Court is Now in Session
Sermon Tone Analysis
(s1) - Journey to the Resurrection
(s2) - Sub-topic: Jesus is Tried (last week was Jesus is Arrested)
(s2) - Sermon Text:
(s3) - Sermon Title: Court is Now in Session
There have 100s of court cases on the level of the Supreme Court and even lower courts.
(57-58) - kangaroo court - an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor
I. (s4) - (59-61) - The Testimony of the Witnesses
I. (s4) - (59-61) - The Testimony of the Witnesses
“ high priest n. — a priest who performs the Levitical duties laid out for the high priest and presides overall all other priests and the Sanhedrin; originally chosen from the descendants of Aaron, but became an office that could be obtained by others during NT times.”
“ chief priest n. — a priest who is preeminent in authority and skill over other priests.”
chief priest n. — a priest who is preeminent in authority and skill over other priests.”
“ scholar ⇔ scribe; Sanhedrin (Jewish) Council n. — an expert interpreter and teacher of a body of writings; usually the Mosaic Law.”
high priest n. — a priest who performs the Levitical duties laid out for the high priest and presides overall all other priests and the Sanhedrin; originally chosen from the descendants of Aaron, but became an office that could be obtained by others during NT times.”
scholar ⇔ scribe n. — an expert interpreter and teacher of a body of writings; usually the Mosaic Law.”
“looking for “ - they were intently looking for … at any cost...
false witness - false testimony n. — the act of making untrue statements under oath - perjury
They misquoted Jesus!
false testimony n. — the act of making untrue statements under oath.
, “Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.””
II. (s5) - (62-64) - The Defense of the Master
II. (s5) - (62-64) - The Defense of the Master
(62-63) - Jesus said nothing/Jesus kept silent...
(62) Jesus is asked to defend the statement…
The truth does not mind examination, and it does not need to defend itself…it can stand all by itself;
a lie needs another lie to prop itself up; but the truth can stand on it own!!
(63) The Chief Priest demands that Jesus answers…because Jesus remained silent!
Tell us if you are the Son of God!
(64) Jesus responds in obedience to the Chief Priest’s directive…
Jesus was still obedient to those in authority
In other words, “You just answered your own question.”
Not only that, “You will see it for yourself...
III. (s6) - (65-68) - The Verdict of the Council
III. (s6) - (65-68) - The Verdict of the Council
(65) tore his clothes - “to cause something to come apart through violent action or pressure” [Arndt, William et al. A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature 2000 : 235. Print]
"to rend (tear)...... was done by the Jews to their clothes in cases of extreme indignation or in deep grief...” [Strong, James. Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon 1995 : n. pag. Print]
to cause something to come apart through violent action or pressure
to rend, which was done by the Jews to their clothes in cases of extreme indignation or in deep grief
(66) He turns to others, “What do you think? And their response was — DEATH!
Arndt, William et al. A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature 2000 : 235. Print.”
(67-68) - “Then they were spitting in his face and banging him around. They jeered as they slapped him: “Prophesy, Messiah: Who hit you that time?” [Peterson, Eugene H. The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2005. Print]
Strong, James. Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon 1995 : n. pag. Print.”
The religious leaders, throughout the Gospels and Jesus’ public ministry, have sought to destroy Jesus’ standing in the eyes of the people. Anthropologists call this process “the status degradation rituals.” “The status degradation ritual is process of publicly RECASTING, RELABELING, HUMILIATING, and thus RECATEGORIZING a person as a SOCIAL DEVIANT.”
Then they were spitting in his face and banging him around. They jeered as they slapped him: “Prophesy, Messiah: Who hit you that time?”
Peterson, Eugene H. The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2005. Print.”
The first of the “degradation ritual” begins when “Jesus is blindfolded, struck from behind, and mocked as a prophet.” This is done publicly, in front of those who revere him, which (will hopefully) cause his status to crumble.