Forgive Them Father For They Know Not What They Do

Palm Sunday Mass 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord Discipleship Not amking strnage allighances wiht the world at the expence of the innocent and our friedship wiht Jesus

Jesus the promised Messiah triumphantly entered Jerusalem on that special day and many of his disciples cry out blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest, waving their palm branched. Jesus entered on that final week of his life that Holy Week to fulfill his passion death and resurrection from the dead, the foundation of our Christian faith, that we are going to be celebration this coming Thursday, Friday Saturday and Sunday.
It was at the crucifixion site that Jesus said, Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. But who are them? The soldiers who were mocking him cruelly nailing him to the cross, Pilate, Herod, and Jewish authorities who had the power, who know the truth and the facts yet they failed to carryout justice for an innocent man instead freed a criminal. Three times Pilate said I find no guilt in this man, not guilty what has he done? Then sent Jesus to Herod who could not find anything. What’s more even more grievous is that Pilot and Herod who used to be enemies perhaps for good reason, became instant friends that very day! a friendship based on politics, and injustice, they both had the power to stop it but didn’t and that crowed didn’t know any better.
Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Could them, be also some in this generation? Who know what is right and just and have a power to stop injustice but still make strange alliances at the expense of the innocent and at the expense of our friendship with Jesus? But Jesus knows well, he knows even we know what we do or not, he is full of mercy, always ready to forgive for the asking and with outstretched arms embraces and bless us. Let us come and adore him praise and exhaust him this Holy Week, dedicate ourselves to him disciples. Let us say together from our hearts waving our Palm branches blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest. AMEN
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