Sunday April 14. 2019
Going to be here. Going to celebrate. the king Text Lisa.
In the book of Zechariah 9 verse 9 says cry out with joy.
Viola joyal daughter Zion The shout jubilantly o Daughters of Jerusalem. Look, it's a call to peer into the future here in to what's going to be taking Flex. Is more than just right now? More to come your King is Coming. is righteous is able to serve become seated humbly on a donkey and a colt and a foal of a donkey.
And here's the voice of Zechariah 400-plus years prior to this to these as he prophesize on this particular day in Jerusalem knowing as we have is Palm Sunday. Which we happily name? And I if you've been around churches for a while, you know, it are often palm branches much like this at a given maybe the children and they were one around the sanctuary and then you sing Hosanna. It was a party.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and his many songs have been written about it as many celebrations around this but how much are we aware of what takes place until this morning? I want to give up. a bit of a a Hebrew lesson
in Twining and intermingled some of the Jewish culture to understand fully what took place as Jesus entered into Jerusalem.
Does Melania go to Millenia go?
And I have to say that we're fairly ignorant for sure of of the culture of of Jesus's day. And it comes to the triumphal entry. We want to look a little bit more of this and it and become a little bit more educated to my goal is to move from teacher. And then it's a preacher this morning was taking place in the passage of scripture roulette red earlier from Matthew chapter 21. But before we go to Matthew 21, we have to understand what's taking place. We take you back to to Exodus in the beginning of excess mortar in the middle of the Connex this 12 where God gives a certain command to the Hebrew people.
We going to listen.
think about the Exodus The little mindset was taking place for the the Hebrews now we know about Egypt we know about rameses perhaps Pharaoh the pyramids that were built all is going to stop it was understood that the slaves of Egypt were the ones who did all the erection of those of those Monument many of them of course would have been the Hebrews during those couple hundred years that they were in slavery to the Egyptian.
Wasn't easy for them? And they cried out for their savior to come and rescue them and finally that doubt that Dad Don. And we have the beginnings of the plagues that took place as Moses came in to let my people go.
Pharaoh goes no way hardens his heart. We see the plague begin to convey the frogs in the blood. And what other ones are there. There's darkness and locusts. boil the nasty stuff Is farro is still going forget about it not doing it. Funny Moses went back in to listen. I'm giving you a serious ultimatum here. It says God hardened his heart. God hardened his heart. That is a whole other preaching that right there as well. When you can Harden your heart for so long.
And then it turns it goes. You know, what? Enough is enough. Anyway their hardness heart. That's what I'm going to send the angel of death.
It's going to go through the nation of Egypt know who are there and will kill all the firstborn in that nation. And the only way to be absolved from that and get out from underneath that kill a perfect lamb or goat. You said you were too slow to that lab and then place the door the blood on the doorpost and they were to even consume all of it that evening and as they do that that evening the the angel of death over at home and not touch.
This is what the command was given that day as Moses received from the Lord about how they were to do this procedure. Tell the whole community of Israel on the 10th day of this month each man has to take a lamb first family one for each household. Number six just take care of them. That is the lamp take the lamp. Take care of it until the 14th day. So you select the Lamb on the 10th day. You have it in your possession. You have it in your home you are to observe the Atlantic says Until the 14th say why are you observing the lamp?
If you spin off of that, but what are the reasons would be you add to make sure? The lamb was absolutely perfect. There could not be a tear in the ear could not be a small spot of a blemish on it color black whatever the case has. It had to be 100% 4 days which section
And then on the 14th day of that month because no one in the calendar As Nice on an Ascend. I like my truck 1s less and I guess they had a son. And then it is really the committee the members of the community of Israel. Must Slaughter those laugh at Twilight sun is gone there dark is starting to come in the Jewish tradition. The day does not begin in the morning. Like we have sick that should begin to me. I thought they start their dick. So the Sabbath would begin at Twilight about Thursday.
So this is a command that she's given to the Israelites by God. It says take a lamb take the lamp. Keep that in the back your head the whole body of tick. This is actually the first continuous command given to the nation of Israel. And it was a annuals to take place annually on this particular day the 19th day of the month of December the 14th of the month in the Sun. So that's helping you get to the backdrop of what is taking place here.
And that Passover celebrations were taking place to remember this event in Egypt. And it wasn't just a small deal for the juice. This was a pretty big deal. In fact, it was understood that you as a Jew would be practicing this and we have to make your pilgrimage to Jerusalem What's a couple times you like least once? It says this time with Jesus was entering into Jerusalem. It was recorded that there were hundreds of thousands of people will be coming into Jerusalem this week. Josephus Historian actually says million. You get an idea of how big this party is? This is absolutely breathtaking. The crowd was in an uproar you imagine a couple hundred thousand people who been in a stadium to watch football or soccer match or roll. It takes place when there's a goal is scored think along that lacks always take his place that day.
Your party they prepared for the Sabbath. Tell them that observant day on that day of the the 10th and the sun it was called lamb selection day. Misses the day as was commanded by God and back in Egypt that the Jews were to select four days before the Passover meal the perfect laugh meaning it had to be absolutely unlimited everywhere it so you can imagine if there's hundreds of thousands of sojourners, but not necessarily bringing their herds with them. Don't be a very economical productive Marketplace for sup. Wasn't it said negative thing but Jesus after he enters into this goes into the temple and it doesn't cleanse it because of the Distortion. I was taking place you're allowed to sell stuff that was part of it. So the Lambs were being brought into Jerusalem and worshippers could come and select their lab there.
The only way I could liken this celebration is we we have something similar where we select a particular animal for a fee. It would be rather Thanksgiving. Even more so to our neighbors in the South the American Thanksgiving the free big deal down people go out of their way to make sure they go to particular Farmers to grab their their turkey or whatever they do to celebrate so you can understand the importance of the selection of this animal for a second. No one was killed on that evening of the 14th, which would be on the Thursday in the story of Jesus's last week a muddy Thursday. It's about a Thursday counting back four days lands on the 10th and the song which is on Sunday. This is lamb.
There's your history lesson. There's your education. Now. Let's bring this into application. What does this mean for us now?
Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a full of a donkey or young donkey on that day the 10th of May.
The gate that he entered through was called the Sheep gate. In the Sheep gate was only used for this celebration. It was also the gate and which all those lands that would be coming into Jerusalem for lamps election day would have come in through that gate only the perfect unblemished lamb that were to be offered for sacrifice came through that gate. Jesus came through that dick do know where the Lambs had to come from.
The Lambs were all selected and raised by the Sadducees in the valley in around the city of Bethany. Only from Bethlehem the baby take to enter into Jerusalem. That name rings a bell. Jesus born
Talk about the Precision and accuracy of the word of God and God bless and just this little area of the scripture. You see the throat. God is a god of music. Does leave any stone unturned?
It's amazing to think about the orchestration and symbolism then of what is taking place here as Jesus entered into Jerusalem prophecy of Zechariah. 9:9 cry out with joy Daughters of Zion show. Look your King is Coming.
Hallelujah Hosanna are. 6 it goes back even further. About the sacrifice Zacharias. Zechariah's prophecy started way back in the beginning in Genesis. When Abraham is commanded take your son. Go up to the hilltop and offered as a sacrifice and as they're going you can imagine as I we we talked into this before. Abraham is there and Isaac his young son is with him and Isaac sisters father. I have the fire with a fire. We got the wood or where's the sacrifice? And his father respond Abraham respond. God will provide.
Genesis all the way through to Zechariah the end of the Prophet like unto the day of Jesus. God has now provided the final unblemished sacrifice coming through the Sheep gate with all the unblemish lands on lamps election-day heading towards Castle. That's only part of the orchestration in Perfection of God in his plant.
We see in Revelation. John records that the angels are singing in the All Around The Throne or worthy Worthy is the Lamb who was slain crisis was revealed. Here's a Passover Lamb just to make sure we don't miss it. God sent his son into Jerusalem Accords on that same day. The people are selecting their lands for the past fifteen hundred years this weekend. Paul says in 1st Corinthians 5:7 for Christ Our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed.
Hebrews 7:27 says he sacrificed for sins once for all when he offered himself.
Hebrews 9:28 Christ was sacrificed to take away the sins of many people people.
In the theme runs through even John the baptizer envisage is approaching. You said what Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Your redeem with the precious blood of Christ as Peter Lamb without blemish or spot.
The final Book of Revelation again overcome by the blood of the Lamb.
so powerful
Is it going to detail he's a god of precision and the date and the time I've been fixed since the foundation of the world and everything was planned down to the Last Detail. Connected and every piece and puzzle fit exactly for that triumphal entry.
Elmo the crowds at Hope for this triumphant King this warrior. King. God had a different Battle Pack.
We battle not against flesh and blood but that's our natural default thinking after the people are celebrating that day. No doubt. They weren't quite sure yet didn't get it quite yet. God's plan was no we battle against principalities and Powers rulers of this dark world, and I'm about to throw those down.
I sent his son. How many died on that Passover feast. Save us from sins.
Lance election day
Matthew 21 verse 6 we read earlier
Does the two disciples were given a command or told to go and grab this donkey? So I want to try this is part of it into our messages. We ever launched into the the preaching aspect of this message. I'll be tracking with any questions so far. Yeah, yeah.
Yep, it was sleep without with rest the flocks and then we have to go select another lamb or join another family for part of that Passover. Minutes was a family reunions of epicodus a Biblical proportions.
I don't know if I want to make it too big of a deal of this this command that Jesus gave the disciples cuz none of the the three records that we have in the gospel say who the disciples were out of the 12 that went. I don't know. When I say around Apostles live another 12th is not mention. It says they were commanded to go. I know if I receive this in my nature, I would have a problem with this. I'm not a I'm not a really bald guy to come up as if you said hey, I want you to go down the street. You're going to find a Camaro to 67 Camaro. It's got the keys in it and the doors are open. So just open up the door grab the key start it up and bring it by the Lord as needed. I mean that's kind of similar to what's going on. It's not their donkey.
Maybe so maybe so maybe I can feel it to see it or something like that. It was the right of the day it was and it was very specific. I mean this has been prophesied back is Zechariah 2. It was one donkey Powerman. That's all this one hat.
But I love it because but Matthew takes the time to record and verse 6 by saying the two disciples did as Jesus commanded. That's all it is. One of the disciples did Jesus commit. I got to take on this. I went back to my one of my primary theological resources in The Skit Guys, and they do a great rendition of this so we can get that video up on their pleasing. a hookup for volume
All right, let's do it.
But you know, there's not much packed in 462.
But there's a lot of Truth in that around the whole Arena. Do you trust it? Can you surrender to the one who surrendering himself? The disciples Russell just as we did in our faith grappling with who is Jesus Christ and being able to surrender to him cuz if it comes down to it, we got to treat we have that choice all the time just because you made a choice in a particular area arena of your life 20 years ago 10 years ago 20 days ago. It doesn't change about choosing him still right now. For your particular need experience dilemma.
the First Command that God gave to the people is holy people was to take
In the word take year in the Hebrew, maybe but your Hebrew lesson right now is the word laconic. Like I said it with me like a hawk and it literally means to take so that's how it's translated all the way back in Exodus. Take a left. But if you go to the Strong's Concordance in the Bible, you look up the word like how they can be translated in numerous ways. And you know what every way works and every way as an application. Let me walk you through this. It could also mean. to bring so bring a lap. Bring the lap.
Jesus was brought. The lamb has brought the back of a donkey. the folder Jesus fulfills his own format God fulfills the command through Jesus the Same bring lamp. However, like asking also mean to Merchant purchase a lamp purchase a lamp
Where do you see Jesus being purchased? and by who
Who purchased? Who purchased? religious leaders the high priest it was only the high priest do on the day of atonement can offer the sacrifice for the people once a year only the high priest. Who orchestrated the purchasing of Jesus Through Judas?
Fulfilled to the letter of the law of the land. That was to be story.
It also meant. since black
where do we see Jesus being see? I'll text you the words that using the gospel. Into the Garden of Gethsemane uses get up. arbitrary
and the guards sees Jesus and the apostles
prophecy being fulfilled one after another
seize the lap
or there's one more. aloha means this is very pregnant breasts. Remember, this is neuropathy. Misra C. received Save-A-Lot in this is truly the alpha command at the beginning the first commandment. It's a Perpetual commandment given to Israel by God and it plays out in our day if lays out in our lives it plays out right now. Receive the lap receive the lamp. It's not only the elephant man. It's only the first it's actually Omega Commandments as well. As you know in the alpha the Omega the 8th is that if you will in the in the Hebrew alphabet. Y Omega because all of world history is waiting for this commandment to actually be fulfilled. To seize a hold of the lamp to receive the lamp to purchase and I be purchased by the lamp. And one day is it says it's flipping every knee will bow Every Me Every tongue confess the Paul speaks to us in Romans chapter 9 and 10 and 11 about the the call of the the Jews finally when they receive the lamp. and that day when the Full Count comes it. In the Fulfillment of the final prophecy here the Omega. Can I all God's people received the last? It's not still to come before us right now for us living right now in this day on this on 10th lamb selection day. Will you receive the lamp? Will you appropriate that sacrifice? For who you are and your experience right now and for your family over this next year. Lawson we have that opportunity to do that.
Receive the land.
Did you receive the lamb?
It's crucial for us.
The movie on just the milk of scripture just a milk of what God wants to give us as infants who want to grow into the meat of what God wants to show us. I believe God is calling us as a church. As a people of God into deeper things of God and with every step into deeper things with God comes the importance of appropriated and receiving the lab for each one of those steps.
After this the first one of the first actions that Jesus does is he goes into the temple? And what does he do there?
He causes an uproar in the temple. Lamb of God in the temple with a holy indignation He cleanses says he cleanses the temple. The temple was a holy play. The temple was to be the presence of God. We are called as it says in Corinthians.
The spirit resides within and the spirit of Christ the lamb who was slain resides within us, you know that he's knocking on door in our lives.
He wants to take a cleansing of our Temple.
Because we start to get little smelly.
The world has a way of doing and what often happens is a dolphin to smelling us up while we think and behave to delete. the cleansing of the temple is the cleansing of her whole body body mind and
it's at that place of our soul. My God wants to work in Connecticut.
You read a scripture that God says that the spirit of God divides joint and Marrow. Write the word of God rather divisive split its spirit and soul and we we exist our spirit was their Spirit or spirit is the internal part of us, isn't it? It's the part. When we respond our sphere response to Christ. We have a call to him to come and confess and Believe on the name of the largest friend said then we will be what say hosanna
Inner spirit is saved. It is set apart. It has been cleansed and Washed by the blood of Christ. And if he just talks with a physician Lee we are set apart. We are staying to fight with me is made holy and we are seated with Christ in the Heavenly. That's our position. The issue is we also have a soul the soul about who we are dies with the body or spirit with one, but God wants to do a work in our soul these days. A deep cleansing work of our soul. It is in the soul. Where we allow the uproars of our life to take place. It's often in our soul and we have the door closed, but God wants to knock on it says hey.
Anyone hears my voice. Let me enter it and I will dine with him. It is not clear the table. Reset protect death is fine linen and silverware and cleanse.
The demoniac know what just went across the sea they go up into those ruined as a demon possessed guy. This guy is not bar. He's got broken shackles. People don't want to be around them. He's naked probably Eric Munoz.
And Jesus begins to deal with his soul. The demons begin to manifest you to send them away. I'm dealing with you one, but one I believe Jesus was around us. Russell maybe listening to things we don't need to be listening to exposed to things. We don't need to be exposed to that are soul. I've allowed an entry point. Now I'm going into some pretty crazy stuff, but this is biblical stuff.
Some see people saying I've been talked in the round of the some other individuals around us.
The spirit absolutely not but I wonder about the soul.
was that
So there's something about the Soul and Spirit. God wants to minister to school.
And that's where the work of God and he gave us if he wants to move into a sexy a day my friend you talk about where we going at the church. That's it is before I don't want to just do church with sacred to the church. You want to experience the power of the Living God like you are right now. Webster think about this morning's reflecting on this little while ago Lisa talked about her neck being healed God touched with no pain. We prayed for a dear sister just the other day right here. We've is a spiritual issue and she's give testimony how she was feeling like from the inside out. There was something crawling in her and causing all sorts of deal with the issues of the soul and some stuff around forgiveness and release. Right. Now that is the ministry of the spirit of the Lamb of God wants to do that in his day. That's just happened last month. Very Community. How much more does God want to do in a if we surrender to the last so I see a day. Where Ministry teams after church or working on people? the spirit of God missing from all the bun walking sleep the silence the voices in our heads.
You won't succeed.
You got no one talking about the God wants to work.
What are we got to work in that?
Do you want to see that I see that not only here but I see that I see a day when we would talk in his leadership team wanted to have Ministry teams that out that we would Post Street pastors. Ministers from our community of faith that are trained up just to play walk around the area to listen to the spirit of God ghost to talk about you just want to be a Ministry of presence of the presents come in. The power of God said he was going to take place.
I see a day when our ministry centers. Well, we open those doors are people going to be attractive because it's a place of threat. I'm putting in some strategies around. What do you want house? How best to use our ministry Center? We want to get a frame to that as well. That's going to show it reveal what these days are like for us.
Excited. That's just a touch.
We've been saved from death. Right into light. Christ promise was It's A Life That's to the fullest. Been the same passage of scripture talks. The thief comes to kill and destroy. That's the voice of the enemy and eversource.
I've come to give life. electrical
our team to come up and we want to have an opportunity for you to respond
I bet you just to close your eyes with me this morning.
The leading up to this point, I believe as we've been exercising and knowing the need to go into that quiet place that place of solitude to hear the voice of the savior.
I want to pray for that this morning as we sing a song. You can choose the same just be silent. Listen. So God, we pray. Did you come? Your spirit is promised. You set the the counselor
and used to come to I just bring understanding and and and convince the world of Christ.
to empower the believer for perfective service and holy living And then I pray that we fall short all too often in that vein.
We pray for the ministry now of your spirit to our very Souls.
We silence the voice of the Enemy by Jesus name and we ask God you come and Minister bring your voice there. Teach us to hear the voice of the shepherd. Speak to us.