Don't Miss Your Oppurtunity
The Rabbis would debate this issue and the way that they settled the matter was, they said if we are found worthy when He comes, then He will come on the clouds with great glory, but if we are found unworthy then He will come humble riding on a donkey.
You see this kind would come in riding on a donkey, lowly and meek. But He is now sitting at the right hand of the Father and one day He is coming back in the clouds
I heard about an individual, one time, who was arrested for a crime, and he indeed was guilty. But, he thought perhaps he could find mercy in the court because the judge that was sitting on the bench had one time represented this man as a lawyer. And, the judge said to him, “I’m sorry to inform you of this, but I can show absolutely no partiality on your point. At that time, I was your lawyer to represent you, but now I am your judge to judge you.” And, I want to tell you this, folks: that if you do not allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Savior, you will meet Him as your judge.
He wept Over their Hardened Hearts and Their Shallow Religion
He Wept Over their Missed Opportunity
Daniel prophesied that the Messiah was to come in 483 years from a particular date. And that particular date was from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem. The command to restore and build Jerusalem was given by Artaxerxes the king on May 14, 445 BC. Now the Bible teaches, therefore, that in 483 years—and a biblical year of prophecy is 360 days; if you extrapolate that out and multiply that, in 173,880 days—Messiah would come.
Now, my dear friend, historians and Bible scholars have worked this out, and they have studied the calendars, and they have calculated, and they can tell you that Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was on April 6, 32 AD, exactly, minutely, to the day that the prophet Daniel had prophesied. When Messiah the prince would come—483 years—it was prophesied. You say, “Well, they didn’t know.” They should have known. They could have known. They ought to have known