In The Day Of Judgment
Sermon Tone Analysis
5//11/97 IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT GENESIS 7 The Day of Judgment dawned on the ancient world like any other day. The sun appeared in the heavens at its regular time. The birds could be heard singing in the trees. Men began to move from their homes to the activities of the day. The women were busy about home responsibilities. Children were hurried off to the schools of the day. There had been a unconfirmed rumor that the strange character Noah and his sons had been loading animals on the big ark that they had built. It was rumored that Noah had been declaring that God was about to destroy the earth with water. No one was overly concerned about these rumors. There had been rumors like this for about 120 years. On that fateful day Noah and his family crowded into the ark and God shut the door. God Himself sealed the door so that no one from the outside could get in and no one on the inside could get out. Then there was the sound of thunder. The heavens above turned into a stormy darkness and the earth beneath began to quake as the subterranean waters began to burst up from under the earth. The waters began to rise and it continued for forty days and forty nights. By the time the siege of rain and water had reached it climax the whole earth was covered with water. Even the mountain peaks were submerged under the water. Every living thing upon the earth except those sheltered in the ark had been destroyed by the water. It was judgment day. The scriptures repeatedly call attention to the destruction of that Day of Judgment as an encouragement for us to prepare for another day of judgment. While this first dramatic Day of Judgment involved water, the final Day of Judgment will involve fire. It is important that you and I learn the lesson that preparation for the judgment day is an urgent matter. I want us to look at this chapter so that we can see God involved in an act of judgment. This is a chapter in which God Himself is revealed as the Judge for all the earth. I. GOD PRESERVES HIS OWN IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. Other than God the focus in this chapter is upon Noah and his sons. This is somewhat surprising since there were millions of people destroyed in this watery judgment. Yet, the focus is upon those that were saved and not those that were lost. God is seen preserving his own in the Day of Judgment. 1. His own are marked by faith. While the word “faith” does not occur in this extended account of the Day of Judgment, Noah and his sons were people of faith. What they did on that day is interpret in the New Testament as being “by faith.” Actually, the inspired record as given by Moses says that they “obeyed” the Lord. “And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.” This is simply another way of saying that Noah believed God or placed his faith in God. Noah and his family were bound together by a common trust in the God of creation who had spoken to Noah. This is the mark that identifies with God’s people consistently in scripture. From Genesis to the conclusion in Revelation God is seen as having a people, and His people trust and obey Him. Those who trust and obey Him are the ones that He preserves in the Day of Judgment. 2. His power protects his own. While Noah built the ark, it is God who preserves His people. The record reads, “The animals going in were m ale and female of every living thing as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.” There is an interesting contrast in this verse. “God” translates the Hebrew word “Elohim.” Elohim is the name of God associated with His power in creation. Elohim is the mighty Creator God. The word translated “Lord” is Jehovah or Yahweh. Yahweh is the covenant name of God. It is interesting that Noah is pictured as obeying the mighty God of creation. But it is God as the covenant keeping God who shuts him into the ark and preserves him. Our safety in the final Day of Judgment will depend upon the covenant keeping character of our God and His mighty power to do what He has promised to do. If he does not keep covenant with His people, then we will be without hope. If He is not able to do all things, then we will be in trouble in the day of judgment. But our God is the God who is able to preserve those who trust in Him when the storms of judgment come. 3. His purposes for his own continue beyond the judgment. Those who were preserved by God in Noah’s ark were preserved because God had purpose for them beyond the Day of Judgment. The animals that were in the ark were to be the means of repopulating the animal kingdom. For this reason the unclean animals were brought in two by two and the clean animals were brought in seven by seven. There were more of the clean animals because they could be used both for food and sacrifice once the flood waters had subsided. Noah and his sons and their wives came into the ark and were preserved because God had purpose for them beyond the flood. They were to be the first family in the repopulation of the earth. God would work through Noah and his sons as he had earlier worked through Adam and his sons. This family would be the means of filling the earth up with sons and daughters. In that final and awful Day of Judgment God will preserve His own because He has eternal purposes for them. While His purpose for Noah and his family was earthly and temporal, His purposes for us will be heavenly and eternal. But God can and will preserve His own in the Day of Judgment. This is a tremendous source of encouragement to the child of God. You need not worry about any threatened day of judgment if you are a person of faith and obedience. If you are a person of faith and obedience, God will protect and preserve you when the storm of judgment breaks upon the planet earth. II. GOD DESTROYS HIS ENEMIES IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. We can learn about the ways of God in judgment in this chapter. God Himself is revealed as the judge of all the earth in these acts of destruction. 1. The destruction of His enemies was complete. His enemies were not maimed or injured, but rather destroyed. Listen to the inspired account of how God said He would act and then acted. “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I helped make.” And then listen to the record of how it actually happened, “For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth and the ark floated on the surface of the water. They rose greatly on the earth and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The water rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. Every living thing that moved on the earth perished - birds, livestock, and wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth and all mankind.” The destruction of humankind was complete. When God moves in judgment He knows how to destroy. The God who made us knows how to bring us to destruction. 2. The destruction is universal. This brings up a point of discussion concerning what happened in the flood. Scholars have questioned whether or not we are to understand that the flood was actually universal in that it covered the whole earth. They have contended that the flood was actually local and covered only that part of the earth where man had spread. This would have involved primarily that section around the Euphrates in the Middle East. They believe that the description that we have in Genesis 7 is actually a phenomenal description. From the perspective of Noah and his family the flood was universal in that it covered everything that they were familiar with. But these scholars would contend that there were sections of the earth that Noah and his family was not familiar with that were not covered. It seems rather apparent as you read the record that Moses would have us believe that the flood was universal. The language he uses is descriptive of something that encompasses the whole earth. While there are some problems geologically and scientifically relating to a universal flood, those problems can be solved when you remember that the flood was the activity of the sovereign God of this universe. We are not dealing with some phenomena within nature but we are dealing with a divine visitation upon the earth in the form of water. Until there is some better explanation from the God who gave us the Bible I feel safer in declaring to you that the judgment was universal. Every living being on the earth perished in the flood. The populating of the earth started all over again when the hundred and fifty days of the flood were concluded. 3. The destruction is eternal. When you put this event into the context of all scripture, you begin to understand that something more than physical destruction overtook Noah’s generation. They not only perished physically, they perished eternally. That generation was condemned to eternal separation from God. Indeed they are held up as a warning to our own generation lest we fall into the same plight that overtook them. Those faced with the possibility of the final judgment are in danger of taking it for granted, treating it lightly and being overtaken with the judgment without proper preparation. The judgment is the sovereign creator God’s way of dealing with the persistent rebellion of his creation and bringing the creation into conformity for His purposes. We need to be warned that the judgment of God is certain. The destruction of that judgment is a fearful thing. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. III. GOD REVEALS HIMSELF IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. As we read this account of the flood in that ancient world, we need to see more than water. We need to see God. The judgment was a revelation of God. 1. A revelation of His holiness. It was the sin of man, his continual rebellion against the Creator, his persistence in a life indulgence and immorality that brought the judgment upon the earth. God was responding to the offensive behavior of man. The reason God responded in this way is that God is holy. God cannot condone or overlook sin. Being the kind of person He is, He must react to human transgression in judgment. If there is any need for a reminder of the holiness of God, all you need to do is read this chapter. The Creator God is holy. He has no sin in Himself and He cannot come to agreement with sin in His creation. Sin must be judged and destroyed wherever it is found. 2. The revelation of His sovereignty and power. The God of creation is the mighty God. He is Elohim. He not only has the power to create, He has the power to destroy. A flood that literally submerged the earth with water is a revelation of His mighty power. Accompanying His power is His sovereignty, His kingship over the creation. As the King of all the earth He is dealing mightily with rebellion in His kingdom. In the kingdom of humankind rebellion has been introduced so the King must act decisively to deal with this rebellion. This is the way that you and I are to understand this terrible flood that submerged the earth. God is revealed as the sovereign and mighty God. 3. The revelation of His faithfulness. He is not only the God of holiness; He is also the God of truth and faithfulness. We see Him making a promise to Noah and his family and keeping that promise. He promises to preserve Noah and his family so they are preserved. God does what He said He will do. The next chapter will open with the words “But God remembered Noah.” God remembered the promise that He had made to Noah and he kept it. The God of judgment is a God of faithfulness. He will not allow the righteous to be condemned with the unrighteous. He will not destroy those who have put their faith in Him along with those who have refused to obey him. He will preserve His own in faithfulness. There is another day of judgment just ahead. The same God who acted in judgment upon the ancient world will act in judgment again. His holiness, might, and faithfulness will be revealed again in that final day of judgment. Noah and his family were ready for their Day of Judgment. They had received the Word of God and acted upon the Word of God. Are you ready for that final Day of Judgment? If you have received the Word of God and you are obeying the Word of God then you are ready for the Day of Judgment. If you are living in rebellion against God and you are resisting the will of God, then you are not ready for the Day of Judgment. I appeal to you tonight with urgency in my heart to prepare for the coming Day of Judgment. God has judged the earth once with water! He will judge the earth the next time with fire! Prepare yourself. |