light switch is just kind of the church and alight lights idea of what we believe concerning the church ecclesiology. Just as big fancy word the study of the church and our Doctrine concerning the church. And what we want to look at specifically is this idea of the Gathering the Ecclesia the called out ones those that make up the church and one of the best places to do that is an ax chapter 2. No, I want to begin in verse 29 and I want to highlight a very quick point. I'm going to move quickly through this portion cuz I've got lots to share and little time which tends to be the problem here is what I want to do is I want to talk about this morning. I'm the beginning in the origins of the church did not begin with just good advice or good views or new views, but truly good news and it's a huge distinction between good news something that's been done for you vs. Good advice something that you should do. And where was this all burst out of and where did this come from? And we're going to see that the early church was not birth out of Simply good idea a few women going and telling the disciples that hey Jesus actually he is risen and maybe he was or maybe he wasn't and they treated as religion that they all died for that doesn't sound very pleasant sort something that many people would want to follow after. But instead there's a real truth and reality because of the fact that Jesus is risen and this is founded upon Our Risen Savior. Not on man's Theory not a man's advice not a way to create some kind of religion for Paul himself said if Christ did not die and raised from the grave. We have all people are most miserable. My motto here is get a better hobby on Sunday. I'd buy a boat and invite us cuz if Jesus didn't do this, what are we doing? But check this out. We get this first sermon here delivered by Peter and I want to jump in Midway where he says in verse 29 of Acts chapter two brothers. I mean to say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried in his tomb is with us to this day. I love ever going to get a contractor. He brings up David one of their Heroes of the faith. One of the guys they looked into David is the man in through the lineage of David is going to, messiah messiah is going to be the one who is our hero our Liberator the one that sets us free. He says in verse 30 being there for a profit and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his Descendants on his throne. Key for saw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ. That he was not abandon to Haiti's nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God raised up and have that we are all Witnesses being there for exalted at the right hand of God. And how do you receive from the Father the promise of the holy spirit's very trinitarian there don't have time. He has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing for David did not Ascend into the heavens, but he himself said the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool, but all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ this Jesus you crucified now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter in the rest of the Apostles Brothers. What shall we do? Computer said to them repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift but holy spirit for the promise is for you and for your children for all who are far off everyone whom the Lord Our God calls to himself and with many other words, he bore witness and continue to exhort them saying save yourselves from crooked generation. So those who received his word were baptized and there were added that day about three thousand Souls. Church, this is huge. This is our house. This Is Our Big Kenny and what I want you to understand where it's started is not with some guys who thought they had a really great idea to lead a movement, but it began With this Rabbi, Jesus walked among these disciples who went to the Grave who was resurrected and who then their eyewitnesses and giving their testimony of who he is. The God has radically done something. I know it's rooted in Israel. And we see the story of God being formed in the Old Testament and everything pointing to Jesus as Messiah. That would come see everything hinges Upon Jesus his death and resurrection and it's a pain that Authority.
His life that something has done this morning, but I want to let sink into every single one of us. Is this reminder? Who were following after and why? If any of you this last year, it was New Years and you made a New Year's resolutions and you thought to yourself. You know what I want to do it when I get in a little bit better shape. We always pick on that one. It's always a goal for everybody and you research diet sir ways to weight lift for healthy rhythms for Life how you can get all kinds of different ideas. Recently. One of my favorite pastors right now and in our culture and our time is Tim Keller and I follow him on Instagram. You should too. I follow him on Facebook and he wrote this hilarious post about this idea of good advice. He said don't starve yourself but intermittent fasting that's good for you. Eat lots of fish but fish also contain mercury and Mercury is bad for you eat 5 small meals a day. If you want to get healthy only eat three meals a day if you want to be healthy and it gives a long list. If we do get to do research on all of these different ideas any shows that good advice that has all kinds of contradictions that are within them different opinions and different ideas. And at the end of the day good advice comes down to something that you must do good advice has its fingerprints all over religion and being religious. Here's how to get to God hears how to ascend to be like the most high gear is Genesis 3 when that serpent came and said, this is how you'll do you like the Elohim you'll have the ability to know good and evil to determine what is right or wrong and you will be like God Well, that sounds great. Take it do it. Grab. Hold of its here is what you do. Gospel the good news of Jesus Christ is the exact opposite. How you will listen to God, but it's a God that the send it to you. It's a God and live the life. You could not live and die the death that you deserved and he was resurrected has invited you into this newness of life. The heat of knowing your guilt knowing your shame knowing those dark secret that you'd rather never have get a get out. He knows those. He's been sinned against by many many of us would rebelled against him and in spite of that. He says while you were yet a sinner I died for you. people hear this message Miss A
Peter does not give a list of religious rules and regulations. He says repent and be baptized. God is so good. He is so gracious and he wants to make you a part of this family repent confess your sins to God and be baptized and instantaneously at that moment the church went from 120 sitting in an upper room, which is a pretty big Gathering. All right, when you consider this Upper Room Gathering is it a lot of us have this like really quaint idea that they shot in a tiny little house. We are about a hundred strong here today. Go ahead and look around Wii U fit in a tiny little 600 square-foot house. Are we they met in somebody's Upper Room gathered there together and the church goes from 120 to 3000 just like that. So happens. It's in Acts 2:42. Says any devoted themselves to the apostles teaching in the fellowship the breaking of bread and prayers. This passage is a sample of what early church life looks like and it's just a sample because in Acts were going to get other glimpses of what the church did did they only eat food today only just pray together to the only just teach the word know. They actually sent out missionaries in church Planters. They met in each other's homes. And even Paul II the school the school tyrannis there an accident around chapter 16 17 and they would gather together. And what happens though is we can look at ask and we can go that's so quaint. So cute. So nice the early church. They have their stuff together. Have you ever read the book of Acts? Ever did they have their stuff together. Very early on in Acts 7 you have some widows who felt like they were neglected. You had a couple in the church who sold some land and said they gave all the money to the church, but actually helps them back for their own in the whole point behind the story was you didn't have to do that. But you lied about it. It was suspicion. There was this Jerusalem Council where they're trying to hammer out some doctor and there was exclusion of Gentiles people had to confront Peter at one point. What are you doing? There was risk and there was problems until this idea at this early church had their stuff together. Well, it's a little b**** out there because the early church looks a lot like our church at times doesn't it issues and problems and shortcomings. Paul's writing the Church of Corinth because they got some weird things going on and also excluding some people in Philippians. He tells two women to get along which find that hilarious their he's calling them out and Galatians. He says look out for false teachers. Too many dissatisfied churchgoers look at the early church. And I think it's the perfect model and only D like them. Those are the good old days. Welcome Friends to be could also do I want to highlight our shortcomings as followers of Jesus, but do we want to paint this broad's for a picture that there are problems and issues and as the body of Christ we have to be working with one another encouraging one another The early church. I really didn't do it a whole lot different than a lot of quick problems. They grew too fast. What are they going to do with all of that? And we have to understand is when this church is being established is that for us at redeemers? The message here will never change Jesus the gospel our blessed. Hope is what we want to parade around every single Sunday because it's what we need to hear over and over and over again. We need to be a people who preaches the gospel to ourselves and understanding the implications of what that means when we're broken and hurting and downtrodden when we feel out even when we're succeeding and think look at how well we're doing. We need to be a people are constantly reminded of the Gospel how is transformed and changed our heart? Therefore I need at least fifty two reminders a year about the gospel at least. To hear how good and what Jesus has done the message here is always going to be Jesus. message they're open ended and they change their open-handed the message. We hold tightly the method can take on the context of a culture. Methods are ways that the message is carried out and churches will adapt to the context. Let me give some examples. I know of maybe two people in here who can read Greek and I'm not one of them.
I think there's one person in here that I met with that nose Hebrew fairly well. Guess what? We don't read out of Greek and Hebrew on a Sunday morning. Don't do we get that is the original language in which scripture was written, but contextually we had translation in order for us to understand that I don't know a couple hundred years ago and maybe even some Presbyterian churches. I'd be in a robe.
Amen and Hallelujah. I got jeans and sometimes they have a holes in them and whatever else and that's just life. That is contextual. All right, there is some places. I remember this church planter. He's planning use telling the story about being in Baltimore and he's wanting to kind of reach the streets and the ghettos there in Baltimore. And so he said every weekend he wanted to rare a Baltimore Ravens jersey. He thought that I could do it but what he found out was that culture actually really like to dress up on Sundays. So he had this Vision to wear jerseys to church every single Sunday and he realized this isn't happening on who these people are and I want to reach these people put on a suit and tie week after week after week method music. I could you imagine if we had a role in a baby grand every week because that's what your mama's Church used. Pickled organ music Styles make the change. We always ask James to throw in an Olaf you oldies but goodies, right? These things change and our needs change to reach culture. You ever wondered what makes a church a church. But pretty little verse where two or three are gathered in my name and they take it to think that then churches on the golf course churches in the mountains church is just simply want a couple of buddies and a beer and we hang out and we talked and that is church. The deal to recognize and contacts that whole section is actually talking about discipline something that a lot of those people want to get away from in the first place. What makes a church a church.
What is that even look like a building structure? Just Bible studies Seminary has great Bible studies Young Life crew which is campus Crusades was a great Ministries to have what makes a church a church. This is not my definition. I believe I lifted this from Piper years ago, but he said a local church is a group of baptized believers who meet regularly to worship God through Jesus Christ to be exhorted from the word of God and celebrate the Lord's Supper under the guidance of duly appointed leaders. There's my ecclesiology light. What makes a church a church a group of Believers and Tracy are those called out ones who make regularly why for the worship of God through Jesus Christ to be exhorted through the word of God to celebrate with one another the Lord's Supper through guidance of duly appointed leaders. There must be a regular assembly Hebrews 10:25. Do not forsake the Assembly of the Brethren they gathered regularly here. It says Xanax early on we see that they're going to the temple they're fighting places to gather to come together. Yes, they gathered weekly than they scattered throughout their communities. They had early church had small groups as they gathered in homes and they broke bread and they shared meals and encourage one another in the things of God.
Mama said you have Gathering Together. There must be this gathering for worship. To the praise of God's glory fusions when 6 verse 12 verse 14 acts 2:47 as well as Romans 15 16 and 17 We Gather to praise and worship God our Gatherings must include exhortation from the very word of God. What did we read this morning? No coincidence 2nd Timothy 3:15 this whole idea that the word of God. Breathed out by him. It's for our encouragement for our rebuke for our correction. You're not going to come to church every week and be encouraged. Sometimes you're going to be rebuked and convicted and that's good. That's probably what a lot of us need at times. You will be there through the word of God hearing it and responding to it and wrestling with it. God is meeting us in his word our life in Christ. Preserve is Jesus said not by bread alone. But by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God Matthew 4:4 along with worship and exhortation. We celebrate the Lord's Supper. I would say at least 50 out of 50 two Sundays a year here very rarely do we not celebrate the Lord's supper together. We are committed to one another in that as we're committed to Jesus Christ. Finally. These are all sermons of their own. We're just moving through them. Mystic Place Are duly appointed leaders? There's leaders in the church early on.
Perfect. Berry talks about that. We talked about others acts when the Widow's needs aren't being met in. Peter does can't handle the city issues an ax15 with what do we do with the Gentiles? Like I said earlier Peter and Paul has an issues with your preaching one thing and then not doing it Peter. You got a problem, man.
If it doesn't take away from the fact they were appointed leaders. And what does that look like for Timothy Titus 1st Peter, we get some exhortation and acts about Paul bringing the leader the elders to Ephesus and giving him some instruction on what this actually looks like. There always been disagreements about what you call these leaders and how to organize them churches do it differently, but they must be present in a group at church Stewart Christianity is always a firm that the church is going about the Lord's business. Astrology might change but the message Remains the Same. I can preach a 10 minute 15 minutes Norman every once in awhile are some things I want to talk to you about what this means for us today. I've been credibly incredibly exciting announcement. I'm but I just want to give you a little bit of History concerning redeemers Church. It also involves a little bit of my story and my life so you can sit back and have a cup of coffee if you want or I'm just going to kind of chat with you here at this point. I remember when I was 5 years old. Five little five year old. I mean she's sharing the gospel early on but I was five and it was from Medford to Grants Pass and we were driving through this a big band. Just past Rogue River. I still remember to this day and my mom was sharing with me the do you want to go to hell talk as if I
Brothers going to have ended up doing a feature in the car wreck. This is baclofen. Like you didn't wear seat belt off and sit in the front seat airbags deploy at anytime of the car even had one. We were classy. Okay, so are seats in the back for the down to make a bed. That's how we prefer to ride in the car. So where does Aerostar van in my moms giving me this talk? And I just remember you don't know what happened at 5. I've got a 6 year old and eight year old who got a five-year-old. I've got three year old so I know something's going on in their little hearts. Remember responding saying it wasn't even about the Fear Factor. It was a love God. I mean I was a church kid wheezing Janet sure the store with me. Why are you a drug baby? And I said what ya like, you know drug the church on Monday drive to church on Tuesday drive to church on Wednesday. And I was like, that's who I was I remember sitting Sunday night service going through him those cuz there's nothing else to do because we went to a pretty crazy church at that time and it was weird and and so I just went to distract myself and Sunday school church after church Sunday night Wednesday night where we just did it all and so he was exposed to the gospel and I'm not knocking that my life. About 13 years old. I went to a mission trip down and Carmen sit down in Mexico where we survived handicap orphanage and I'd basically dug trenches down there. But I woke up real early one morning and they had this Hillside on this Hillside was this cross and I remember at that age. I had some friends on that trip that we're not really great influences and I had some really good influences and I was conflicted about what kind of man I was becoming God woke me up early and I went and I walked up this Hillside and remember kneeling at the cross and sane. I want to use my life for you. God was just bringing me pressing on me. So weather was at 5 or 2:13, and then I went home and that summer I got baptized in at 65 Junior highers by the end of nine months. We had about 80 Junior highers at this Bible study. Mean that's crazy. These are junior highers. They they stink they're awkward and they're all coming out for Bible study.
Hotel Bible college for a year. I hated it. I never had more rules in my entire life. That's weird. Don't know what that is. But hey, it's been awhile and suffered for Jesus. And now he had another Bible college. That was rough. Buddy called me to Maui. He didn't give us too bad. Turn off Zhu my life. I'm 20 years old and I don't want to live at home. I don't want to be there any more of my family. I'm just like I want to be a man and be on my own so I had some friends that live up in Gresham, Oregon and I made the worst decision of my life and packed up my truck and I drove there to hang out with them and I got a job at Starbucks that same day and I said, this must be a God and I begin to not Gresham. But over on the west side of Portland that time called Solid Rock and Solid Rock was about 200 people and they were getting ready to plant a church. So they were meeting on Sunday nights. There's a small group of about five six of us an estimate for this thing called the way and it's turned that plug into this and I want to hear something interesting at 1600 pick up the journal entry. I want roach trade to God. I didn't know this existed. When did the Columbia part of planning churches? I didn't use that language in God do something.
So I went to be a part of this church and after about eight months there this church really began to grow and they were asking me to do some things out its and one night. I was out to dinner with them in the past year was there has about 20 of us hanging out. And my brother called me and he said hey Brett. I'm going to go to Bend Oregon and plan a church. Do you want to come I'm 20, I have no attachments and nothing going on like sure sign me up. What is it pay nothing? All right, I don't care about ya. And anyway, we were going to ask you to be our youth pastor. What's the pay nothing is like maybe I'll consider that too. So
Right. So I chose the no money for my brother over the no money from the other church and came down and help my brother plant this church and invent and Pastor there for 10 years in the first year started youth group. It went from 5 to sixty. That wasn't me my little sister. She was the cute new girl at school and all these boys started coming to our youth group and I'm the 20 year old youth pastor that showing them how to surf in the canal Gerry Lopez that Jack Johnson one one time. I had a moped and let them borrow. It was cool. My neighbors thought we dealt drugs to high schoolers. I mean can't make this stuff up. I'm not even kidding. Okay, we can bring up the garage ping pong table video games and
Girl got save 6 months later. She died in the car accident family is not believers. They asked me to do the memorial. I should have gospel that like 250 kids. What can start coming to church when can I just found out that came to our youth group a handful of times I said there's no way it gives us trouble is now a missionary in Africa. I just I had some friends over we had some friends come over a few months back that it was during my youth group. Perry's kids were in my youth group and God just moved 28 and talk with my wife said I love T Fab and I love being here. I think I'm supposed to go out and every conversation she had with me was we're supposed to feed for supposed to leave until I was just like a broken record. I talked her into it or something. I had no schedule I can come and go as I needed a priest once a month. I could my brother just gave me free rein and I didn't have other responsibilities of the lead Pastor has you don't leave that job is awesome.
The one that came about as I started sharing with Terry who is a mentor of mine since I was 20 years old. And I shared with him think I was calling me to do this and I wanted to go take over a church somewhere and out of church really interested in me that I applied for and my brother and I had a conversation. You said we don't want to lose you like that. How about we plants you so we prayed about a few areas Redman have been on our heart for a lot of years and we came before the elders and they all said this make sense Brett and they laid hands on me prayed over me on a Sunday and I was key fobs First Church play in my wife went along with it and very graciously. She was our first children's ministry worker and I remember my brother and the church you can do this. Here's the blessing and I looked at just going to go. That was safe. That was good. That was okay. And so I said who's even going to come to this Chang and we started meeting in my backyard and that just shows you there's some dedicated people should make that dry-ass myths were there the mall the nadas were there at the Atkinsons were there for their families over there early on their here this morning the house you guys are here pretty early that summer. I mean, I remember the thinking who's going to come over to just kind of go I don't think I know what I'm doing. Like, how do we how do we do payroll? How do we do taxes? How do we do an N. Sabina goes brittle handle that? How do we do children? My wife said I'll handle that very first through fifth grade Smith's volunteer early on to start serving in that way. The mall has volunteered all these people worship my brother-in-law when we were in our early twenties. I made a trip down to Medford before he was married to my sister and I said you were going to Seattle and start at church and he's like no that's dumb. I said, okay, you're probably right. Well, he was living in Redmond. Keep it a worship Pastor to large Church down in southern, Oregon. We brought him up to be a worship pastor at the Phelps have been before he took a job at Facebook. It happened to move to Redmond a year earlier hadn't found a church yet. He said only worship every week for you. I have a worship leader and he doesn't that sound guy. You guys know Sam and Jillian early on Julie their son. Sam is a rockstar has Tom Brady make a sound guy because they are necessary and all the sudden we had this team. I should have bet first Sunday and there was like 10-15 people that came if you're my buddies and that quarantine that's served. And over the years. Just pulled out. His Blessing God poured out. His Blessing God for his Blessing with hard Seasons. That's for sure and I won't losses over we just been praying. What are you doing? And what do you have for us so excited but what what God is doing in this church and this year we have seen an incredible amount of food in our church salvation baptism discipleship equip groups all of the stuff. We're a junior high or church right now. We're kind of going and we're growing up in our choices are cracking and a little bit. God just kept working and moving that leaves me to what I want to share with you guys here at this time, Right on time are church have been meeting in the school for five years. I've been needing a mobile church for 15 years second. I left key fob. They bought a building our first experience of the school was we were in then they had to do Renovations. They kicked us out. So we went to the Grange and then we didn't fit there. So we went back to the school. Then we went to a place the Catholic Church rear end for a year and in children's ministry. We still need to set up and tear down and it wasn't really wasn't working for us. Then we came here and we've been here and here is awesome. And it's great meal of April and we love we have here but our church have the opportunity to purchase a building right now. This is really cool. And I want to share this with you guys. This is a major. Yeah. Amen.
It's it's super cheesy, but I'm going to run and it's our home away from home away from home. So I want to think of it as Heaven you have your home's but this is a home away from home away from home. And so I have done very little with this to be honest. I was talking with Terry one day. I ran into him before picking my kids up from school at BlackRock. Give me like 10 minutes of passing and I don't know by the way, this is building. Why'd you tell me about it? It's too much money. He goes Brett you just you need to tell us about this stuff when you see it and so over the last few weeks. We've been working with these people that own this facility is already a church building. There's no usage changes or anything like that. I mean we have negotiated just a killer deal in just a moment and share some of the stuff with you guys, but I want to share with your Astro Elders why this is important for our church and these are bullet points and you can do all them. These are the four things each guy got one being known in the community visibility. How many people will you tell me when you get Ralph to go? And who are you, you know the Redmond Early Learning and child Center the thing I can barely get out of my mouth. What was that that used to be an alternative school? I can't think of the name right now. He's down there. What was there before? I think Junior High High School across the street from the church and that's how my conversations go. Oh my goodness.
Had a lady call me. She said I drove by your church four times. I didn't see you guys there. I can't find your church. Where's your church? We only have visibility for three hours on a Sunday morning. I don't know who we are. I think we're doing a great thing. We're going to give us visibility a consistent presence in the community to give a stability. 6 years five moves right before we had a showing of this building. We already planned on showing April came up to me on the Sunday and said you guys might get kicked out this summer figure it out. Not a big deal. I went to bat for you and she did and she said you'll be able to stay it's okay. It's been a change in leadership in the school in this area school district. And so she just said I want to buy. You're fine. You can stay. This wasn't this Terror thing leading us to this. We're already looking into this but it's something that we definitely thought about when there's instability this bring stability additional opportunity redeemers. I've got some great things I want to do. I'm already been working on if we get this place and marriage class and I want to run through. I'm looking at some children's things. I'm looking at some extra studies and Theology and putting the stuff together to do intensivists that we can spend time together for classes Youth and training. We also don't want to be rushed. Right after church that your chairs go up in your like I got to get out of here. Is that all goes under additional opportunities blessed to be a blessing we want to do more Outreach. We like to CVS. We'd like to see opportunity to reach the community and be a blessing to the community and here's mine Legacy. Not ours, but making God's name great. Original church, that's next door to this church was built in 1912 at the Presbyterian Church does being turned into a Pizza Pub. They're literally two steps away from the doors of the church were looking at buying church that we are looking at buying is a 1940's church and we want to continue the Legacy the being a church and I want to see my kids and my grandkids like some of you see here in this place have this place to call home where they're growing in and they're trained in their excited. I want to see Legacy come from here as we send out missionaries in church Planters and you look at this. There was literally 15 that met in my backyard. That's like almost accounting kids. I Stan something here I want to see this long-term home for us a few pictures. These are not all the pictures. I mean invite. But I sure just a few things on the church knows very familiar on 7th Street. There's an open house next Saturday from 2:30 to 4:30. Every single one of you are invited to come and check out this place 2:30 to 4:30. We will be there at the doors will be open. Some coffee on you can ask questions at that time. You can chat with us at that time. You can just spend some time with us walkthrough it pray through the building for what I want to do at this time zone to bring Perry up to share just a few of the financial Logistics on it. That way you know what you're getting to In the morning to bring the elders up and we're going to pray over this and have a time of worship and communion this point of the Gathering transitions to a family meeting. So this is not your home church. You can write you can go get some coffee go to the restroom, whatever you need to do, but we're going to transfer this over to Perry. I'm going to stay up here. That's cool.
Yeah, is there a picture of the children's classrooms that excite me so much at the bottom of this? Yeah, that's the nursery which is so cool. We're so excited to them and that's one of the classrooms the church has been in there has taken really really good care of this building. They've been there long time. They've been great stewards of it. If you're wondering what it sees its eats about two hundred up top. There's a hundred of us in here. Now. I want two things that Pastor Lawrence said from T-Fal by mother Church's brother was that really with the generations coming up a lot of them are in the mega churches anymore. So we really love the idea that it's about 200 as we grow. We can have another service. That's awesome. So excited about all the children stuff downstairs. I just really want to say that how many have you how many of you have ever been part of a church building project? Yeah, how many of you cringe when you think of it of the experience you had I'll tell you when I was 14 walked in the Pastor. Larry preached a wonderful sermon got up grab my crutches gave my life to Jesus and walked out and I'm that church disciple me. I was part of the youth choirs. This is a blast of the pastor says if you I know youth group grew it in just love this church, but about two years after that after I got saying was growing and flourishing. We got on a building project and that church leadership decided to do a debt-free and I'm So the preaching soon changed the way from gospel oriented with Brett was talking about this morning to money and everything became about money and we felt pretty arm twisted and so much that my brother was 23 married with his first child. He went to the bank and got a $5,000 loan to put towards the church. We will not ask anybody do anything foolish like that. Then it finally got to the point where on a Sunday night. We're having a great worship service. Everything was emotional. We were all up front and the Pastor said stop the music stop the music. He wants that church done. He wants our church done by Easter Sunday. And even though you didn't come prepared. God told me there's two or three of you that have $10,000 to give tonight, which would be 30 in our money today. I went on the calculator before the service today and there's two or three more that have 15000 to give tonight and his wife right away is it? If you live through the eighties, you saw it on TV to write what was the end of my time even as a seventeen-year-old. I talked to him. I confronted him and it just it didn't become my church anymore because it it changed we promise you that's not our church. By the way, if you're a visitor at you're going to this is not us in 6 years only one time have we brought up a financial need we were in a hole and we're getting lower and lower and we can have to close our doors and we brought it up to you guys about 3 years ago you guys responded so amazingly and what are the things you said is why don't you guys tell us where we're at? We never know. There's a slide that I was just shows where budgetary these we Have No Secrets, but I will tell you this is a generous Financial giving Church. We're strong today and it is situation today to look at purchasing. Building because we are a strong church. We have emergency funds we we we don't worry about money because of generosity of the church this for the size of our church in the budget we have is pretty amazing. So we're pretty stoked about all that. So when it comes to that other thing that I really get stoked about is that we've had and I'm really talking about the the money the business side and we didn't want Brett talking about this on purpose. We want him to preach the gospel get mad at me that way but we have seen people in our body have financial needs or a tragedy in their life or something. This church has lovingly responded and wrap their arms around those people and giving out so much so much one time when somebody says just quit and that wasn't even people just met met. It's almost like a church is always willing and I'm just saying, how can Help and tangible ways of financial ways. It's over pretty stoked about all that. So we're excited. We're not going to arm-twist this building. I believe it 100% the leadership believes that this is something Gods brought to us and I can say that, you know, I know when God guides he provides and I don't use that lightly and so the sale price of the building we have up on a slide there. So the sales price was $600,000 and if somebody sells that feel that you talked about today or somehow or someway were able to pay the the building off within two years. Then the seller will sell it to us for $550,000. So the the seller is actually going to the next line. He's going to carry a 6-year note. That the owner is Karen at 6% interest if you think that's how cuz you're paying 4% or 3% on your house private money, if you know private money is about 10% that my know that I'm construction and so he's offered to carry the note for 6 years at 6% and at the end of that six years if it's not totally paid off redeemers will need to obtain financing from for the remaining balance. So it's still I still praying that somehow I got does a miracle and pays off in 24 months, but that's not what we're asking for today. So the next flight will show that the big down payment on this is also generous we went and looked at private financing so, you know, and then some of your ways I met Doug. So a private financing was we're looking at twenty-five to thirty percent right Brad. I think it was $30,000 down. And so this seller is offering just take 10% down at $60,000, which is the knee that were talking to. This morning and then our monthly payment is the next slide I think. So we negotiated a monthly payment of $3,000 a month for the first two years 3500 for the year three and four and then four thousand four five and six $0.85 a square foot is the going rate of rentals right now the commercial commercial and so normal rent would be $6,800 a month. So let me just help for some of that may be the pessimist or the deaf people in here cuz I want to dress that if you applied the $60,000 down payment and took it over six years and applied that to the monthly rent get out about $900 a month. So we're still getting a great deal on this particular building. So I did my just quickly talk about debt, so Some of you will have will we will have different views when it comes to a dead. My wife and I are Larry and Dave Ramsey's and him have lived our financial life that way and so we're not that people but we have had on mortgages and we understand that and so we want you to understand it in reality. The church has a debt payment every month to to the school district and for an office building, so we're indebted every month us. We couldn't stay stay open. So the nice thing about this is when we eventually pay this building off, we won't have a monthly indebtedness to anything just like if you paid your house off you have your taxes churches don't even have taxes to pay cuz we're nonprofit. So anyway, I just I just want to say that if you want to talk to us about that side of things, why would a church do it? I would just say that most of us as a family have a home mortgage. If you're buying a house the church as a family will have now a mortgage and it said, Amazing price that instead of just 4 hours that we're renting for a week will be open. Yeah, 24/7 or whatever the needs I were so excited when I see this building, I'm a kid's guys when I went downstairs. I could when you look at it from the outside is not that great when you look inside. It's really cool. Those of us that have hearing problems are going to be able to hear because he's got car but it just so they could sticks are way better. I think of our youth groups I think of our children's Pastor Lauren I asked him from teeth bad breath brother. How did you grow what you got a building and he shared to me they've been they got their building 4 and 1/2 years ago. They had phenomenal growth 25% a year until they more than doubled and so has their budget more than doubled their income. And so just we know that we're going to grow just by having presents the things Brett talked about and we're just having a presence in the community and some people actually it was the it was the sellers of the building came and visited our church last week. They I see what we're about and they could not believe what a loving family. This was they were like, oh my goodness. They're older folks and they just said I cannot believe what you guys got there and I'm the last thing they said we said to him when we walk to the church this last week. I said, no don't be strangers. We want you to come to thin come visit us once we get in this building and the 88 girl.
I don't really have a choice because my wife loves you guys. So just that we share with our community is so cool. One last thing the Costa Rica trip. It's my vision that we're going to bring to Tico's back and help his friend Bible School in this church one summer. Hopefully this summer and they will run the Spanish-speaking part as we reach out to a little Mexican kids in our community. So thank you very much.
Can I say one thing?
I forgot to mention if you want to give on this situation just at the bottom of your checks, you would put building or if you go to our website, there will be a building button for you also to to to give to you and I want to tell you what it's not. I'm sorry, so it would be easy to say we really want this down payment to come through and we are going to we're going to give this major gift, but then we're not going to tie for 3 years. That won't work for us. Okay, we still have our monthly budget. So what we're asking you to pray about is over and above what you normally give to give towards this down payment. So, thanks.
father we just thank you for the work you've done in our church just to be a part of this body is such a blessing a wonderful church family. We understand our own deficiencies and where we lack we also see where you're growing us and changing us maturing us. We just ask that you would go before us on this that you would lead and direct and that you would move in our hearts and lives. We just want to commit this into your hands knowing that you are faithful you are good and we trust you with wherever you have us meeting. We trust that you know, what is best for our church family in the name of Jesus Amen.